Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 375, first-minded Liangshan (seeking subscription)

"I am politely, and I will learn to learn to drink, and I will drink it, I will seek forgiveness." Qi Qicked a Wensku.

Although the world's strength is more than modern society, it is still fixed on the land, even if the business atmosphere of the Song Dynasty is very strong, and the farmers who eat these pieces are not too much.

Although it is a security, it is a small landlord. After the guarantee, there is a little out of the opportunity.

Dongxi Village is not a beautiful place. The local education is not high, and there is no snorkeling here. How many years are the first one.

"It turned out to be a happy class." He smiled, "I wish you such a Wenqu star, you are the honor of our Dongxi Village. Hey, please enter the village, the monks have a banquet, please give a face."

The gesture of the cover is very low.

"The security is praised, and it is only a student in the state, and it is not known to the famous song." Qi Qiqian said, "The King of Tianwang is invited, and the students will not reason."

"Is the name of the rivers and lakes, the show is also aware of?" Hey, one side, asked.

"Students are two years, travel all over the world of more than ten stations in Beijing, Totta King's name, but he can hear it at one place."

"All people in the rivers and lakes are blown each other, thanks to the show, maybe for more than a decade, the show is a slaughter."

"This is also a student's source, borrowing Zheng Zi Yan."


Come to the Gangist, a middle-aged scripture that wears a robe, and the middle-aged scriptures in the door have been greeted. The eyebrows are clear, and the face is long, holding a fan, live a big Song Zhuge Liang.

The odd darkness, this is probably Wu used.

Sure enough, I will introduce it to the front and the cover is introduced.

"This is the body of the village, the number of private, the number, is also full of rumors, just the way of the imperial exam, two years ago, the court, Gao, Mr. He is awkward, so returning to the hometown, Professor Mongolu in the village."

"Mr. Wu, this is a wish to learn to learn to our Dongxi Village. You are all readers, there should be a common language."

Wu is only bitter in his heart.

Talented things, everyone understands the same. Although Wu is not low in reading, it seems to be biased to cultivate, and now it is the middle of the mid-term, but even the same, he did not have passed the Queen, and participated in a dozen crickets. It has never been there.

One of them only knows himself.

said that he is because the court is in the court, and it is actually the state trial is only one year. All levels of school have been unhappy. He has repeatedly tested, there is no backstage of poor books, State school can't get it, the career has been disconnected.

In front of you, this boy is scholar, there is a trick, not a rich home, that is, the talents are full of people, no matter which kind, enter the state, participate in the Emperor examine, or it is a state student.

This kind of person can see his thirty-year-old rural teachers, will it be willing to sit on him?

But no more helplessness, Wu is also accompanied by a smile, because this old person is intense, I will cause trouble, I will cause trouble.

Now, although this boy is just a student, who knows that it will become his parents!

"Wu has seen the Xiu Sikai." Wu used his hand.

"Mr. Wu is polite, in the next, the late generation, please ask Mr. Wu." The Qi Ti also rose.

Wu was listening to this, there is no mocking in this, this is relieved: "I wish you a lot of prosperity, which is the part of my country."

If he is still working hard, he can say a few words, but he gave up his efforts and whispered.

"Otherwise, the son, the three people must have my teacher, why do Mr. Wu will be self-defeating? The imperial examination is only one aspect, and it has always been that the sages hidden in the wild. Daxian. "Anyway, don't want money, Qi Tikou will come.

"Two still go in, let's drink while drinking." Hey, there is no desperate mean, which is relieved.

"It's my fault, forget to welcome your access," Wu used his own mistakes, "I wish the Xiu Talent, please."


It is a high-spirited person, and even a few worlds have been infected with several worlds, mentality and their stabilizes, drinking a lot of wine.

Above the banquet, and Wu's talks is very happy.

and Wu's use now have no thoughts of grass, although it is dissatisfied with the court, and it is within the scope of acceptance, only occasionally.

Now, when it is not a "six thief", it is still not survived. It is only waiting for the people who have been tossed by the people in the world who are not changing.

"I wish you all the best in the Xi Xiu, don't you don't know what is it?" Xianzhong asked.

"The former one year old, the students and the are all," Mr. Wu is all the same township, "said Qi Ti said," Now, the neighbors, the students are Zhangzhou Shouzhong County, now study in Zhangzhou. "

"When I heard the state, I will have a prostitute, I will not wish to know." Wu is asked again.

"Everyone lifted, the knowledge is only more time than ordinary people." Qi Ti "modest" said, "Compared with the real gods, students are far away."

It's really modest, there is systemal bonus, I will not forget, I can learn from the excellent articles of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, can it be excellent!

"I really can't think of it, I wish you a good time when you are in the most prosperous place, I don't even think about the Xiu." Wu said.

"Mr. Wu thought how students should be?" I asked.

"When I will think, it is probably an extraordinary, I don't care for anyone." Wu said, "At least I changed me, I can't do it."

"Maybe I really changed my husband, and Mr.'s idea changed." Said Qi Ti.

"The monks heard that Shou Zhang is alone, I have a good family. I wish you a Hao Zhuang Zhuang Zhu Zhu, which is a hero, and it is unknown to have a relationship with Zhu Jiazhuang?"

"How, is understanding the father?" Qi Qi doubts, "Students are the people who wish Zhu Zhuang, the father of the family," "

I wish you all the people now. It seems that I wish Zhuangzhuang's development in these two years!

"It turned out to be a son who wishes to serve, it is really neighbor, all in this Liang Mountain," He said, "said that the monks heard the prestige of the dynasty, but did not face the rivers and lakes, I wish you have returned The township can't be out. No reason, is a regret. "

Is it a regret that I don't know, but if the two meet, I may not be good, I am good.

Most of the rivers and lakes, most of them are going to step on others.

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