Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 374 Totta Tiangu King (Subscribe)

I think that I will do it, and I'm singing to the professor.

Professor is the highest eunuch of state, equivalent to the principal.

And the increasingly perfect Ming, Qing Dynasty, although the Song Dynasty, although the mining system is generally implemented, the distance is farther away, and there is no correspondingly improved grade school system.

"Traveling?" The professor is very impossible to the chose choice.

In his opinion, despite the cancellation of the imperial examination, the Tuts of the reading man entered the way did not break, as long as they were too learning, some were opportunities, even more insurance than science.

After all, when I was studying, no one knows what happened, and the school's daily, everyone looks in the eyes.

"Yes, professors, students are born to enter the college, have not been out of their own ten miles. After entering the college, they will be studying in school, and they will be in the county, the state school, and the understanding of the big Song is limited to this. There is no one in the state. If you have long, even if you enter the official, how do you worry about your mission? "Odds himself.

"So, students want to be young, hometown around the hometown, is familiar with the style of my big broadcast, and prepare for the future."

"No wonder people wish to tend to be old, you have already thought about it, and it is not easy. The old man has cultivated countless students, there is this idea in this age." The old professor felt Tao, "Their brain is unforgettable, how to test the state test, enter the King Jingji, the rest of the matter is not concerned."

"I will find it after they enter the exemption. Many things must be learned from the beginning. Official, not so good."

"Professor, is a good official is not so good." Strange said.

. Not safe. "The old man considers.

"Professor, do you look like a 13-year-old child?" Asked Qi.

In the world, the world is a thin child. Five years, the strength is restored, and there is no inheritance of the roughness of the family, but in line with a reading person.

Although there is no high, although it is not high, he is still a long body - this is not a change of martial arts. This height is not short, after all, not everyone is like a good-shaped big man like Liangshan Hanan. Even Liangshan, there are also small shorts like Song Jiang and Wang Ying.

The body is well-known, wearing a volunteer, the image of a wealthy, a rich people.

Just look at the appearance, no one can guess this is the home of the country.

"Also, you want to go, but you should pay more attention to safety, and now you will not be able to put the son in your heart." The old man said.

"Right, how long have you been going, if you can't take the exam too long, your qualifications of you are going to be canceled."

When Wang Anshi changed, she made a "three righteous law", that is, the school is divided into gorses, herner and groom, and the grade achievements are excellent, and they can be exempted from the official, give Give and the first.

At that time, this exemption was only a small number. This year, the discovery was canceled, and the officials were selected according to this method.

Therefore, the quota of the upper bed is precious, and the state of the school is born. You can directly participate in the examinations, without the need to first examine once in the state.

"Students don't know, but it doesn't matter, even if you miss the exam, you will come back next time." Strange smiled.

"You are very confident, then the old man does not advise you, and you are." The old man said.

It's not his good to talk, but the Qi Qi is only 13 years old. It is nothing to do for a year or two. Instead, it will seize, and the thickness is thin.


Chongning three years autumn, Qi Dicheng resigned the county classmates, and sent the servant to wish Zhujiazhuang, carrying his book box, starting his tour.

Qi Ti did not directly go to Liangshan. Anyway, Liangshan is at the door of the house, and it can go at any time, and there is not much opportunity to see the people's lives in the big Song.

He departed from Zhangzhou, goes to Zhangzhou, and then turned to Zhangzhou, then turned to the north, continued to go to Ziboya, Qingzhou, then did not stop, until the Weizhou, Laizhou, Dezhou, until the big Song is the most East, Linhai mad song.

Then return from Dengzhou, and Classical Express into Zhangzhou. He didn't know the meaning of Black Rottles, continued to go to Xuzhou, single state, until Tianfu Nanjing (now Shangqiu).

After another, I was again north, and I went to Guangji Jurisdown, west to Xing Renfu, Fuzhou.

Wrought such a large circle, basically put the Shandong, that is, all the Jingdong West Road and Jingdong East Road are all over again.

At the time, it has come to Chongning Five-Year (1106), and it is closer to the water margin.

On this way, he saw the bustling of the big Song and saw the difficulty of survival of the people. He was robbed by the thief, but the thief couldn't see his basic breakdown. In addition to being labeled, there was no big loss.

In the bustling city, he can communicate with the scholars; in the fields outside the city, you can also compete with the old farmers; in the late night, he has a walk in the wilderness; in the morning sun, there are also big steps.

Customs, goods trading, transformits, population distribution, local public security, traded ... He learned too much thing.

Some things should be secret, but they don't have to listen, they are known in the pubs and tea houses.


Finally, enter Jeju and come to the city of Yucheng.

Qi Ti did not go directly to the county, but he listened to the location of Dongxi Village, and entered Dongxi Village with a scholar.

There are outsiders arrive, or a reading person, and the guarantee is immediately greeted.

It is also that sentence, the status of the big SME is too high, the pivot from Wufu is not placed in the eyes, let alone the countryside country.

Guaixia, also the specialty of Wang Anshi, the votroar law stipulates that the five hundred settlements have been protected by the maintenance of Dongxi Village. It can be seen that there are a lot of people in Dongxi Village, at least thousands of people.

This is still a village, saying that it is a hometown.


"Mr. please, the monks protect the land, dare to ask Mr.'s surname?"

The people who are born are high, there is a heroic gas, which has been strong and endless. He has moved the Qingshi Tower of the suppression to Xi Dong from Xixi with a self-cultivation.

He has never been married, but he cares for the hero's hero, it is very rang on the rivers and lakes. The singularity watched the two ways in Jingdong, and heard the names of the gangs in many states.

Similarly, as people in the rivers and lakes, he doesn't like to deal with the literati.

The first is that the status is wrong, and the second is that these scholars are difficult to wait, and they may be affected, and they are reprimanded.

But some outsiders came to the village, but he could not be exposed as a guarantee. As a guarantee, he is responsible for the safety of the whole village.

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