Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 363 Physician's Face (Subscribe)

Three wild SUVs, plus a truck, including the Qi Tiki this team, a total of fifteen people.

More in harder, there are two familiar people in the rest of the 13 people.

One is the burly big man Zhao, who wants to hit the martial art, and one is the teenager genius Lu Yan, which is introduced by Wemer Moonnan.

One year passed, Zhao Gang was very honest. It is estimated that it is too big to know and Li Siwen, but the Qi Ti is still able to feel that Zhao Gang looks like Li Suwen's thirst.

Lu Ying is a lot of stabilization, no longer proud, odd, remember that he is less than fifteen years old, the strength is almost the same, and the existing martialo road is used, it is secretly repaired.

Of course, the gap is very larger than Li Siwen.

The martial arts of Yicheng is not strong, and the inner boxers are also from elsewhere, there is no master, after disconnecting the relationship with the outside world, can only explore alone.

This is also one of the main reasons for Li Suwen and Zhou Yue, who wants to get the way to improve from them here.

This is also true of the government, and you are very polite, please help train the army, because the power of hot weapons is getting smaller and smaller, before the new weapon comes out, improve your personal strength.

In these groups, there are two rifles, a light machine gun, a pistol, but it will not shoot, it will attract too much beast.

Now the wild beast, can not be afraid of the loud noise, will not hear the gunshot.

For his new team doctor, everyone is very concerned, not doing, I only hope that this is not like the last time.

I heard it clearly that some people in the rest of the vehicles have questioned him this "Qi Mr.".

Yes, here, the styled title is "Mr. Qi".


Leaving the range of urban areas, it is increasingly original, and the wood is visible everywhere, more than one or two hundred meters, wild grass, especially those like spread, accounting for the whole wilderness.

In this case, there is also a food growth space of food.

Even if the same variation, the vitality of food is more than weed.

But good, this is not the end, the plant is growing rapidly, that is, the toughness, the vitality is strong, or plants, did not become a meat plant, and the sub-strength can be removed.

"This road is originally the Luo County, which is to Yicheng. You have also seen it, the road is disconnected, our task is to clean up the road, homes the surrounding animals." Li Suwen drove, while introducing .

After the city, after hundreds of meters, I will never see the building. People have moved back to the urban area. They were discarded, and the buildings collapsed in the earth expansion became the cradle of plants, which hidden is not known. animal.

"The previous road is unable to use, the roads on both sides invade the roadbed. More beasts provide a natural secret place. We have no ability, so we can only reopeize the road from the original farmland, where the tree is after all. Very few, you can quickly clean it up. "Li Suwen saw no response, continued to introduce," along the direction of the original road, broaden the road, straight into Luo County. "

A little width, safety is a little higher.

After the expansion of the earth, there were many textures, even if the original farmland, driving is no problem.

After two or three kilometers, there was a big tree covering the sky, and the team turned into a bend, alongside another direction, soon, after another and previous road parallel.

This is the new road that Li Siwen has cleaned up.


Fully entered the field, Li Shuwen focused a lot, for fear from the two sides of the road to attack the beast attack team.

About ten kilometers, the team stopped, this ten kilometers, the results of these days.

The car stopped, everyone got off the bus, have already taken a weapon in his hand, there is a knife, sword, and weed special tools.

There is no sickle, because the grass is cut, it is necessary to cut, but there is a lot of iron, it is used to dig the grass root, so as not to re-grow.

Two people have alert, and the rest have begun to mower, clean up the road, including Li Suwen.

In addition to the singularity, as a team doctor, he does not need to do this, just responsible for treating the wounded ... and there is a meal.

The animals hidden in the grass are really a lot. From time to time, they will attack people who attack mowers, giant field rats, frogs, bowls of rough snakes, finger-headed ants, flying birds ... and very fierce.

If you accidentally be injured, if you have a short half, there is three people accidentally injured, but it is very slight, it does not affect the action, and I have not stopped processing.

"First, witness?" Odd a busy everyone thought, "I have waited for a few tens of hundred years, maybe someone will call this group of people."

Near noon, the strange tricks began to cook, and the materials were definitely insufficient. They can only pick them up, and they choose some food from the body of the kill.

The Qi Ti did not activate the chef skills, but everyone is very satisfied.

The age of materials can be eaten, they are all good, they are both physical workers, but also to deal with danger, can't let them be hungry.

After eating for a meal, everyone put it on the road and stacked it on the road, and a few meters in a morning, but there are many stacked.

In the afternoon, it is still in the afternoon. In half afternoon, there is a team over, driving the truck, killing the prey and cleansing the grass, after these weeds are dried, it is the main live fire raw material in the city.

What is natural gas, coal, it has long been used, including oil, in addition to the team and patrolling team, basically not allowing the use of vehicles.

In the evening, everyone took the tent and camp in the vehicle.

"In addition to cooking, this team doctor is nothing to do!" The Qi Tiki pair Li Zwen Road. One day, he just wrapped it for two minor people.

"I hope you don't work," Li Suwen, "the existence of the team doctor is to prevent accidents. In that case, it is easy to make a shipment."

It is not necessarily dead, and it is also a serious injury, and it must be returned.

The next step is to step on the class. In the third day, a wild dog like Tibetan Mastiff came out, hurt two people, Li Shuwen arrived in time, killing the dog with absolute strength, did not cause greater damage.

The singularity found that everyone looked more revered, especially Lu Yan, and two eyes.

This martial art is his pursuit.

Qi Ti finally had the opportunity to show his medical skills, okay, but also cleaned up the wound, anti-inflammatory, then bandaged, the two people were injured, but they can't move in a few days.

Qi Ti felt that you can't do this, he is a master doctor, so you still have to be so sad, isn't it to lose his face!

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