Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 387, six thieves (seeking subscription)

"Your Majesty, the minister is afraid to have a negative look." Strange said.

At this time, the heart is cool.

He has prepared for more than ten years today, but he didn't want to take the last emperor.

It is estimated that the whole world is a game in his eyes, it doesn't matter. Zuoi is still not crazy, but the emperor is already crazy.

So he directly met the strange quarter, I hope this is the opportunity for him to get rid of the status quo.

"If you are not, if you are not, it is useless." The emperor is lightly.

"..." The odd gas is almost not yet.

The people who are useless to the emperor are self-evident.

He can open a deputy a deputy, and you can fight the abyss in a word.

"Your Majesty, the minister can try." Strange said, "but it takes time."

"Time can give you, so many years, you don't care about this time." The emperor is the first, "Is there?"

"There is also that the minister needs power, and it is necessary to trust your Majesty." The Qi Ti continued.

"No problem, you do things for you, you will naturally not treat you." The emperor said, "The deputy governance is not enough, or the pivot and deputy is high, it is not good."

"Your Majesty, Chen Xinjiao into the Shi, can't afford this responsibility." Strange said, "Just need to pull it according to the process."

The Qi Ti is very helpless. This emperor really thinks it is an out, deputy prime minister, the position of the deputy whateora is so casual.

And he is just a champion that has just been raised. If you dare to take it, it will be easy to die.

Unless the emperor is willing to end.

But it is impossible, this emperor knows what is much, but there are too many, or it is better to free.

I didn't expect one day, I will worry about the official.

"Yes, you look at it, I will give you a secret, you can go directly to the confidentiality, want to be the official, you will decide, give it a good thing." The emperor didn't matter, "there is What is it? "

"Chen wants to know how much is your Majesty?" Asked Qi.

"Isn't it a scorpion? The rumor is robbery? This kind of thing is going." The emperor said, "Taizu emperor, ; benevolent emperor, barefoot big fairy, cultural song, twilight ... Which is not experienced After a few times, now, now I am coming to Tianzhu's comet, what is it surprising? "The emperor did not care.

"You know it, let me feel very sense!" The strange heart is .

"Your Majesty, the minister needs to get rid of the scorpion, it will be discussed, and the time may be a little longer. I also ask you to wait patiently." Strange said, "In addition to the exterior of the outside world, the minister has the responsibility of helping the big Song, four They are all targets. "

"Do you want to change the national transport of the big Song?" The emperor frowned this time.

He did not accidentally knew the future.

"No?" Asked Qi.

"The national transport of the big concierge has reached a limit. It is difficult to say, and NGX has already underdened, and you want to change the big Song. You want to change the national shifting of the big Song. "

I am going, do you not give some opportunities?

"Your Majesty, the minister is very curious, is your Majesty?" Asked Qi.

"Do you think?" The emperor asked.

"Your Majesty is the emperor, is it three clear?" Odd thought about it.

"Sanqing sitting in the sky outside the sky, will it easily and easily?" The emperor said, "this so-called Dao Emperor, but it is the head of the scorpion."

"Their Majesty is an emperor." Strange said, "Donghua, Antarctic, hook Chen, Xuanwu, Purple, never is the Jade Emperor?"

"Of course, it is not, the red Dragon under the big Song, and also to write the Emperor Emperor to the Emperor Dunger." The emperor said.

Your Majesty, this is the water, can you not talk about the Yue?

"National Normal University, ,

The national teacher is the Taoist Linger, the first popularity of the Song Huizong, dare to fight for the prince.

"His Majesty is said that the minister believes that it is." Strangely said the intermediary.

" can teach." The emperor nodded.

"The trend is not changed, the minister can not do it, but the four big must be to suppress." Strangely said, "I also invite Your Majesty."

"Ten years, how to toss with you." The emperor said.

"Since you know the ending of the big broadcast, can this final ending accept?" Qi Ti asked again.

The end of Song Huizong is not very good. After being taken away by the gold soldiers, he humiliated, and he died.

After listening to this, the emperor's face was smoked, then said: "Tianzhu's arrogant rupes, you will return, then things, it is nothing to do."

Unlike you, it is related to the real emperor.

This pot is clean.

"There is no other thing, just wait for the girlfriend." Strange said.

"Where are you going?" The emperor asked. He knew that he did not stay in the dynasty.

"Northwestern, the West Summer border has been flush, through these small diseases, the minister will practice a special soldier in the past few years, to stand the thief."

"OK, then you will go to the Zhou, do the Anhua Knowledge County." The emperor said, "No, Anhua is the foundation of Zhizhou, no, or with the water, it is a big power."

"You first practice a year in the Knowledge County, and then do Qingzhou Zhizhou. There is a state of a state, probably can practice a good soldier."

"In the past few years, wait for you to have a grade, you will be roughly made."

There are a few words that the emperor is fluttering will arrange the road in the next few years.

"The minister, I will not be returning to the next Laune." Strange said.

"I hope so," The emperor Shen Sheng said, "You have already given it, you have to know, if you can't let you get rid of this round, you have to ask."

"Chen has made his best." Strange said.

"Well, if there is no other thing, just write the hierarchy, they want to come in." The emperor said.

The Qi Ti Wen said, and quickly wrote an ancient poem.

Just finished, I saw the emperor once again waved, and the sounds were introduced into the ear.

This hand is abolored to make the singularity.

The emperor not only unspeakable realm, but it is estimated that it is also a mailing method.

Then, the Qi Ti saw a few officials in the red robe came in, and some people were "Cai Xianggong" outside the door.

This is Cai Jing, and the rest is probably a few people in the top of the big Song Directory.

Sure enough, I quickly knew the identity of the rest of the rest.

Wang Hao, Liang Shicheng, Zhu Wei, Li Yan, if added a child, six thieves will make it.

However, although there is no child, there is a high.

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