Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 377 of the Han Dynasty in Yucheng (seeking subscription)

Qi Tiki, I don't know if he left, Wu used him, and walked to Yucheng alone.

The distance between dozen miles, Qi Ti did not specially hurry, less than two hours, then see the silhouette of Yucheng.

Like the three era, the layout of the big concierge has also expanded a lot, more population, high city. And the city wall of the big concierge, the city walls have set a mailing, in general, the skylight is useless.

After all, the Wen Song's scribes are too much. If there is no special place, don't you gather dozens of senior literati directly to break the city!

If this is this, why is the big Song Dynasty suppress the world?

This is obviously impossible.

Not only the state counties, in recent years, because of the four of the robots, the villages are self-defeating, the village fortified, and the village is not as good as the county, but not with humanity to destroy.

In a word, I want to attack the city and have a soldier horse.

The impression of the future generation is to povery, but in this world, the body of the big Song people is very strong, just pulled out a healthy person, there are the realm of the next day, basically there is no peak, no one from the army want.

too weak.

Although the strength is strong, but there is no high spirits, especially the people of the country, and the only Nono.

In short, it is the overall level of the intermediate world people, things is still those things, people are still those people, they will be sick, they will poison, they will fight for a meal, will also be hurt in the bag ...


Near the county, the pedestrians have more.

Ji Zhu jurisdictions in four counties, Yucheng is one, not state governance, only five or six feasters.

I saw the silhouette of Yucheng, and I walked for a quarter, and I came to the city gate of Yucheng, line up into the city.

This is the feature of the feudal era, two years old, have been used to it.

Into the city should accept the inspection, which is to prevent sneaks from sneaking, and more prevention of contraband into the city. However, the situation in the court is gradually erosive, and most of the investment in the city will make a look, but it has become the power of the city gate stroke to peel the bottom of the people.

As a scholar in Zhangzhou, the singular name is the symbol of identity, not these soldiers can be displaced.

He only has a book box, and it can be seen in a look, but it is not targeted.

Finally, I gotten the Qi court.

Before you see the city, you will pay the name.

If you expose your identity early, this new face is very easy to suffer, and the strange quarter is not a loss in this two years, and this is important to understand this certificate of the book.

"What? I don't know." The squad of the squad, said that he had a strange star, and he said.

"This is my namebook, the identity of the identity," odds play a surprise, "I am the state students, study here."

The grassroots small characters, is used to slip, do not put this posture, he thinks you are guilty.

They are all talked about the experience of odds.

"It turned out to be a joy," the city gate of the wrecked, "Xiu Cu, please enter the city."

"Well!" Qi Ti sent a syllable with the nostril, and asked, "There is a Song Ji, named Song Jiang," Do you know this person? "

"Know that I know, the big name of Song Ji, the whole city is no one." The city gatekeeper immediately said, "Song Ji came for a few months, and the entire county did not admire."

"Oh, do you know Song Justice? Can you take me to see him?" Asked Qi.

"Villa is aware of Song Jiefi, but Song Jiefi doesn't know me!" The city gateman said, watching his face gradient, and continued, "I don't know, but we don't know," Shu Chang ... "

The city soldiers shouted.

"Ma 5, what is the little call?" A big man came over.

The purple face is pang, staying a loop, looks like Kong Wu.

"He Chang, this show is the public to find Song Ji, please take the way, the little man thinks you and Song science, this teach you to come over." The city gateshow pawn Wu Wei.

"This is the strong man?" Odd a person.

"This is what we are in peace, and there is endless, a jumper and a few feet rivers.

"I have seen the Xiucian, and the show is the public to find Song custard?" Ray asked.

He didn't know why he was looking for Songjiang, so he did not have a big bag, but the inquiry.

He worried that Song Jiang was guilty of this book.

"I am from Dongxi Village, and I am in the righteousness of Song Ji Song in Yucheng, can be with a while." The Qi Ti explained a little.

"It turned out to be the old knowledge of the insurance," Lei Zhengsong tone, "Xiu Talent, please come with a small person, the little man takes you to find Song."

"Reash is polite, I wish I wish Leopard."


Yucheng is not big, soon, he went to the county.

Thunder is entered, but he saw a person who came out of the county, a person who was high than the thunder, as heavy jujube, a meritorious star, and left a half long need, live off a look of Guan Yu

Qi Ti is to see Guan Yu, if it is far away, it is estimated that you can't miss it.

It is Meiyu Gong Zhu.

"Zhu brother, this side." Thunder he greet immediately.

"Thunder brother, are you not worth, this is?" Zhu Xi asked.

"This is a happy class." Lei said, "Zhu Xiji, this is a small man brother Zhu Wei, also a long, you see him as long as the legendary Guan Ye, so The people in the county are called him 'Mei Long'. "

"Zhu brother, can you come out from it, is Song Jiefan?"

"It is in that it is that the county is a big man's explanation. It is busy. Now it is estimated that every vacant." Zhu Wei said, and heard the gift. "

"Jusse is polite," "Qi Ti smiled," Since Song Jiefi is busy, then he is temporarily meeting, I have seen it without far away, just let it. If there is something, it is Please pay your own, if you don't have, please come to drink two drinks. "Strange said.

"Take a value, the little person is nothing to do with it, if there is something, it is not my long decision, but I have to watch the decision of the county." Lei said, "I've shown it."

"Small people do nothing." Zhu Wei said.

"That's good, I have to run a trip, and I will give it to Song Ji, and I and Jusi is waiting in the wine." Qi Ti handed a letter.

"The show is relieved, and the little person will send the letter to the hands of Song Song." Thunder came to the letter and transferred to the county.

Odd, this is under the guidance of Zhu, come to the wineclothes.

At the time of the morning, I had to have a window of the window. After the wine, I have to come up. I heard the sound of the thunder in the downstairs, so I pushed the window, so that the small two belt laverse.

"I wish Xiu Talent, the letter has been sent, the little man also specializes in Song Ji, saying that the show is waiting here, let him go over." Thunder.

"Reash is hard, come and say it while eating." The singularity shows two-year-old chopsticks.

Zhu Yu and Lei accompanyed the singular chat, saying that there were some things in Yucheng, and he picked up the Song Jiang's Dragon Melody.

Until the afteh, there were more than 12 o'clock, and Song Jiang was late.

"I wish the Xiu is a gift, Song Jiang is late, Wan Wang forgive sin." Song Jiang entered the door.

"Song Justice is full," "Strange got up and greeted, laughed," It's a Tang Dynasty, and the evils should be paid to Song Ji. "

Song Jiang is really a five short body, dark skin, Dan Feng eye, is full of lips, full of spirit, and short must be short.

I can't look at it, but I don't have a charm.

Song Jiang, Lei Heng, Zhu Wei, and Yucheng His Han Dynasty.

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