Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 384 Taiwan (seeking subscription)

The singularity has not caused too much sensation, and he has not appeared in the past two years. He has been forgotten.

The same day of the year, has a talented test to Jingjing, and there is also a living in the family, and of course, there is also a hard work.

New students, who knows who I wish you? Even if you know that it is the first place, but I haven't seen it, I naturally not put it in my eyes.

Since ancient times, there is no first, the literati is high, and the peers are a family, they can't afford others.

It has not returned for two years, and his upper bed is eligible. If there is no longer appear, even the inner is eligible to lose.

Paying attention to the professor, supplementing admission procedures, and greeted the familiar classmates, and strangely started a new learning career.

In the examination school after a month, the Qi Ti once again showed his strength again, and he was attacked again.

At the end of the year, the first place in the end of the house, killing the gods, and went to the eligibility of the Examination.

After that, I wished the New Year.

This is probably that his last time in the future, I wish you a New Year.

I only stayed at home for a few days. After a year, I watered a ancestor, and then I looked at Zhu Jiazhuang's implementation of him before, and then rushed back to Zhangzhou.

He wants to participate in the college entrance examination again, and seize the quota of Zhangzhou.

On the end of the first year (1108), the first month of the first month of the first month, and the first column in the middle of the gardens, successfully obtained the qualifications of the Equity.

This year, there are only 10 places in Zhangzhou.

I gathered together with a group for three days. The Qi Ti was to go to Wangjing as a result of subsequent, subsequent feast, professor to the state, and the teachers said goodbye to the family.

That is, it is coming to the family, but also tells the Wan Mao and others. He didn't say it before, but it was really going to Beijing.

This is to eat a fixed pill for the people of Zhu Zhuang.

I wish Wanmao finally be completely relieved, ready to completely follow the strange proposals to renovate Zhujiazhuang, waiting for an official to enter the official.

Yan Tingyu was also very happy to hand over his ten-year-old son to the singularity to do a little, the year ago, under the practice of Yan Tingyu, Zhen Ping has reached the context.

I wish Zhu Zhuang is a country, the mighty, can raise so many soldiers, and the money is not lacking, directly gives the strange quarter, there are additional thousands of silver, as well as a lot of copper money.

This world is used or those currency.

Every time I think of a martial art warrior for a few two texts, there is a mulking impulse.

"Father, three brothers, there are people, stay," I wish you all the people, "I want to start."

"Father, please wait peace of mind, within four or five years, there must be news."

In everyone's conversation, a carriage, a servant, a small donkey, leaving the state, and goes to Jingjing.


This building is extremely gorgeous, witnessed the rise and fall of the big broadcast, and there is no more than 100 years.

Fan Tower is not just a luxurious restaurant, but also a home store, the first of Tokyo Seventy-two.

In the past six months, a new wine, mellow, rich in fragrant, clear and translucent, and greatly welcome. Although it is strong, even if the literati Yashi, I can't stop the temptation.

Wine is a good wine, it is too expensive.

One corner is going to be ten silver, and it is worth it.

But there is no more than the big Song rich, so this new wine called "Wuliang Liquid" is still in short supply.

Nothing countless people every day, just waiting to buy a corner.

That's right, this so-called five grain liquids are naturally a strange toss.

Although it is more than authentic, it also hits this era of wine.

And take a purchase restriction on ordinary people, but also make this wine become a tight thing, and it is popular in a short time.

For those who have no aristocrats, naturally, it is natural, although it is still not satisfied, it is not as nervous.

It has been more than four years since I came to Beijing. This year is already political and two years (1112). If there is no accident, this year is the year of the opening of the water.

And the origin is a high-rise, heroic handsome House.

When I came out, I only rented a small court near the Emperor, and most of them were studying, most of them were in the past and I wish you live.

Only when you have an extraordinary, the two have the opportunity to follow.

In the first year, the strange quarter is very low-key, only revealing the medium level; in the second year, I have found out the inside of the Emperor, this will come to the best of the best, and successfully entered the reality in the big exam. It has killed the city from the suburbs of .

Three thousand people, but only six hundred.

When I arrived in the reality, I didn't stop the performance, and I have again become the first, causing attention.

He has heard that some people have wanted to fracture directly, but they can't come.

Only two years in the house, Qi Ti is also admitted to the top house, and only two hundred people.

Even if you are inkillers, you will not stop each year. It can be said that a strange feet have entered the threshold of our scholars.

In these two years, the ritual test has been completely canceled. As long as it is selected, it can be directly given to the company and the first.

Until this time, Qi Ti has a distant point to come out, five grain is the first.

No him, the money is not enough.

Therefore, he is taking the five grain liquids in person, reaching a cooperation agreement with the owner of Fan Tower, and has a brewing method, and obtains the two-grain profit of Wuliangye.

He is not too small, this is divided into, plus him too learning to live the identity, the reserve cadre of the big Song, is enough to ensure that the owner of Fan Tower will not move his mind.

This is enough.

If his status is rising, it is estimated that Fan Tower will take the initiative to increase his income.

In a word, how much appetite is, how much rice is eaten, otherwise it will eat much, it is easy to issue problems.

Therefore, the singularity is a frequent visit to Fan Tower.

For example, today, he took the Pingping and I wish to come to Fan Tower.

No, there is no relying on the mountain, and only here, the strange test can hear some great things in time.


Drinking a small wine, screening the news heard in the ear, suddenly a sound with a moving sound to the singularity.

"I heard it, I have promoted a high-spirited master of the temple." Someone said.

"What is happening, the official promotes more people in these years, nothing wrong with him." Another one said.

"The words say, do you know what this high is what is it?" The previous people said mysteriously. "That is the famous splash, the famous sputum, the official Duanji is on the side of the palace, relying on kicking one The feet is full of officials, and repeated promotion in recent years. Nowadays, they are also official to live. "

"No, hurry, talk carefully." The people next to them are interested.

"I said to you ..." The man began to blow.

I am not interested in what they say after they have said, and he cares only to say.

Gao Rong was promoted.

The plot of the water margin has begun.

From this day, Xuan and two years of Liangshan agglighted, seven or eight times, one hundred and eight good Hanzheng, from the two way to Jingdong Road, from Hebei two to Jiangnan Road, all left the water The legend of the hero.

He has eight years of time to prepare for its settlement Liangshan.

And all of this, I have to want to rush to the company.

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