Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 379 Iron Roller Yan Tingyu (seeking subscription)

Not much time, the singularity saw ten people, and the leadership of the previous patrol captain.

The first person wearing the skinny, twenty years old, riding a high-head horse, giving a gimmick.

It is a big master of Zhu Zhuang, and the cheap big brother in this world.

"It's really the younger brother." I wish the dragon and I recognized the strange identity.

Compared with the last meeting two years ago, there is not much change in the last time.

"Big Brother is good!" Odd smiles.

"Okay, everything is fine, good health, martial arts, rush to the brother, born with his wife, you are missed." Zhu Long smiled, "Leopard is studying," Leopard students can be smooth? "

After awakening, I wished to I Zhuang, I didn't stay. During the time of the school, the time I went home, I was insufficient in March.

Before the kioshua, it has not yet been in return. In these two years, in addition to occasional letters sent to Zhu Zhuang, let Zhu Mao's father and son know that he is safe, I wish Zhuangzhuang can't contact him, so I wish the dragon married, he is I don't know anything.

I wish the dragon old, marriage, I can't drag, I can only marry in the absence of a strange thing.

"It's the younger brother, I should not go for so long, missed the joy of the big brother." The Qi Ti apologized immediately.

"May not, you are alive, there is no family asylum, it is hard." Zhu Dragon said, turning his head and drinking patrol, "You blew, the young master, you also dare to stop!"

Listening to the conversation with the dragon, the patrol team also understood these talents who came to the dragon. This book is actually a little master wishing home.

I don't want to blame them, I wish Zhuang often blow Long, Tiger, Bao, I wish you a long time, time long, I wish Wanmao still don't have home, I have forgotten the little son outside.

I know that I stopped the young master, patrol the captain.

I wish you a good temper person, like a young master, this reading of the young master looks like to, who knows what is true?

"The big brother is angry, the younger brother is not at home, he doesn't know the younger brother is also normal, this person is loyal to the duty, all the big brother teaches it," advised. "

"It's all, I will spare you today, don't take it." Zhu Long this is no trustworthy. "The leopard will enter from me, my father knows that you will come back, I'm very happy."

"Big brother please." The singularity of the dragon first, looking back to the patrol captain, "No need to worry, continue to patrol. Yes, I will not speak."

"Leopard, you are too low, in this way, I wish you a few people to know you." Zhu Dragon said.

I don't answer if I laugh, I don't answer.

What is the use of the name of Zhu Zhuang? What is the name on the rivers and lakes?

He is going to take the way.

The so-called Zhu Sanjie is just a baby, knowing his reputation in the nearby states.


I have three Zhuangzi, only to Zhu Zhuang's terrain, accounting for a high place, and it is easy to defend.

I wish the dragon, put down the hanging bridge on the wall, two people entered the village, I wish the dragon and picked the horses to give the singular, two people all the way to go to the door, leaving the people after eating ash.

"Is the master at home?" The servant who gave the horse to the door, and asked.

"At home, I am in the lobby." The servant replied.

"Walk, go in." Zhu Long looked at the same way.

"Okay." Qi Ti is still carrying book boxes, never let go, have a sample to give the reins to the servant, with the bonus.

I wish you all the achievements of a expansion, covering an area of ​​ten acres, the hospital is high, and there is a corner building, and the defense is powerful.

There is a small campus on the east side of the hospital, one or two hundred people are driving.

I wish the dragon with a strange quarter, Into I wish my family.

"Father, who do you come?"

"Well?" I wish Wansao put down a book and lifted his head and saw the strange tricks.

"Leopard children?" Surprised instantly, "You are back!"

"Please see your father!" Qi Ti immediately went to the ceremony, "the baby is back."

"Well, good, get up," I wish Wanmao left the seat, support the strangery, carefully got it, "he was high, and it was strong."

"The ancient cloud 'parents are in, not far, tour must have a party, the baby has not done, let the father worry about." The odds movement stood up.

"It's good, come back," I wish you a lot of age, the more I feel, "Come, and tell the father to talk about your two years."

I wish you mugi sitting down.

"Father, you only have a child in your eyes, I am still here!" I couldn't help but eat.

"Yes, there is you," I wish you a lot of things, "Go to the tiger and the bud, the leopard is coming back, and the banquet is a leopard."

"Also, please ask Teacher Yi to meet each other." I wish Wanmao told.

"Father even makes people, you are eccentric!" I wish the dragon and smiled.


Qi Ti and I wish Wanshan said on the scene of the scene, not much time, I wish the tiger, Zhu Wei also came to the lobby, the brothers met, there was a lot of fun.

To be honest, the Qi Ti is not too much about Zhu Zhuang, and the Liu Tuo is not only a little bit.

Don't look at the three brothers, I am very polite, that is because I am so your brother, a mother with a mother, change it to others?

The three brothers did not inherit the city of Wanmao, but they were hot and temper. They were very high, they were not fear, this is also the way to take death in the original.

If it is temper, the three brothers are unbearable.

Not always, I wish the dragon again, telling the feast is ready, come to everyone.

When I arrived, I saw not only one person, I have been waiting for a few people who wish you a big man.

After the introduction of Wanmao, the Qi Ti knows that these are old, I wish Wanmao is the family of the blessing.

Huaxia has always attached importance to the power of clan, and the tradition of sacrifice for thousands of years has never been broken. The clan unity is also a happy door of family prosperity.

Without the support of these clan venue, I wish you a good one by one, you can't develop Zhu Jiazhuang to this.

In addition, a middle-aged big man is Yan Tingyu.

Iron sticks Yan Tingyu.

Yan Tingyu is a military teacher who wishs Zhuangzhuang, not only professor Zhu Sanjie, but also responsible for practicing Zhu Zhuang's poor.

I wish Zhuzhuang to defeat Liangshan, and it is related to its strong force, and this is not. Later, I wish Zhu Zhuang was broken, because of the inner ghost, was mixed by Sun Li.

The disease is Chun Li, is the brother of Yan Tingyu.

I wish the family when I was broken, I wish a few people have a clear explanation. Only those who are in the Song Jiang, only a pity that I have killed the good people of Yan Tingyu. If it is dead, it is still a murder, Later generations see the benevolence.

It is more interested in this martial arts than three brothers.

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