Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 367 Security Back (Subscribe)

I don't have to consider this, plus the alternative Lu Yan, and the singularity can be used three.

Say that this system does not know your own ideas, the card is so accurate?

Three worlds, no goodness.

"Double arrogance" doesn't have to say, the world in the ancient dragon book, has always been dangerous than Jin Yong, and is even more likely to be a big arrogance, there is a top ten wicked people in the world, the transmissions of the character quirks, the macquard bullying The heroes Jiang Bifai crane ... Every good relationship, Gu Long's analysis of human nature in the book is very thorough.

Qi Ti didn't know that Lu Yan did not read it, only let him enter the world.

There are a lot of works in the "four famous" series, from the four major names of the young, leaping the stories of the catch, the stories of catching, and less than death and conspiracy, and the strange account decided to let Zhou Yuenan go to this world.

Li Siwen, older, over the trough, more understanding of human nature, can arrange her to go to "Liancheng " this basically no good person, Jin Yong novels can the most dark world.

"I hope I will return safely!" I have decided in my heart. I have chosen a few people immediately, so the lighting tips appear in front of the three.

Li Si Wen and Zhou Yanyin are not the first time, with experience, no hurry, looked up and look at what did not detect, I chose to enter the book world.

And the first time, Lu Yan, who was in this situation, was shocked directly.

"Qi Mr. ..." The life is the child's heart, the experience is too small, you can't stand the gas, you will panic, you will think that people who can rely on it.

"Don't want to see yourself, what is it? I don't know if I will live a dream?" The head did not lift.

Lu Yan is in this moment, Zhou Yuenan, Li Siwen has been in the book world, and the gods pay attention to the two, and there is time to pay attention to Lu Yan.

"Oh ..." Lu Yan sat down and sat down and looked at the two women who bowed their heads and stared at the light curtains in front of them.

"Is this the adventure of Mr. Qi?" Lu Yan said, "They are not encountered, otherwise it is so sleepy?"

"I hope that it is not an illusion." Lu Yan also studied a lot of novels, unfamiliar with this kind of thing, biting his teeth, and selected it.

Then, like Shouyue, they fell into sleep.


"Four big names" world, Zhou Yuenan is born in a catch-up family, I am awakened, I am trying to practice the Jiuyang, I have reached the second-class realm, and become a county point, and I have met the iron hand of the case. I have seen it. Go, I will enter the door, become a name disciple of Zhuge Xiaohua, and learned from the unclear internal strength. There are previously practicing experience in the world, and the martial arts improvement speed, reaching the masters. And all the way to capture the case, and finally kill two disciples of two yuan, successfully returned.

"Liancheng" world, Li Weiwen is born in the South Siqi Hua family, the flower iron is a false gentle, and if there is no ugly look, so Li Shu Wen's growth is not bad, and then walking the rivers and lakes to meet Di Yun (deliberate ), With the flower family, killing the blood knife, covering the blood knife, killing Wan Gui, completing the task. Before you come out, with the old good people Di Yun exchanged the "Shen Zhao Jing" and learned Tang Tang Sword.

If these two people have a horrible, Lu Yan's experience is much more bumpy, he is with Jiang Xiaofi to enter the wicked valley in , Jiang Xiao fish can be tuned by the top ten wicked, Lu Yan is not so Good life. Top ten wicked people are willing to teach the river fish, because this is Yan Nan Tian brought the child, and Lu Yan, the child who came to Lu Yan naturally did not have this kind of opportunity, so he was handed over to the god doctor Wanchun.

Since the beginning of the river, the suffering of Lu Yan begins. Only they are the same age people, Jiang Xiaomi often catch Lu Yan, let him suffer, the injury is home to the meal, the top ten wicked a prank, he has to be half-dead, all by Wanchun, timely treatment, only live, Sometimes I have been undergoing medicine, and I can only help it with themselves, I have learned a medical skill. In this environment, the survival capacity is increased.

After the awakening memory, I learned that the position of the position is more, and the Jiang Xiaoyu is more, deliberately makes it more than the people who are more disabled. But when the rivers and fish left the evil valley, they did not take him. He only crowded his skills, and when he dared to go out of the valley, he could only pin himself in Yannan.

In the end, the silly people have a stupid, and Yannan is restored, she will pay for him, and give him the gods, the sword, and a brain. In this way, Lu Yan took a few years later, martial arts reached the first-class, and finally left the evil valley.

At this time, the main plot was over, and Lu Yan will take a few years, and experienced the nine deaths and life. The martial arts reached the masters, and met the river fish, killing the river, and completed the task return. .


"You are so embarrassed, come together, sleep together, I wake up, when I am here?" I finally looked up, watching the three, "I feel tired, I will take a rest, nothing to run!"

"Mr. Qi, I ..." Lu Yan slowed down, I want to find someone to talk.

But it is presented with a strange interruption.

"You are you, you haven't specified it in your own strength, and you will be born all day long."

"Mr. Qi, it is what you let me come." Lu Yan whispered.

"What are you talking about?" The Qi Ti came over and his eyes were too good.

"Nothing, Mr. Qi, Captain, Zhou Captain, I have to go back." Lu Yan hurriedly.

The singularity is swaying, not talking.

"Mr. Qi, we are also gone." Li Suwen paired the eyes, and he opened his words.


"Captain, I seem to have dreamed of daydreaming, very real." Leave a distance, Lu Yan said to Li Wei.

"Then you just ponder," Li Suwen, "Lu Yan, you are not a child, can you say something, do you want to say, you think too much."

Combined with the performance of just now, plus this, Li Suwen and Zhou Yue Nan judged that Lu Yan is also favored, and it has entered another world.

"Well, the captain, I know." Lu Yan nodded himself, bid farewell to two people.


"It's a good lucky baby." Li Suwen sighed, "I hope that he can really understand what I mean in my words."

"Zhou Captain, if you have time, don't prevent multiple communications, some secrets will be disclosed." Li Suwen.

In the face of this once student, Li Siwen has no superior sense, it is completely equal.

This is the role of strength.

"Of course!" Shu Yuen smiled.


"Captain and Zhou captain have encountered this?" Lu Yan, who is on the road, I think.

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