Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 361, Giant Change (Subscribe)

Of course, this situation is impossible. There are two chances before a few months.

In other words, these times have been successful. If there is anyone who enters the book world, there is no task, and it is reversed by the reincarnation?

This is not a worry, but a warning is given at the beginning of the system.

Thriars Wang Hao can be hung by Liu Xiu, who is in the face!

Therefore, sometimes I would rather not arrange people to enter the book world, and I can't get it after entering.

From the reincarnation, I know that the primary gods put back to the world, for the world's source, strong itself. If the outside world is invading the world, he doesn't know what consequences.

The world disappears from this world? Still thoroughly become the host god hunting ground?


"Are you awake?" The Qi Ti looked at Li Suwen, and asked.

"Ah, I am ... fall asleep?" She was a little, I didn't know if everything before.

"Yes, sleeping very fragrant, but also drooling." Strange smiled.

"Ah ..." Li Weiwen quickly wipe his mouth, but found that there was no, regardless of the ggent role.

"Open a joke," I laughed, "You are too tired, don't take a break, why bother to support!"

Don't look at Li Shu Wen's light, but you can see it, her pressure is quite big.

As the martial arts, the responsibility of the inner boxers is especially important. In addition to numerous military and police, they are the strongest of their force.

Therefore, they must not only be responsible for professor of martial arts, but also clear large beasts with dangerous people in those cities.

How is the strength of Ming strength, just being strong than ordinary people, still will be hurt.

Li Suwen is not hurt, but the spirit is very tired. Although she is very like, the singularity of the gods is more, and I will see it.

"Do you know?" Li Shuwen smiled, "Some things, there are always people to do it."

Said that she turned his topic: "What happened here?"

She recalled that she found a clear remember that the task was retained, which made him more doubtful to this dream.

"What happened? Lonely male widow, what do you want to happen?" Qi Ti did his arms to hold the chest, "I warned you, no door."

Li Suwen is crying, but it does not believe that the abnormal events of themselves are related to this salted fish shop.

"Well, don't need you to relax in this form." Li Suwen said, "Now it is hard, wait for the right track, just."

"Okay, I still have something, go first."

Said, she is going to leave the bookstore.

She wants to go back to the test, there is no use in my mind in my mind, this strange dream is not true!

I laughed and saw her left and turned on the system interface. In addition to 10 source energy points, the system gives Wei Xiaobao's three treasures, daggers, treasures and fires, and finally chose Wei Xiaobao's dagger.

The Baojia in the primary world may not have his current body defense, the fire is the same, the innate realm, the gas is depressed, can be attacked remotely, and the power is far smaller.

Only this sharp dagger, used to cut the dishes or good, whether it is peeled or osmetic, there is extraordinary effect, and also exercise control.

Li Suwen's experience, Qi Ti did not pay much attention, only know that it was inherited the mortar of the monk, and finally only one of the people's hearts and a palm.

If you have the opportunity, you can send him to the world of Bijingjian.


In addition to two women, I have never seen other people in addition to two women.

On the next time, there are only Wan Moon and Li Suwen occasion every day. Especially Li Siwen, there are also many inquiry.

After she contacted it, she learned that the inner work in the mind is really laborious.

Does the domestic boxing have internal strength? Of course, but not she can learn.

If she has a chance before injury, they will lose this opportunity after injury, so they will be issued here.

But with the internal strength method brought from the foreign world, she has a confidence to recover in a short time, when she is still the dazzling martial arts genius.

Before putting it, after you get this inner work, she will have no reservation, or will frank this singular experience.

I have experienced the people before and after injury, and she has deeper human nature, and the original novel is not fictitious. The interest is the naked true true.

She can think that if she has paid this law, perhaps she will retro the core, but the Qi Ti will soon be monitored, even imprisoned, and the bookstore will also be robbed.

The chaotic world will provide them with a great covenant.

Whether it is true, do they do it anyway, they only need to pay a little thing, even if it is finally proved to follow the bookstore, what?

An orphan of the district, can you fell and balance?

Li Siwen does not want this kind of thing, she must be strong first, even if they have changed, they have components.


Over time, Qi Ti can finally see people on the street.

The first thing that is the police and the martial arts, and the dangerous animals who have become a group of clearing the city until half a month later, there are finally someone on the street.

It is good to have a comprehensive martial arts. Some people have been eliminated.

No, there is not enough willpower, insist on it.

Three months later, the order of Yicheng gradually recovered, and even the university has also begun to recover less, but most of them have changed to professor martialo.

Many previous knowledge, it is no longer correct under the influence of aura recovery.

New research is in progress.

The supply is still difficult. The contact between the city is still difficult. Countless trend plants occupy the wild, the beast mixed, it is difficult to find that the road is hindered.

Especially the growth of the earth, causing the building cracks, and the robust building is difficult to carry this change.

There are many ruins of the city, urgently need to rebuild.

But this takes time, but also to stop the earth's expansion, otherwise it is to do useless.

The Qi Ti also glanced at his home almost doubled in a few months, the wall collapsed, and the previous pleasant is no longer, like a refugee, a tent on the ruins.

The tent is not his own, but the heritage of the reincarnation.

The books have been collected, more in the ruins, the signature on the door - "Miracle Bookstore" four big characters, nothing.

He can feel that this speed increases again, and there is no problem with the support of the war.

Is it true that I have entered the world of books? He is not sure, fortunately, the ostrich does not take care, love.

This kind of encounter is not only myself, everyone is the same, the mentality is balanced.

What is the congenital master, he has seen the innate festival.

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