Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 378 returns home to be blocked (seeking subscription)

Song Jiang is very big in Shandong, known as timely rain, no matter who is expensive, as long as he finds him, he will generously.

It's not very dedicated to it.

But hidden in this, Song Jiang is a non-crushed old man.

Song Jiang's home is not rich, he is a Song Taogong and your brother Song Qing at Song Jia Village. Industrial ago, their home is not a large landlord, with a maximum of dozen acres of home, is critical, I have to work on my own.

And what about Song Jiang?

He can break the famous rain in Shandong, but he is not done in the village.

A mixer, no occupation, home conditions are not too good, how can Song Jiang become a timely rain in Shandong?

It's still not a favorite of Song Taogong, and I will give it to Song Jiang in the family.

This is not the big elder family.

Until the year is only 30, it is not married, this will take the position of the county in the county, with the reputation of the county.

Anyway, there is a Song River in Yucheng, at least there will be at least the people in the rivers and lakes to disturb the public security, otherwise it is not to give Shandong and rain.


Song Jiang has a charm, in addition to the impulse, the rest can talk. And chat with it, it will not feel ignored.

This is also no wonder that the big Song Yanghu people are incepted, even heard his name, and the head will worship.

Two days in Yucheng, Song Jiang deliberately accompanied it.

Two days, Qi Ti roughly learned about the operation of all walks of life in Yicheng, but also specially viewed the status quo of the countryside - Dongxi Village is not normal.

In addition, in the chat =, I learned from the Song Jiangkou to learn the tax, household registration, and military preferences in Yucheng County.

The singularity is very speechless, put in the feudal era, this is all confidential information, Song Jiang is so casually, there is no confidential consciousness.

I don't know if he is so straight, or because I am introducing it, I don't want to conceal, and there is no preparation.

Yucheng, outside the north gate.

"Thank you in the past two days, I am very grateful." "Qi Ti and Song Jiang, Zhu Wei, Lei Zheng three people," finally understood, why, the rivers and lakes have never forgotten to Shandong. "

"Something is thinning, I also entered the ears of the show?" Song Jiang said, "The show is not strange Song Jiang's slow, Song Jiang is in peace."

"Where is the Song Sister, the student has been uneasy." Strange said.

"The show is eager to return home, Song Jiang is not well retaining. It is not far away, and the show will come to Yucheng, and Song Jiang is awesome."

"There will be a good idea in the future." The strange mean said that "Song Jiefi, Reash, Jushan stayed, students got."


"Two kinds of sages, how do you think this is the show?" After returning to the city, Song Jiang did not go to the county, but pulled the thunder, Zhu I got to the pub.

"I don't like a 14-year-old child, I have a forty-year-old person." Lei said.

"Powerful, it seems that anything can not make it a different emotion." Zhu Wei also said.

"Yeah, I can't measure the generation, the small age is the state student, not what we can get sin. It can also be equal to equalization, maybe this person will become a knowledge of Knowledge County, and we have to look up. "Song Jiang sighed.

He is also a happy way.

The proposal is responsible for dealing with the instruments in the county, listening to the official, actually just a honest, and the promotion is not expected. Or changed a known county, see him not pleading, you can disappear, without any reasons.

Change a reading person you try!

Song Jiang and two people discussed, while thinking about how to say it.

Although there is no understanding of the heart, Song Jiang can see that he wants to know his views on this person.


Leaving Yucheng, Qi Ti has no longer delay, look for the road, go to the state.

When I arrived in the city, I took a bustling wine, I found a bustling wine, and I heard the direction of the unlunan, and I would continue to travel.

The next evening, I finally came to the Dangang.

I haven't returned for two years, I wish Zhujiazhuang's big thing, it is not like a good memory.

I originally wish Zhujiazhuang, although there is also a river, but it is still a village in the normal category.

Today, I wish Zhu Zhuang completely become a fortress.

Not only the walls are high, but also have an arrow building, antlership refuse to horses, sent whistle, patrols, etc., almost, according to the war.

This is not, the Qi Ti is still watching, there is a team patrolling soldier.

"Who peeked the captain headed by Zhu Zhuang?"

This question is to let the strange somewhere, don't know how to answer.

After two years, I was returned to the people who were seriously measured.

The singularity of the kiolun, the patrol team seems to be guilty, and the captain headed immediately discolored, put on the attack formation, slowly aggressive.

This makes the singularity more speechless.

But he did not have any movements, so he would be misunderstood, and the tragedy came.

The patrol is close to, seeing the strange dress, this is loose.

"Dare to ask the leaders?" Asked the captain headed.

Knowing is a reading person, this captain respects many.

"When is Zhu Zhuang become a fortress?" No answer, asked, "Who is responsible for defending?"

"Three months ago," The captain replied, "" Teacher teacher is responsible for general defense, today Into the big master value. "

The singular talk is extraordinary, and the captain has not hidden.

This is not a secret.

"You don't know me?" Qi Ti asked again, "Can you let me go in?"

"Gonggong forgive, responsibility, do not show your identity, small people don't dare to release it." The captain hard my head.

He felt this is "big person", not he can cause.

"My name is Zhu Bao." Qi Qi reported the identity.

"I wish Leopard? Jia Jia also wishing the family?" Asked the captain.

"Have you heard?" Odd accident.

The captain shook his head and looked at his subordinates. I found no one know, it was very difficult.

Handling is interested.

I wish Wanmao only values ​​the dragon, tiger, and three brothers, but that is the beginning of the day, it is not practicing the martial arts. Before this, he can prince, the tiger, tiger,, , People who wish Zhu Zhuang basically know him.

It is a low-profile for many years, and the little transparency has been formuring, is it forgotten?

I can't think about it.

"Okay, I don't want to be difficult, you will tell the big master, I said that I wish you a back, I want to get into the country, ask him to allow it." Strange told the captain.

"Thank you, I'm thinking." Captain said, looking to his subordinates, "You have served, I will report the big son."

The patrol captain immediately ran back to Zhuang, and found a big master who was practicing.

"Who are you saying, I wish Leopard?" I wish the dragon ate.

The younger brother is not home for more than two years. Now it is, this is a book, or the gray face?

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