Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 368 promotes Xuanyuan Gong (seeking subscription)

"It should be, the seven sir has just said, we are asleep together, and wake up together," Lu Yan recalls the situation just now. "I have experienced more than ten years, and Mr. Qi seems to sleep. Sleep."

"The same reason, the captain and the week team should also be the case, and at the same time encounter a specific event, this will be asleep at the same time, and wake up with the same time, so they will synchronize this in the eyes of Qi."

"There is also the captain, this is what I don't want to say?"

"If my experience is really, the captain, they also have the same experience, why is it here, but the seven sir did not meet?"

"Is this case what he caused?"

"When the road was cleaned up, he said, there is a miracle in his miracle book, it is a coincidence, or a meaning refers to this kind of thing today?"

"If he causing this kind of strange event, then he has a big secret, not only look like this."

"If not, this is a coincidence, or do you want to tell him the truth?"

Countless problems are filled with their minds, so that Lu Yan has some headache.

"Call a step in step, first try the problem of this wedding god in the brain can't practice."


"30 source is okay, is it this thing, is not big in use!" The singularity of the three choices given the system.

The ruthless exclusive wheelchair, the blood knife of the blood knife, and the love lock.

It is already excellent.

The ruthless wheelchair is not bad, but it is not used in this environment; the blood knife is estimated that the sharp level is enough, but it will not send a lot, and Li Suwen has no one to make the knife. .

"With this good benefits, it should be further happening next!"

The Qi Ti guess is true, in a few days, Li Wei Wen came to inform him that it has arrived in the second.

When I saw Lu Yan, this kid has also practiced internal strength, with newly created weapons, and the strength increase.

I have to feel that I have to take myself that year, I have to feel it.

The conditions of the intermediate world, the conditions of the martial arts are really unique.

As long as there is a skill, it will become a dragon.

Even if there is no, in this environment, there will be a unique practice.

For example, take the Three Kingdoms Romance The Road to the World of the World.

However, Qi Ti did not want to promote the way of the way, the combat power is very fast, but the damage to the body is also the truth, so those who are in the martial arts, the first heaven, if they don't want to have ordinary people .

Where is the person who walks in the road, reaching the third-rate realm, as long as it is not serious, live an eighty-one hundred years old does not count.


Out of the city again, there is a new weapon, and the efficiency has improved a lot. After these days of training, everyone's strength is improved, especially Lu Yan, with weapons, can have independently deal with some large beasts.

It is still half a month, and it has been promoted for five kilometers. Before the harvest, especially the huge progress of Lu Yan, there is no need for Li Ven 's dedication.

This makes everyone look hot. When I am, I am surrounded by Lu Yan, and I will hit the side of Lu Yan so fast.

This makes Lu Yan unoccupied, although he is strong, but he is young, everyone is mixed, he is not good.

He remembered Li Siwen, entering this kind of adventure, can't just say, especially after you know how you get it, I also understand why the captain will be so strong, it must be even earlier. Ageic, but secretly.

He can only continue this "tradition", otherwise do you really compete with yourself?

Unbearable, Lu Yan Lingno moved to the last time, the last time the snake bile, so everyone is strong, and I can't wait to come up with a dozen giant snakes, one person points a snake.

But until returning, the large beast is a lot of kills, but there is no new snake.

The singularity is still in all people, and many medicinal materials are collected, and some foreign injury is configured to prepare for from time to time.

He also wants to try it, but it is also a middle-level Dan teacher, but now there is no condition.


After returning to the city, Li Suwen and Shouyue Nan air time will come to the singularity here, but it is Lu Yan, almost every day, but every time you are disappointed, you are sighing.

"Kid, don't want to come, don't come, everyone sighs to see it!" Finally, Qi Tiger can't help it, "the strength is so moving, this is floating, learn your captain."

Lu Yan faces red, these days, he thought of looking for an adventure here again, it was negligible to practice, even a meridians did not yet.

Thinking of this, in the next few days, Lu Yan did not come over.


"You, etc. Have internal strength, don't know if it is, use it, let's take a look. "

Qi Ti finally decided, we must help two people from the two people to promote Xuanyuan merits.

The two looked at the odd quarter, some speechless.

Are you a big, have been so much?

I took over, and it is really the internal strength method, practicing the peak, can get through the twelve, and have a first-class strength.

Although this handwritten method looks very old, the two believe that this is a strange written.

"Yes, it is the internal strength method, it is also ancestral?" Li Suwen attached.

"Probably, locked in a iron box, only discovered." Strange said, "Is it useful?"

"Of course, it is useful, Mr. Qi, dare to practice family, or the top of the top, there is internal heritage." Shu Yue Nan smiled.

"I don't know this, I will increase my interested, use you, take it, you can learn, martial arts, you also save you so much." Strange said.

This is the true meaning of the big ! Two women's heart.

"What advice can I have?" Li Suwen asked.

"No, you look at the arrangement is." Qi Ti said, "There is a little, don't let this exercise become a minority privilege, and to strengthen the strength of the government and ensure that there will be no big chaos."


The singularity said that Li Suwen did not dare to neglect, and after discussing, decided to start from the people who were strong.

Internal work, it is not possible to practice, you must introduce it to the door. They can't teach everyone in person. They can only cultivate a batch as a seed, and then promote them.

The strength of the two is strong enough. This environment is full enough, and they have to set up the master's master training, and the government also cooperates, soon organized people.

The people who have a dark power, say more, say less, and thirty.

After all, in the next few months before the heavens and earth drama, the martial arts unified professor has a lot of people, and the army has its own training methods, and there are people who have talents. In this environment, it is not considered.

I heard the two women to teach them to teach their internal skills, and the masters are surprised.

They have already envied the two women who surpass the human limit, and they have guess, and now they have finally confirmed the news. These two have practiced the internal strength.

I cultivated myself, becoming such a master, the status is not a rising, at least in this Yicheng, I have to be a figure, the world is bigger.

But the next sentence of the two will dispel this idea.

"After practicing internal strength, you must be responsible for promoting this intention of the inner work, and strive to make everyone to practice, improve the strength of the whole people, and connect to the outside world as soon as possible."

"This is a hard task, everyone must do it, who is not enough, then leave early."

"Don't want to spend internal strength, there is a martial arts, you can Hu, this is Huaxia, no one can get off the law. Although the city is small, it is not chaos."

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