Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 385 Raifeng (Subscribe)

Two Zhejiang Road, Zhuzhou, one, a figure jumped from the bed.

It is gently and twenty years old.

"Fang Huai, Zhangzhou Human, the side of the square, and the family will pass in Huzhou." This person muttered, "What is this family?" I have never heard of it. "

"Killing the stars of the Tianzi, this is the mission of the C8 world? The C8 world only has passed the Raiders, and he did not see the people of the scorpion. It is not worthy of the whole army. one."

"This world, the court seems to be relatively weak, the rivers and lakes are all over the country, the thief is jealous, the gods are very common. The strength of the innocent peak is a bit bad, it is still strong first, don't step forward, then the batch of people before, then Many gods, have not found the prostitute, all hung. "

Fang Huai is from the voice.

It is coming to the reincarnation of this world.


Liao Qi, Youzhou.

In a military camp, a young man in a foreign model wakes up.

"Liao Qi? It seems to be a country in the north of the big concierge, even more powerful than the big Song." The hero of the existence, "the big Song is very chaotic, the rivers and lakes are very powerful, and there are so many people fail, this big Liao Shouldn't it be like this. "

"Is it just a hundred husbands?"

"There is no war in many years, it should be safe. For the time of the present, we will upgrade a wave of strength, and then to explore the task of the earth."


I got the information you want to know, I still don't stop staying. After I wish you a lot, the main servant leaves Fan Tower.

The bustling of the big Song is very busy. When I first entered the city, I was able to fall down in the balance.

Why can't they think that there are so many people in the city.

Seven turned eight abducted, before coming to a small court, I don't stand the singularity, and I will take the initiative to put the front buckle.

"Who?" A loud voice came.

"Master Wang, I am, we are here." Yan Ping said.

Four years have passed, and there is a greater long, and it is also more strong, but it is still a thick look.

"Oh,", the hospital door opened, a burly man appeared in front of the three.

"I wish you all the best, how come you?" Comeades said, "Please enter."

"Wang Teetou, take the liberty, bothering." The singularity laughed and entered the hospital under the guidance of the Wang Teetou.

The Wang Team is one of the hundreds of thousands of Bao Teaders in Tokyo, the name of the name.

Yes, it is the king.

After the entrance to the city, he was so late, soon he heard Wang Jin's residence, deliberately finishing, soon he got the trust of Wang Jin, a sense of confidant.

Then, I wish one and Zhu Ping successfully entered the apprentice of Wang Jin, and I grew up in two years.

I wish you a congenial peak, and Zhuping also has the strength of the congenital.

"The body can be improved?" After the fall, he asked.

"It's better to turn, but also thank you for the public aid." Wang Jin said, "Can you have a command?"

"This is not, but just in Fan Tower, I heard a news, ready to talk to the Wang Team." Strange said.

"Fan Tower's news, can you be related to the small person?" Asked Wang Jin.

As a kaifeng, he certainly knows the fan of the Fan Tower, can you get to the rich? Is it a big official, can you be related to him a small tiver?

"This requires you to judge." Qi Ti said, "Gao Yu is so served as the temple. Yes, it is the high of your heart thinking."

"Don't you say that this is always in the army, how come back?" Wang Jin asked.

"This kind of big event is not you, I can know." Strange said, "I am just reminding the teeth and doing it early."

"In accordance with the practice, Gao Taizu is going to be ourselves today, you are not in the post, just gave him the reason."

"The old mother has never been seriously ill, I have already sick asked for a holiday, he has no reason to do this." Wang Jin did not believe.

"You can't talk to me, you can't think that people are too good, and maybe you will sympathize with you!"

"Don't laugh, you give a little idea." Wang Jin Cong asked, "Looking at my own professor in the past two years."

"It is unstoppable, leaving this early, go to a place that is not a high Guaixian," said Qi Ti, "You can wait for Gao Taoli to make a decision, or don't leave."

"The words have been brought, I will leave, so I will not meet the people of the temple, they will not be far away."


The singularity is just a good one, and there is no idea to change the Wang Jin fate trajectory.

Don't say that his body is can't hold high, but it is even more broken. The nine-line dragon is not?

Otherwise, I really didn't get the nine-line dragon, or the final strength is too ugly, I am embarrassed to the Liangshan row.

Sure enough, I heard the news of Wang Jin's sake, and I was not paying attention.

After a few months, the Qi Ti estimated that Ji-Zilong has also learned to have a success, and the will of the court finally came down.

Selecting the way, natural is the test.

I don't worry about this, from the journey to too much, more than four years, his achievements have been in progress. Going to the top, basically no need to worry about the way, as long as the court is promoted, then there is no accident.

Of course, there is such an opportunity to go to the groom, but not much is.

So the next few months, the strange taps have been very honest, and they are waiting for too learning.

I have been waiting for the government and three years in the first month, and this exam will finally set down. In February, the Qi Ti was more than all the tops in the Taoist exam, and won it.

Now that the ritual test has also been completely canceled, it is waiting to be given the martial art by the emperor, except for a few unlucky eggs, the top is almost all selected.

Of course, before the end of the emperor, the people who have had a rites came to teach etiquette, otherwise the first losing instrument angered the emperor, she did not say that they did not even have a government official.

In terms of etiquette, I have taught for three days.

When do you do what action, when do you say something ... you need a gift official to demonstrate.

Bored, but useful.

If you want to think, he can do better. After all, he participated in this ceremony when he was in the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, it is before I have not awakened memory.

After the training, this arranged the time.

This day, a newcomer dressed up, under the leadership of the etiquette, entered the Chongzhi Temple, and accepted the emperor's gift.

Entering the Chongzhi Temple, the singularity will feel depressed, not only the majesty of the palace, but also a deeply unexpected person in both sides.

So many talents gathered, and Qi Ti felt that he had these parts, and the current Liao is not affirmed.

But unfortunately, this is the courtier of the big broadcast.

Staring in this, strangely staring, I can't have any power, seeking nose, oralness, and oblique.

So the whole process, in addition to hearing the voice of the two emperors, even the emperor did not see.

But in any case, it is already a scholar, just waiting for the entities.

The ceremony is over, a new mission is leaded again.

It's far away from the Chongzhi Temple, and the Qi Ti is loose.

I just want to follow the river to take the road to the palace to cross the horse, welcome the cheers, and suddenly there is a sharp voice.

"The champion will stay."

"The champion? Is this called yours?" A group stopped, and the little eunuch ran and looked around. "Is the father call me?"

The imperial examination is not held, there is any champion, but in many people, the first place in the exam is the case.

"Yes, it is to teach the champion, the official elite, and the champion will be the Hall of the Horde."

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