Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 356 Identity Exposure (Subscribe)

The sun rises in the sun.

At the dangerous mountain, a man is slowly adding. Take a breath, spit out a long white practice.

Dressed in single clothes, but in the elevated mountain, there is no cold.

It seems that the young figure, but there is a sense of vicissitudes.

He is no longer young.

This person is odd.


"Go out!" He suddenly said.

Then a person appeared at the angle, it is the reincarnation of the reincarnation.

"You have improved!" Zu'an sighed.

"Slightly income, the power is satisfactory." Said Qi Ti.

Yes, there is no extra reincarnation point, more than 20 years of hard work, and the integrity of all the exercises and skills will cultivate him to the highest realm before the monk.

Not only before those, these years, he also learned a lot of exercises, skills, skills, forestry, all kinds of all kinds, simple, and complex.

His qualifications are still nice, so many years of hard work has not been in vain, and finally complement the last short board today, and the spirit is smashed, and the spirit is repaired to achieve the peak.

Compared with the gas, the refining is late for too many years. In these years, his mana is gradually profound, and the body is increasing, and it has been suppressed without the promotion. But he feels that he is now in the war.

Of course, just think that there is no monopolity to give him tricks. Since the arrival of the generals in the year, the martial arts of him will never be discovered with him.

I left Luoyang in that year, I want to find a left cry. Unfortunately, I have never seen the left cry of the same or two years. I didn't have any traces of Ge Xuan, and after going to Jiangdong, I didn't know if I was too small. It is said to be a fairy.

After that, I went to the Zu'an, and I went all the way, I went many places, Zhang Ling Chengdao's Emei Mountain has been there, without any gains.

So he no longer inquiries, it took a lot of mountain rivers, walking and stopping, the top of the top, came to this peak, and completed the last short board today.

"So, when I got the last showdown?" Zuan said.

"You all know?" Asked Qi.

"People who are stupid, this circle is forbidden for more than 20 years, will also open it." Zuan said, "You and our mission are different, right?"

"Perhaps." Strange countless.

"My mission is to occupy the big and half-Wilong Jiangshan, so that the primary god can plunder this world," Zu'an said, "What about you, what is your mission?"

"You guess!" I laughed.

"This time, still not willing to say?" Zuan said, "When I was originally banned, I was still anger. I want suicide to end the task early, but suddenly the light flashed, and I found that the task has not failed."

"Before recalling, you are already the emperor of the big man, unified this country, pressing my mission is failing, but the main god has not prompted, which represents your mission and I am different."

"So I gave up suicide, just want to see what you want to do? I didn't expect this to be more than 20 years." Zu'an sighed.

"You are very patience."

This year is a small person who is despicable for life, it becomes very wise.

Return, there is no good relationship. I wanted to kill him in the battlefield several times, I was very coming.

"I have been waiting for a long time, I will have no time to go out and they are generally different." Zu'an said, "Are you not a reincarnation? Or, are you not our turn back to the Temple? Your mission? Is it killing these people? "

"Once you kill all reincarnations, you have to return, so stay me now?"

"You just want it!" Strange countless.

Sure enough, the vest uses more, and it will be exposed.

How many times?

"You can't disclose it, I understand." Zu'an one looks like a person, "Do you disclose? Who is serving? Another main god, or heaven?" He asked in a whisper, but also finger.

"Your ceremony is big enough!" Odd, "Even if you shoot the garde, I can't say it."

"You have to die, the mission failed, and if there is a idle heart?"

"Nothing, you can't die, the reincarnation point is enough to cancel the punishment." Zu'an said, "As long as I can get some news from His Majesty, I will go back to turn to countless rounds."

"No wonder you can endure more than 20 years, it turned out to be hit this idea," odd, "but you won't say anything."

"You don't have to say more. Everyone is not a public." Zuan said, "Is it necessary to get into the bottom? Or next we can cooperate."

"Then wait for the next time to say, who can guarantee a good meeting." Strange said, "What is your name?"

"Your Majesty is still called me, I like this name." The reincarnation did not reveal the real name, "What I want to know," I want to know about the temple, I know anything. "

I want to ask about it, I am still very interested in the reincarnation, but I am calm down, watching Zu'an, my eyes are too good.

"You are in my order!" The strange is cold and cold, and the ancestors have a cold.

"No, no, how can you say this? I am active for your servant." Zu'an immediately blended the expression.

Return, there are special experiences, even if it is never missed, it is not small.

If you agree with the proposal of Zu'an, let him introduce the round temple, the ancestant will determine that someone who is not a reincarnation, but is an additional force.

Guessing after all, it is guessing. I don't admit that it doesn't have evidence. I don't dare to be too promoted.

The big chance is true, can you be wrong? What is the camp fighting task? For example, the primary god gives a special upgrade test?

"What do you want to say, is your business, if you tell me special introduction, it is great." Strange said, "I haven't lost this level."

"Your forgiveness is what I will not talk, I just want to tell you some interesting things I have experienced." Zuan said.

"No, I suddenly didn't want to listen." Qi Ti said, "If you have not been there, I will send you away."

"Well, let's take care, I hope there will be another chance to see you again." Zu'an heart was annoyed, it was so eager to expose the purpose, and now the other side has been vigilant, it is impossible to continue.

"You don't fight against it?" Qiki asked, "or you can kill."

Zu'an missed.

Even if the Qi Ti has not yet arrived, the gap between the innations is also very big. He is an innate medium, there is no inch for twenty years, how to resist?

It is better to accept reality and return it earlier.

Anyway, this wave is not lost, and the loneliness of 20 years has returned.

Seeing his discretion, singing is no longer hesitating, a palm is taken, and there is a smile on the face of Zu'an, but the eyes are gradually bleak.

The system prompts again.

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