Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 370 Is the level of the Water Margin?

Lu Yan is only 145 years old, placed in a normal era, which is the era of middle school students. This age child, in addition to reading the game, Lu Yan can spend time in praise, is not bad.

As for the building, huh, huh ... It is estimated that there are few young people.

But Lu Yan did not refuse, nor did you want to refuse.

This is the mission of mysterious big man, must be completed.

He is still waiting to get a bigger advantage from this mysterious "Qi Mr."!

He won't, it can only call the people, so Lu Yan called the people of his squad. In promising a bunch of benefits, I also show that I will take out my feelings to share it, this is said that all people come to help.

But unfortunately, only two days, there is no other house formation, Li Suwen and Zhou Yue Nan send a specialized building team, directly take over the project.

They will not let Lu Yan are beautiful before.

No movement before, I don't know how the strange thought, after all, I have been very low, I will rebuild the bookstore, and the Hechelios will be rebuilt at the end of the giant change.

If you have passed, some areas have been restored. At this time, it is not so prominent.

Zhou Yuenan and Li Suwen as two of the strengths of the city, and there is also a component in front of the government. It is only a group of people to build a house, even if they are built, no one will say anything.

Up to just emotion, this so-called "Qi Sir", it is so good, get two master values, specializing in the way to do this.

The drawings are some people designed, the whole building of the whole wood structure is used.

Because the world is changed, the original building materials have also changed, and before the new materials have not yet been developed, the most traditional wooden structure is more assured.

People who work is to practice the master's master, the materials are those trees, very tough. Fortunately, these days are all in power, and there are new weapons production, otherwise they are issued.

A group of masters have been busy for more than a month, and finally built two-story wooden building, and also created the corresponding furniture and bookshelves, cleaned up the ruins, and smashed all books.

In addition to the location, there is no difference before the location.

"Mr. Qi, are you satisfied? Time is urgent, many things are not full, temporarily only this, after the official construction, Zhou Yuenan is dedicated," Experts are studying new materials, once success, perhaps can recover The grand occasion, it is not too late to rebuild. "

"Yes, you are happy, there is a place where you have a rain and rain." Qi Ti said, "From today, the bookstore officially opened the door, I want to read the book."

"You have helped me so much, I feel very much, I don't think I have reported. If you want to read the book, please feel free to welcome, don't pay for money."

I said that I said to a person who helped.

"Mr. Qi is polite, it should be." Some people passed.

They are here because Li Suwen's request, otherwise there is this work, take more internal strength!

Now this world, strength is king, reading it? This kind of book can be seen.

There are not many people putting this in the heart, and I don't mind.

Hold him, don't blame him if you can't catch him.

I don't know some people, I don't close my eyes, he will not let people enter the book world.


Time passed every day, Yicheng gradually walked on the right track, and Xuanyuan Gang also gradually popularized. As long as it is in a bright, you can practice under the teaching of the martial arts.

Yes, the martial arts reappeared, but changed the name - Xuanyuan martial arts, there was a three-class martial arts who had been twelve, and it was to teach Xuanyuan merits, and popularize this practice.

Li Suwen took people to go to Luo County channel.

And the original road, the life is doubled.

With the increase of the internal force, the team's hand has increased a lot, and the speed is much faster.

Compared with Yingcheng, Luo County is more chaotic, no army, the police at the fundamental tube can not live so many people.

There is a dangerous moment, and the shortage of food is caused by people, and the secrets in the secret have occurred.

After Li Suwen arrived, he punished a group of people, and even killed more than a dozen gang leaders who made a malfunction, and made the rest of the people to do hardship, this was even more up and down.

Then, the leaders of Yicheng rushed over, comforting the people, dispatched a group of martial arts, enriched the power of the government, and teaching Luo County to practice Xuanyuan work.

Zhou Yuenan has no breakthrough in another direction.

There are many mountains in this side, and the strength of the beast is stronger, and the road is farther.

In this way, after a few months, I sent Lu Yan, Li Suwen implemented a book world, and Qi Ti finally waited for the next message that is about to open.

Calculate time, just two years.


Hanging on the card suspended, the singularity will come to book space again.

Compared with the previous, there are more books on a bookshelf, and there is a wheelchair.

This is the four major named people in a ruthless wheelchair. The singular space ring is not loaded, and it has been placed here.

"It's quite good," I have studied it up and down. I also drive my own mobile, "I have the opportunity to get reality."

When I got up and went to the bookshelf, I specifically looked at the new book.

Sure enough is the intermediate world, and the book world on this bookshelf is higher than the top three countries before the three countries.

The same is true of the primary world, and it is divided into several worlds. Some of the world can only withstand the three-channel martial arts, but some can bear the peak of the masters.

Today, this primary world is also the same.

I don't know if it will be higher?

Three intermediate-level worlds can control all permissions, do you want to choose on the previous bookshelf, after all, will be safe.

I thought about it, while I got the book on this new book.

Suddenly, a book name is reflected in the eye.

"Water Margin"!

Qi Ti stunned: This world is also an intermediate world?

In his impression, it is not as good as the three countries, and many of the nicknames of Water Margin Liangshanwu will come along the Three Kingdoms.

What Meikong Gong Zhu, Xiaomou Lu Fang, the case of Case Yang Xiong, etc., who knows who it is.

In the strange heart, or in the hearts of everyone, the strength of Water Market will be, it is not as good as the three national military commanders, at least a grade.

But who can tell me, why is the rating of the Water Margin to the world higher than the three countries?

Is the same as the intermediate world, does it mean that someone will be exceeded in the water?

Qi Ti is not too understanding to the water margin, but suddenly has interest, so take it out and start reading.

If you don't understand, then you can see it again, perhaps you can find something hidden.

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