Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 354 Last War (Subscribe)

The New Emperor is also a round of reward, the Jubi of the Jun, the increase of the increase of the increase, some people don't do it, because there is a good mother, it is sealed, more soldiers in the sand field. , It is not possible to seal.

The world is like this, and Qi Ti has no idea to change, and he has not made a determination to the capitalism of the feudal society.

Normal society, this is not normal society, who knows what will happen, he can only reform, relying on the new dynasty, reinforce the power, at least there will be too fast to have left and right emperor waste door valve .

In May, the first year of Jianxing, I got to Luoyang and rushed to Yucheng and started to win the army.

A large number of high-order talents were transferred to Yucheng, they can't fight, everyone has a feeling: this is probably the final leader of the generals.

When you are a prince, can you have a long time?

Originally this time Liu She didn't want to let the singularity, but in order to insure, the singularity or decided to go.

The graph and Yuan Tong will not die, he will not come back.

As for the last Return of the Land, he can't take care of it, it can only be faked.


"The picture is taken away from the leader. This is the first, it should be Luoyang. It does not destroy us. We don't have to give it!" Ji City, Yuan Tong said to the front of the Wushu, "This quiet is afraid to can't keep it." "

"The grassland is behind, the territory is still big!" Said the picture, "Daddy, see if he does not care, don't you have to kill?"

He is not in the city, if you can't do it, learn the humble, the Xiongnu, all the way to migrate, you can't let Liu Yu have to bite him.

Even if he is, he must also get the final.

Otherwise, once you die, you will be big enough.

"You can go, but I can't do it, You can move." Yuan Tong helpless, "It's hard to learn to learn you, go to the grassland Ru Mao to drink blood."

"That is what, I am used to these years." The picture said, "said that it is too late, or you wake up too late, if you can wake up with Liu Wei, you will not be better than him."

"I am too much, starting from a small squad, walking to this point today, is fighting for death."

"No way, for a few years later, everything is different." Yuan Tong said, "But, the picture takes the leader, don't you feel doubts?"

"What do you mean?" Asked.

"Our mission in this world is to occupy a big man in halfzhou county, and there is no need to say that it must be alone in the prompt, does it mean that only someone completes the task, this world is over?"

"It should be the case." The picture said, "What is it?"

"Liu Wei is now far beyond this goal, why is this world mission?" Yuan Tong said, "I still say that he is not the same as us, his mission is not this?"

"Right, do you know how many reincarnations are there?"

"Who knows, many rounds back to the world, you think you, in fact, many people are hidden, probably except for the main god, no one knows." The picture said, "Ascending, he is not the same as our mission, I think I think You are too heavy. "

"If you don't have the main god, will you treat it, or you think there is another primary god?"

"Don't think too much, I think that Liu Wei is deliberate, didn't see him, I have been dragging or going to the front desk, until now Liu Tu is the highest leader in the name, Liu Wei is just a substitute, the main god is of course not to complete the task "

"This Liu Wei is very big, you want to kill us all, he will go to the front desk, which is an independence of this world. This I have to admire, or you can learn in the next time."

"Is this? I hope so!" Yuan Tongtou said.

This explanation is perfect, but Yuan Tong still has doubts, but the war is currently pressed.

I feel, there is no evidence, or don't waste time.

Can you always have a vulnerability?


In June, the army was born, and the strange tattoo placed on the trend of the north of Zhangzhou. On the other side, the cavalry had already been in the clouds, the Yanmen departed, not in the county, but prepared to cut off the county. path of.

After arriving in Zhongshan State, Qi Ti has not attacked Yuan Tong's stronghold in Zhongshan, and the chart finally found the intention of the big Han army. So the strange quarter is no longer hidden, the army is dispatched, and the high-end Wenchen military commander has shot, soon breaking Tang counties, continue in the north, ready to be directly in the county in Zhongshan.

The strange purpose is clear, first solving the stronger Mouli's leader of the Moulin, and then attack Yuan Tong.

After all, Yuan Tong can't walk. If he abandoned the soil, the strange counteor would be more happy. If he is the army, he is no longer a threat, it is easy to defeat.

The graphics found the odd purpose, I want to return it too late.

Although only 20,000 cavalry from the grassland package, even if it is less than half of the draw, most of these army can't live in the fierce, there is Lizhou Ma Teng, Han Yu, and even a monk. Cavalry, there is a cavalry that Zhang embroidered has been leading, and there is also an elite selection from the state, and Zhangzhou Downtown ...

And Lu Su, Zhong Rong newly recruited cavalry, is to act together with the stylist.

Not only soldiers, but will be fierce.

Ma Teng's old will not say, Zhang embroidery, Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Zhang Liao, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Cao Chun and other more than ten gods, plus the ribernary of the army, and make up for the shortcomings of the force.

Directly is a frontal charge, the target directs the map of the middle army.

The graph has been in the border, and there are many fierce charges, and Yuan Shao can't gather so many gods.

No matter how he is transferring, the soldiers are surrounded, the goal of this army is always unchanged, completely departing from the so-called cavalry war.

I can't escape, I can't walk, then I can only fight.

For a long time, less than a few tens of thousands of rides of the sky, the seventeen eight falls, the chills that were killed, many people are no longer complied with the flag of the map, start to escape.

Then, I opened the prelude to the big army.

One battle, Wu Hui, the graph is not escaping, and finally fight.

Then, the Qi Ti Dadao returned to the state, facing the strength of the big man, Yuan Tong could only convene people to the city, but it was just a sorrow, but I was broken in the city for a month.

It is not that he is too abolished, but the army led this army, gathering a group of people in the era of three countries, no one can stop.

Replace it into a normal world or can struggle.

Yuan Dong chose to surrender, he wants to answer his doubts.

I didn't see you, and I will be directed directly.

Then, he sent a man to pick up the county of Qizhou County, and he sent Zhou Yu to rate the army, expedition Liaodong Gongshun Kang.

Gongsun Kang had already received the news of the court of the court to attack the Qianzhou, in the face of the court of the army, did not dare to fight, and surrendered.

Zhou Yu's omitialism, continuing to the south, attacking the high Sreth, occupying the peninsula, set the county county, and then returning.

This war is from the beginning to the end, less than half a year. The real battle time is very short, all are in the march road.

At the end of the first year, the singular returned to Luoyang.

This is the last battle of the world, since then, no longer leads.

There is only Yizhou.

I have already started early, and I'm looked.

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