Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 376 Xiao Yi Black Samiro (Subscribe)

Dongxi Village.

This day, the guest is happy.

The cover is high, Wu is also dizzy, pull the strange account.

Self-owned golden houses in the book, there is self-prone to face.

The teachings of the true emperor are still in the ear, but they will study for decades. They can only teach in the country, anyone is not willing.

Wu used to use the depression.

Maybe after the future, it is a stupid, trying to make a proposal for Liangshan, and I have not been ambitious.

After the highlight, it is more than Zhuge Liang, it can be seen that Wu's ambition.

The court is unknown, so let the court look at the Ability of Wu Big Liang.

The lid also has a bitter.

Is it his ideal in the village?

Of course, it is not, I'm burning, no one has no dream of blushing the shade!

In the moment, he has to go to the header. You can only go to the countryside, seeing any officials to show up.

He didn't think of the army, but the army is not so good. The high-rise will hit the door, and the grassroots level also has a local rush to monopoly, and it is very difficult to think of it.

Moreover, the main role of the army of the court is to suppress internal chaos. Many people in this year can't live in the public, and they are reluctant to be promoted by their blood.

And the foreign war, sorry, the big Song has almost no victory.

Moreover, the army is even more distinct, the constraint is too big. He is not suitable for his personality. Moreover, there is an eunununun army in the army. This kind of person is even more.

He adapts to this era, can only be in his hometown.

But no one is willing to stay in the country in a lifetime.

The singularity listened to the two people, and occasionally attached to the head.

The situation in the big concierge, not to mention, only more than ten states in Jingdong, the strange calculation is a matter of understanding.

To be honest, it is shocking that the big Song is now not falling, it is already a miracle.

Perhaps this is the trial of Wang Anshi.

It is not far from the big Song Jingcheng, it is not far. It is so far away. What is the situation in Jiangnan two, Jingnan two, Guangnan, etc.?

Hebei Tianhu, Huaixi Wang Qing, Shandong Song Jiang, Jiangnan Fangli four big, one is more than a trouble. And these places are all over the Song Dynasty. Their rebellion directly leads to the Tax of the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, after a few rebels, the big Song has been a few years. Jin people bowed in south, the big concierge directly, then got a small court to be sorry.

The singularity has been listening until the two are completely asleep.

He is also not good to leave, and the servant of his family, and settled in two people.

Natural, he is not so late, and it is in the room.


The next day, I got up early in the morning.

This is the habit of his year.

As a scholar, there must be a reading person, which is the truth he has been pursued.

The lid took the sun and walked over.

"The show is early, yesterday, I will ask the show to forgive me." apologize, "said the monk did not say anything wrong?"

"Where is the insurance, we don't have a high interest in the rivers and lakes yesterday, and they have a few more cups, and they are not very unpleasant." The odd smiled, see Wu used to come, "Mr. Wu," Students have benefited much. "

"In the next yesterday, he lost his attorney, and Wang Haihan." Wu used to laugh.

This still can't drink more, and you will be easy to do.

"The gentleman is the same as that," said Qi Ti.

Three people know more, full of bases ... Oh, there is a sense of confidant.

"Guaice, after delivery, students have to leave." Strange said.

"Why is there a hurry, but the monks have a slowed down?"

"No, it is very important for the students, the benefits are very heavy, the students are very sensational," said Qi Ti said, "Run, seeing two years, seeing the family day, homing, is to leave as soon as possible."

"It turned out to be a monk Tang Tang. So, I will not stay." He said, "" The show is directly going back to the unlunnant? "

"It's not that, student is studying for two years, this Jingdong two mains are only left, so I plan to go to Yucheng and then return home." Qi Ti said it.

"The show will go to Yucheng, and the monks have a friend, but can be guided by the show." He said, "If the show is not disappointing."

"Where is the policy, the students thank you still not yet, why?" Asked Qi.

Of course, he knows that it is Song Jiang, but the cover doesn't know that he knows not.

"His name is Song Jiang, is a Songjia Village, and the rivers and lakes call the call, I am used to be an urgency, and I'm a lot of money, and the two ways of Jingdong are unwroptics. Black and short body, ranking third, people call Xiao Yi black Sanlang. It just entered the city of Yucheng. If you don't have to give up in the county. If you don't want to give up, the monks can take a book, and there is a photo in Yucheng. "

"It turned out that Shandong timely rain, I heard a big name." Qiki smiled, "the policy is heavy, the students are not too late."


After the food, I only took the letter to Song Jiang, rejected the brilliance of the company, resigned two people, and went to the city.

"Learning, how do you view this person?" Looking at the singularity left, he asked.

"There is no amount in the future." Wu used to say simple.

"Why see?" He asked.

"This person is in a premature understanding, not tired for the virtual name, only twelve, and dare to make the decision of the alone, it is a very massed person. Learn about the local details, this is preparing for the future, it is very confident Take too much learning and go out for officials. "

"He is also very reasonable, not moving for the outer object, yesterday we were drunk, how much it is about it, it should be bad, but he can do not move, but also take the initiative."

"At this time, the world is confusing, the thief is four, he can live alone for two years alone, it can be seen that its strength is very strong, and is good at hindrance, not you me."

"He can put down the identity of the reading man, and you will make someone, and talk about it. Talking is very inch, and there is no sense of arrogance. Although I don't know how to intersect other people, I am in the peak, this personality The officialdom is also unfavorable. "

"So this person will make extraordinary achievements, even if I worship, I am not surprised."

Wu used his own opinion.

"He also has this kind of ambition." He said, "It seems that I wish Zhu Zhuang wants to have a person!"

"Learning, he also knows the rivers and lakes, knowing my name, then you said that he is here to go to Dongxi Village, is it deliberate, or accidentally?"

"What is Guao feel?" Wu asked.

"I think it is not accidental, and even he is going to come," said the cover said, "But I don't think I don't understand, I have a fixed part of our district. Is there a place worthy of him?"

"Don't think about it, at least now, Guolu has no loss, nor does it feel his malicious. In the future, who knows?" Wu used.

"Or, in a few days, I can ask the time to rain, listen to his views on this show."

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