Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 362 Team Doctor (Subscribe)

"Seven Mr., still sitting!" In addition to the ruins of the tent, Li Suwen's voice came.

"When did you learn Shouyue Nan's gimmick is so poor." Strangely came out and looked at Li Suwen.

It is more than a year from the world's raising world.

The sea is horing, it is not.

People looked at the world huge changes.

One month ago, the expansion of the earth was finally stopped, because the sudden change, the original track satellite is all contrast, and I don't know how much it is.

It is said that the new communication tools originally developed successfully, so far, it is far from nowhere, and the remote contact is detained.

Losing the command, only self-rescue everywhere.

Fortunately, in this case, even in this case, everyone is still competing.

If you are in order, it is the object of strike.

During the expansion of Earth, the biggest role of military and police is to maintain order and clear the city's dangerous things.

This kind of giant change period, you can usher in a new era, just that you die.

Yicheng, death is extremely common, and the downsides exceeded 10%, and the remaining places will not be less.

There is no last ten in the end, but it is not only one.

In the heart, the promotion vehicles in the city made a declaration every day, and the number of people united, and they finally came to this difficult period. The country will eventually come to rescue.

It is a slogan, it is comfort, but it is also the hope.

Fortunately, the giant change is slow, early response, one year, still within the range.


One month ago, I was determined that the earth was no longer expanded, and the construction of the new city will put the schedule, and it will soon start actions.

The participation of the whole people, their respective division, the odds reported the physician career, so they were arranged to treat the wounded, so they can receive life materials.

So Solui Nan shows it as "Mr. Qi".

However, for half a month, only two or three people in the district will come here, it is also the kind of body slightly scratch, and it is possible.

This kind of injury, more people don't take care of it, just a few days.

More than a year, people's physical fitness is significantly improved, and the efficiency of praise is faster.

Of course, give up, just give up.

More than a year, the world has three main gods attacked, and the singularity is still chosen to complete the task of Shu Yuenan and Li Wei.

However, the level of the book in the world is very low. It is also very low in the primary world. I haven't got something good, but the source can be normally 10 points, and now I have more than 300 points.

In this year, Zhou Yunnan's strength has been greatly made, and three three-priced are entered into three-flow.

Li Siwen has heard the injury has been healed, and it is also chasing it up, and it is also a three meridians.

However, both have chosen low-key, but they have not exposed all the strength, but even so, they have become the strongest of the entire Yicheng, and the double love of the inner boxers.

Their task is to take the road to other cities, and hunt the builders of food supply.

The whole year, the grain particles are not received, and the seeds of the old days are not suitable for new worlds. The researchers are looking for seeds that can be replaced, and they believe that there must be varied plants to adapt to this world.

The scientific research strength of Yicheng is not strong, and the instrument has a lot of damage in the dramatic change, and there is no result in it now. The original reserve grain has been exhausted in the past year, and the industrial product is nearly detached. It can only hunt the beast supplement.


Fortunately, the earth stopped expanding, people saw hope, invested in the construction.


"I think this is good." Li Suwen smiled, "I always called you a small boss, are you still boss?"

"The sign has not yet false, why not!" Qi Ti said, "I remember that you came out, this is back."

"Yes, take off." Li Suwen said, "Of course there is still a purpose."

"I am related to me." He asked.

This is a feeling of faintness. In this year, he has still not born, but it has a breakthrough in the practice, reaching the innate peak, and then condense the perfect Jin Dan.

However, he also felt that the aura of this world can only make people break through the first day, and it cannot become a hill.

"Yes, I want to invite you to become a team doctor of our squad." Li Suwen said.

"Do you not assign a team doctor?" Asked Qi.

"The guy is a cumbersome, the courage is too small, but I have to send people to protect him. I have scared it directly. If I come back, I will come to you." Li Suwen.

"You finally discovered my superb medical skills." Qi Qi proudly.

"No, I just think that you are very big, emotionally stable, don't panic in any case, it is very suitable for the city." Li Suwen said, "Since you say that he is exquisite, you can prove it."

"I don't need to prove it by this." The strange is not cool, "I don't believe it."

"Then you are willing to accept my request?" Li Suwen asked.

"Well, just, I also want to see the world outside." Strange said.

The singularity did not have seen the world outside, and the earth was still expanding. He came out of the city and saw a plant that was growing in lush, the big tree, the strong flowers, huge flowers ... and the flooding it The beast.

The mountain is increasing, the river is wide ...

After all, the aura recovery is not the end of the end, can only change the body of the plants, without gene distortion, grass or grass, tree or trees, will not change its nature.

Later, he didn't go out again, it's too much, it is bored.

But now the earth stops expanding, but you can go out and take it to collect some medicinal materials.

A part-time physician, how can I have no medicine? Do not sell medicine, what make money.

"That's great, I will report it." Li Suwen said.

She also has the ingredients of the trial, or that, in this year, she has never given up skeptic about the singularity. It is also a big master, so they are also a big master, so they have been sticking here, they have become ruins. will not leave.

Later, she became a three-prunity, and found that the singularity was still in her eyes. There was no change, it was more doubtful.

But she can't tell, I am afraid of breaking this tacit understanding, I will not be happy, only don't know.

This time is also a temptation. If the odd, it is the kind of master, maybe it can be manifested outside the city.


"Qi Mr.!" Li Suwen walked, Zhou Yuenan came.

"Do you have a good time?" Asked Qi.

"What?" Zhou Yuenan unexplored.

"Nothing, you won't come to invite me to go out?" Asked Qi.

"How do you know?" Shu Yue Nan doubtfully, "Someone invited you? Li Suwen?"

Li Siwen's strength is very fast, and Zhou Yue Nan can feel, after observation, Li Suwen has encountered a miracle in the bookstore.

This is a treasure.

She also knows that Li Siwen also discovered her secrets, but the two did not talk about this, and they got a competition.

"She just left." Strange said.

I understand the mind of Li Suwen, I understand in the heart, as long as they are not stupid, they will not say it.

As long as you don't affect yourself, he will not do what is doing.

"This heart." Shu Yuenan whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Although he heard, he did not know.

"No, you agree?" Zhou Yue Nan Road.

"Yes." Strange nod.

"That is too regrettable," Weekyue Nan Road, "will you always be in her team?"

"Shouldn't, then say," Qi Ti said, "After all, I am the master here, my mission is to rebuild here."


Li Siwen's request was quickly passed, so he was a healthcare person.

Three days later, under Lee Wen's leadership, take a SUV and go out of the city.

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