Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 369 Go to New World (Subscribe)

The Yicheng has no chaos, attributed to the army and police of nearly 10,000 people, and this group of people is, plus the government's leadership wrist, which is maintained.

No one thinks itself.

Not stupid, the aura recovery is not the first day, the initial relationship between the outside world is still fully prepared. As the upper leaders, they know the existence of internal force, although some subversive concepts, but there must be faced.

The Yicheng is too small, only two probably a girl who has practiced internal strength, helping them to maintain order and open the road to the outside world.

Changed the place where other waives is more prosperous, there are more internal power masters, is there a passage of the outside world?

Only those who don't understand anything will think about it in this case.

This kind of person is the first wave of strikes after the order recovery.

Smart people will only have the thoughts, and only the moisturites are silent, quietly layout, in the new era, occupying favorable status.

Of course, if there is a strange test in this period, then say it.

Just, this is the only one with power, it is not interested in this "trouble".


In order to improve the strength, Shouyue Nan has a development path to open up, and one person is responsible for more than ten, teaching these age or large or small dark martial arts to practice.

The fastest experience is only five days, and there is a feeling after half a month.

Without the cultivation of the system, you can explore all the way to the dark, are smart people, and there is also a strong talent.

After all, before the heavens and earth, Yingcheng also did not have a dark martial arts in the district. According to the class, wait for the strength to reach a certain level, naturally there is a dark martial author.

Just no one thought that the world change is too fast, even isolated from the outside world, can only explore themselves.

After twenty days, everyone practiced internal strength and strength.

At this time, Moon Nan is ready to go out again. Before leaving them, they told them to bring out one hundred internal force, and they will check.

If it is not a task, it is not so good to talk, it is serious, and it is not a matter of follow-up.

They can teach all the hearts.


Lu Yan has been closed, even if this time, there is no city, it is to take advantage of the efforts to improve the strength.

It's hard to open the first twelve, and I suddenly discovered that there were many internal force.

More than 30 dark masters, no one has cultivated 100 people, this is more than 3,000, even if there are still some people who have not finished, it is much enough.

"I have missed what it is? It's hard to close the day, have been a year?" Lu Yan suddenly found that his advantage disappeared immediately.

After practicing internal strength, it has surpassed the previous dark master. As long as the internal force accumulates to a certain extent, you can try to open one of the twelve and the three-class martial arts.

Good, there is a martial author before, Lu Yan finds an acquaintance, and knows that it is a pot of two captains.

"It's also tangled!" Lu Yanyu said, "I didn't have a general trend, otherwise it will be more than being more than people in the future, this face is going!"

"No, you have to step up hard, you can't humiliate the name of the gods of the wedding clothes." Lu Yan said.

I know that Li Suwen has not returned, he prepared it, he went to the city and went to find a team.

After you come, I know that all the players have been practiced.

Li Suwen naturally won't treat his teammates, teaches everyone to be luck every night, and these people are also convinced, soon they will start, and they will practice the gas and practice internal forces.

Seeing Lu Yan arrived, one by one is proud, and it didn't say it directly that he missed the opportunity.

This is not a lot of people, but a joke between teammates.

In the last Lu Yan have to show the strength, the " " is pressed down.


"Mr. Qi, why did the captain think of it?" Li Shu Wen in the evening continued to practice with a player, Lu Yan touched the body of nothing.

In the entire team, only his team did not practice, but many people were confused.

You said that you can't live hard before, this is not practiced.

Which man didn't think about the sword, now I have a chance, I still don't know!

"This problem, you should ask her." Strange said.

"Oh, I thought that Mr. Qi will know!" Lu Yan Ben's feelings are related to the odds.

"You try again, you have to be more than yours, and you will care about this." Strangely looked at him.

"Then you are busy, I will go first." Lu Yan said, "I went back, I went to visit again."


"It's almost two years, the next world should start!" The heart is calculated, "before, then I didn't expect it for so long."

"The world of the three countries, the mainstream first day, the monarch is a master, and the metamorite should be the limit."

"Zooci this bug can be excluded, until now, he does not know his strength, and it may even be true that it will be true."

"Zhang Daoling is skyrocketing, and Zhang Heng is also flying, but it is not positive, and it cannot be counted, Ge Xuan, Yu Ji Co, I don't know what it is."

"But what is the next realm, there is still no shortprint, fit, or a robbery, become a goddess?"

"To experience three intermediate world, will the next one will have more powerful people?"

"It's ready, at least before entering the next world, there is a place where it is."


"Mr. Qi, I am coming."

The strength of the team is enhanced. This time Li Shu Wen stayed outside for more than 10 kilometers, this is only returned.

On the third day, Lu Yan found it.

It is Li Suwen and Zhou Yanyin, because the task to be assessing, but also to the people, have not come.

"It's just right." Odd smiled.

"Mr. Qi, there is something that you have inspirated." Lu Yan is completely a mysterious person, very respect.

"I feel uncomfortable, I want to clean up the ruins, build a small house to temporary, this task is given to you." Strange smiled.

"Ah!" Lu Yan suddenly gone.

"Ah, hurry, I have to do this, I just wanted to make progress, I would like to have a big increase, this point is nothing." Strange said.

"Mr. Qi, the captain and the Week team leader strength, the strength is bigger, why don't you let them do?"

"Is it a woman?" Can you look at him? "Do you want me to talk to them?"

I haven't admitted yet, Mr. Qi, you are using children's labor!

"Don't, I am joke, but Mr. Qi, I can't build a house!" Lu Yan said.

"That is your problem." Strange smiled, "Of course, you can refuse."

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