Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 383 Zhuping and I wish one (ask for subscription)

Qi Ti is to make the "future" to wish the father and son, do not let them nervously, according to this development, afraid that it is necessary to embark on the original old road.

The capital original accumulation period is the most bloody, I wish my family all the way to this point, but also on the bones of others.

I don't want to say more about this, this kind of thing is habit, and he also enjoys this result.

The country is strong, flying on his site, Hu Zu is the normal, but Qi Ti does not want to stay in this way.

Otherwise, in the end, it is unable to become a nail, meat in the eyes, and the descending of the nerves.

If you are not born, you will not take these.

The ass determines the head and unchanging truth.

So he hopes that Zhu Zhuang converges, and it will be developed in the future. I wish the family to transfer people from Zhu Zhuang, and then kill again when he is Liangshan.

This is also something wrong, who makes the system not to settle after Liangshan gathers!

So the singularity will scare the father and son, let them rest.


A wake up, Tian just gave a bright - this is a grateful habit.

Two years of study, I have to be alert to sleep, I don't dare to sleep deeply, I am worried that I have a problem in my sleep.

At night, I have encountered a black store, and I have been sneak attack by the thief, and I will not only meet one or two.

Fortunately, he is a martial arts, do not need too much rest.

It doesn't matter, but the nerves have been tight, and the moment is not allowed.

One is relaxing, the square is Wang Dao.

Going back home, I really relax, sleep very sweet this night.

I took this "Mencius" and I got out of the door.

They have already been back, and they are just habits with books.

The book is read all over again, and it is obsessive.

Read Confucian classics, can grow Hao Ran, promote the growth of God's power, this is the reason why you have adhered.

Moreover, reading can also have the heart.

The effect of Tao, the Buddhist scriptures, no reason, the Confucian classics can't do it.


Gongshun is asked: "The husband is a road to Qi, Guan Zhong, the merits, can yourge?"

Mencius: "Zi Sheng Qi people also, knowing tube Zhong, blindness, ..."


"Dare to ask the husband?"

: "I know, I am good for macro."

"Do you want to ask what is the gas?"

: "It's hard to say. It is gas, until the arrival, it is harmless, it is ruthless, then it is between the heavens and the earth. It is gas, the match and the road; no, discourage. It is a collection The people who have been born, they also take them ... "


With normal sound, sing, while reading, while walking in Zhuang.

I came late yesterday, I haven't seen this new home yet!

There is a kind of amazing in the morning fog, but if it is a day, it is not necessarily. I wish the family the court, which is completely made in the form of the fortress, and is biased toward defense.

Inadvertently come to the East Cross.

The sky has been slightly bright, far away, and the Qi Ti saw a high one short two figure in the campus.

Dwarf and don't say, the high one, a pole, and danced to the tiger and tiger.

The singularity is now a martial arts, and it is very simple to kill, but the power is very extraordinary.

Sure enough, there is no error, the iron rod, Yan Tingyu, and the name.

In addition to the twenty of the Qin Ming Wars, Yan Ting Yuxi was to overturn Openg with the meteor hammer. The martial arts on the stick did not write too much.

The Qi Ti is also looked at Yan Tingyu, and he knows that his efforts are on this iron rod.

"Teacher", so early started to practice. "Looking for a while, wait for Yan Ting Yuxi to enter the campus," Is this? "

He looked at the teenager.

"Phase I am happy." Yan Ting Yu took a surprise, he did not find that the singularity is on the side, secretly speaking this little young master.

"The monks are just a Wu Wu, the talent is insufficient, only to practice hard." Yan Ting Yucao, "Xianggong is also so early."

"This is the son of the monks, Yan Ping, this is the master of the master, and hurry up." Yan Tingyu told his son.

"See you." Yan Ping immediately worshiped.

Yan Ping is eight or nine years old, and the tiger brain is like.

"Don't have a lot of gifts." Qi Qi told him to see Yan Tingyu, "diligently make up, this, I am the same as" the teacher's point of view. "

"I have three brothers, please also ask the teachers."

"It's the same as the public, this is the duties of the monks, and they have tried their best." Yan Ting Yucao.

Just listen to this sentence, I don't know, I thought that I would like to be a Dad of the Sanjie. Who can think of just their brother, not enough for fifteen years old.

"Teachers are self-satisfied, I will go back first." Qi Ti is just coming to say hello, although there is an idea, but not open.


After the sky, the blessing father and son also came out, all of which didn't wake up, let the strange look.

In the next half, the Qi Tiwi is awaiting in Zhu Zhuang, very comfortable. I am interested, I will go out in Zhujiazhuang.

The news he came back, there is still a few people to know, I don't like to be lively, I wish you a publicity.

He also wants to wait until the official, and then show the prosperity of Zhu Zhuang.

I wish Wan Mao began to rectify the Zhujiazhuang, cut excess troops, hide the bow, Iron A, etc., there is a problem to ask the Qi Qi.

Only three thousand people, I wish Mao Mao feel insufficient, just ask again.

"Father, the soldiers have a cloud, the soldiers are too good, if you are the three thousand people are the strength of the day and even the peak, how many people can you?"

Although the body of the big Song Dynasty, the people's physique is strong, but the first day of the world is also stronger, and the general boxing is a head, about this level.

For many grassroots people, there is no machine, which is also a huge gap.

For half a month, I plan to go to Zhangzhou.

Before leaving, he called Yan Tingyu.

"Teachers, you also know, I want to go to Beijing, I still have a little smashing around, I see that I have a good thing, I want to take him, how do you?" Asked Qi.

"Don't lift your love, do you have anything?" Yan Ting Yushu.

Although it is just a little, it is also much better than the Wenqu Star, much better than him.

It can only be said that the status of the big SME is too high.

"So," eucalyptus teachers teach more teaching, if I can go to the congenital situation in the coming year, I will take him to Beijing. "Strange said.

Now, there is only the horizontal level of the next day, if it is a breakthrough, it is the innaughter of ten years old.

In this world, it is not very enchanting, but it is also a genius.

"Don't worry about it, I will not let the public disappoint." Yan Ting Yucao.

It is necessary to come, Qi Ti will come to Zhu Dragon, and ask him a servant.

It is not to stop him not to let the patrol captain.

It is a good name.

Then, the singularity took a few servants before and before going to Zhangzhou.

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