Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 386 This emperor is not general (seeking subscription)

I have got to give my sister, one or two hundred people are happy, and the little eunuch is silent.

The guidelines of the ritual are looking to look at themselves, some speechless: "Your Majesty is exported, you are,"

That speech, I have been in the ritual, I have been told by the official.

Still good, you can let the officials are in my heart, and this is the official.

"Thank you, I'm going to take a step, I wish you all the best, I wish you all the best." Strange said, turned to the small eunuch, "I urge the father-in-law."

Behind the sound of the discussion, the strange thing is not known, followed by the small eunuch to Qiying Court.



When I gotten, the emperor's nation will not end.

After waiting for a long time, I finally finally came in first, and I will come in, and the emperor comes in the support of the palace.

"I will see you." Strange is immediately given.

"Pinger." A gentle is coming, it is the voice of the emperor who has just heard in the Chongzhi Temple.

"Thank you!" Qi Ti raised his head, about 30 years old, the man wearing yellow dragon robe appeared in the odd eye.

Three filter long must, slim, face handsome, smile, there is a unique charm.

This is one of the most famous emperors of the big concierge, and the emperor Song Huizong.

"The champion is not a big boy, but it is full of talent." The emperor said the Qi Qiqu.

"The minister is the champion, and the majesty is awkward, it is more likely to be more art," said Qi Ti.

"Are you boasting, or is it?" The emperor said, "Accessibility, it is not a talent. Li Wei is more art, you can result ..."

The emperor is two.

"The minister did not dare, and there is no meaning." Qi Ti immediately said, "the minister is sincerely admire."

"Well, don't restraint," The emperor said, " , say you are champion, you are champion, tomorrow, you will give you a champion, give you champion."

"Xu Xie's approach." The Qi Ti has not resolved, this emperor is a very good.

No, the loyal minister who dare to refute the emperor's words were derogated, and the rest were all the generations of the emperor, naturally developed this personality of the emperor.

In the Renzong Dynasty, the emperor was packed and sprayed with a shame, and he could only in your heart.

"The word of the champion is good, I have never seen it." The emperor smiled, "Come, write a pair of words to see."

Said, turning to the palace girl surrounded by the palace: "You are all, you want to talk to the champion."

The words of the singularity, from the Zhao Mengfu, or he learned when he made Hanlin in the comprehensive world of Xiao Li.

At that time, just learned, and later more and more books, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, calligraphy is sharp, reaching the god, no longer simply imitation.

It can be said that with his current strength, some words come out, put it in the primary world, you can give people a view, used to exercise mental power.

Zhao Mengfu was followed by Ouyang Xiu, Yan Zhenqing, and Liu Gongquan were listed as a book. The original Song Huizong's original thin gold body is also a kind of book. It is very like this never seen any calligraphy.

"Official ..." Hearing the emperor, immediately someone wants to mention.

"Don't say more, this is in the palace, the champion is the love Qing, what is the danger?" The emperor is not bored, "Go out, not closed."

The palace female eunuch is in writing, and it is served outside the temple.

The emperor looked at the Qi Ti: "You have not answered questions."

"Is it a new calligraphy?" Qiki asked.

"Hahahaha, the champion is very real, it is to look at this 'Zhao Body', but it is alerting them." The emperor suddenly laughed, inadvertently raised his hand, Qi Si suddenly heard the voice outside the temple. .

"Your Majesty ... Where is this, the ministers don't understand." Strange gods, sweating DC.

The amount of information in the emperor is too big.

He actually knew that his calligraphy was "Zhao Body", but it is a last hundred years of people!

"How, is it very unexpected?" The emperor smiled, "If not for you, why should I ask a small raising student to come."

"I have been waiting for you, now I finally wait. This is a place, I really don't want to stay."

The Qi Ti suddenly remembered the left cry. It is not the world, and there is a kind of Zo-Ci. I have experienced the reincarnation of the world, but my memory has always existed?

"Your Majesty, are you?" Qi Qi carefully asked.

As soon as I raise your hand, I will never I will find out the temple.

The strength of this emperor is never under the Zlaim.

"Who is not important, the important thing is that you don't want to be stupid," said the emperor, "Zhao Meng's calligraphy, when did you become your new font?"

He really knew that Zhao Meng held someone.

"Chen understands." Qi Ti once again died, Shen Sheng, "What do you want to know?"

"You come to this world? Can you promote this world to continue to develop forward?"

"His Majesty is too high," "Qi Ti said," Chen came to this world, in order to help the big Song, kill the outside world. "

"Dominium outside the dominery? Is it those who cashed into this world?" Asked the emperor.

"Yes, it is them, they come again." Strange said.

"These blends, it seems that the last time is still not enough, actually coming again?" The emperor said.

"Her Majesty has been seen?" Odd carefully.

"Of course, I also have designed to let them die early. Ten gods, there is a peak of the gods, and the noisy will be so simple." The emperor said.

"Sure enough, the existence of Zuo Chi, even more permissions, actually knowing Zhao Mengfu after more than a hundred years." Qi Ti dark road, "said that for his own final ending, he doesn't know anything."

"This book is the world, what existence is it? Why do you have?"

"What are you thinking?" The emperor saw that he did not speak, and asked again.

"The minister is thinking, the Zhao Mengfu after more than a hundred years known that the ending of his own should also know very well, why is the big Song will fall to this point? You can't ..."

His words did not finish, but the emperor understood what he meant.

"Sometimes, it is not your effort, you can succeed." The emperor also sighed, "I was very clear that the big Song opened, but it was unable to stop this ending."

"Hey, in this position, you can only play this emperor, kid yourself, Yuan Xianchen, can't have any other movement." The emperor said, "So I have been waiting, waiting for someone who can get rid of this destiny."

"I wish the Yuan, I hope that person is you."

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