Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 357 Yuan Yumei, Zuo Ci (seeking subscription)

The distant unknown, in an elegant room, a person sitting in a knee suddenly opened his eyes.

"I finally came back!" This person sighed, "Sure enough, it is the hardest world. I don't know if there is anything wrong with it."

He has a source of news. The world is not the world that has once since the beginning of the day, but later the continuous Raiders world failed, this time, it turned out the world of the next day.

"But it is ok, even if there is failed punishment, it still has a first-day strength. Only one, it is not a loss."

"Liu Wei, is it a reincarnation? Is the primary god to come? Or another powerful forces exist, in the intervention of the main god plundering the world?"

This person, it is a Zu'an that is reincarn.

"However, it is not that it is not, it is not big, I am just a small person, and there is no life of the novel protagonist. It can live a biggest goal."

"No matter whether it is, the news is still selling. Anyway, there is no clear saying, it is guess, even if it is finally guess, then I am more powerful, I am afraid that those people don't work?"

"The round is the first to get the hand is king."

"I hope there will be another chance to meet, maybe I can cooperate." The reincarnation "Zu'an" self-proclaimed.


Qi Ti naturally won't know that Zu'an really hit his mind.

He has more important things to do.

"Hey, system prompt: hit the field of outside the domain, reward 10 source points."

Ok, the sound is impossible, that is, think about it, but the prompt is approaching.

The main line task is also completed, but the odd count does not choose to receive a reward.

This is not a hurry, now I have to do, it is a breakthrough.

The source can accumulate more than 50 points, not enough, the singularity is not ready to use the source, but prepare yourself breakthrough.

At the accumulation of 239 years, he has long been able to break through the present realm.

I didn't feel too low before. This time I kill the last reincarnation, and I had a faintness, and the aura between the heavens and the earth was more active.

There is no longer, and the strange is adjusted, ready to make a drum, break through the present realm.

Dantian, a huge mysterious yellow golden Dan, with the strange Tsun continues to rotate, exudes the gas, Xuanzhi and Xuan.

Every time I saw this scene, I couldn't help but sigh.

Who can think of it in the past, in the middle of the world, it has become a training, and the martial arts break through the first heaven, and even the Taoist Jin Dan.

The internal force said that it is probably a helplessness that the aura has retired.

Fortunately, I have practiced it in the past that I have a good practice. It is fit to practice the gas. Otherwise, this is unable to achieve this innocent Jin Dan.

The avenue is unprofitable and quickly running, and it is in the vast atrial gas, and it is turned in the body.

With the continuous operation, the golden Dan in Dantian has begun to change, no longer a round, but began to have a corner change.

One time, two hours ...

Time passed, as the Qi Tao's work, Jin Dan changed more and more obvious, the speed of through the aura is getting faster and faster, the aura of hundreds of meters around the round, forming a huge funnel, towards In the case of the body, it is forced to fill over the surrounding aura, form a small-scale aura.

The wild beast, birds flying, was surprised by this world, uneasy.

Only those wild beasts that cultivate, and they will be driven by instinct, and they go to the storm center.

They have a feeling of faintness. If you can swallow up, you will become stronger.


I don't know this, I will continue to impact the realm.

He can feel it, it is going to succeed.

Finally, with the constant work, Dantian's golden Dan is disappeared, and it is the baby who is sitting and has a mouthful of nasal.

The three-inch size, the two eyes closed, it looks like a ginseng, whitening, and people have the desire to bite.

The singularity immediately realized that this is just a breakthrough, the gods are unstable, distinguished, and immediately fix the god, and quickly dispense this idea, and then start to charge.

"Is this Yuan Ying?" After a fragrant, the Qi Ti was completed, and this was finely looked at the yuan in Dantian.

It looks very cute, but it is a little smart, there is no charm.

"So the next step is the metamorphia, you have to take the yuan baby 'coming?" Odds uncertainty.

There are many people in the power of the Universities, although only this kind of baby in Zhang Lu, but also knows a lot. But the metamorphic, perhaps left evil is, but unfortunately, just know the name of the realm.

This is also the knowledge he wants to get next.

"Then come to try it, this Yuan Baby, or the martial arts, what is the difference?" The Qi Ti took a moment, and began to be familiar with the new realm.

"The power of the world can increase, the way of freight is faster, and the power is even more powerful, but it seems that it is unable to condense the fade as the war."

"But relying on spells to break the vain of the war, a five thunder becomes, what weapons, beasts, and all can be crushed."

"It's not bad, I don't want to have a born year." I laughed.

Close your eyes, let the love, start to feel the world.

However, immediately changed his face, turned back and looked at one air, and asked: "Who?"

"Oh, Your Majesty is a baby, this is aware of a lot, actually I can find the existence of the old road?"

Along with the small sound, a figure is like this in front of the strange eyes.

Wearing a rattan, wearing a jacket, a sufficient, and a look, it is a left cry cry of odd.

"It turned out to be Mr. Wusong." Although it is an acquaintance, the left evil appears, but the Qi Ti did not relax vigilance. "I don't know what to go, let it find it?"

"Your Majesty is not nervous, if the old road has malicious, Your Majesty is also useless." Zuo Ci said, "I don't want to see it, today, the old road is coming."

"Mr. is coming for a long time?" Asked Qi.

"No, it is too long, it is probably from this person to death." Zuo Ci looked at the body of Zu'an still exists.

"Why is the gentleman?" Asked Qi.

"Come to you," Zuo Ci's words, "people outside the domain have been left, and I will leave your own speed."

"I still have a lot of questions to ask Mr." "Strange said.

"Another chance." Zuo Ci refused.

"Then I will return to Luoyang, I can see if the old man can always?" Strange said.

"No, please leave the speed of the speed down." Zuo Tao.

"That is my child, don't you do it?" Odd anger.

"It is because there is a child, so you must leave as soon as possible." Zuo Ci did not move.

Odcture sneaked into the eye system, and the original one year countdown, it became a bright red in less than eight hours.

"System Warning: Because of accident occurrence, ask the host to withdraw from this world as soon as possible. Forced return countdown: 0 days, 07: 31: 25."

Three bright red tips, time is still shortened.

Before breaking through the realm, I didn't notice it.

He didn't know what happened, according to Z. Ci, and he has his son in this world.

It's definitely, it's nothing, Zuoi is at least in the metacharities, and there is a system prompt. He is not thinking that it is unreasonable.

"Then I will leave first, please ask Mr. to take this world." Strange said.

He uses the word world.

Zuo Ci did not speak, just nodded, looked calmly, and urged him to leave.

I chose to leave the direction of the eye, I chose to leave.

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