Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 388, Lively Zhu Zhai (seeking subscription)

The emperor personally introduces the prime minister, and it is probably not just there.

At the end of the nation, you have a low head at most of you. After the emperor introduced, he gave each other one by one.

"You, let's take a look at the calligraphy of Zhang Lang, it is better!" The emperor smiled and said.

This will let a few relieves, the emperor love is just a calligraphy. If you look at this person, you will have more people to tell the emperor's pet.

People's energy is limited, the emperor's pet letter is limited, they certainly don't want to have more people.

The big giants gathered together, even if it is just a chat method, even if this calligraphy is his, you can't insert your mouth.

He has a self-known understanding, waiting for a moment, just to arrange people home to report, leaving the palace.

The movement of the little person, the universities will not care, as long as they are not in front of the emperor.

And from the name of the emperor, it has decided to grant this person's champion and, since the emperor likes the calligraphy of this person, they don't send people to pull someone.


When I entered the door, I watched the gift that leased in the small courtyard, he was sent by the first after the Taiji Raise Test.

His accommodation is not a secret. In addition to the same window in these years, many people have finished. The size is nothing to come, but he is in a good fortune, and immediately praises.

It is not necessarily to come to climb, but if you don't come, you will be remembered.

"Gonggong, these are all sent in the past few days, saying is to celebrate the Gong Gong." I wish a report.

"I know, the directory will take me, you and Zhaping have worked hard for a few days, and the things are regulated." Qi Qi told.

He wants to see who is giving gifts, wait a certain day, there is something, to arrange people to return.

In this way, people have not enough.

Nowadays, there is a simple life that is not better than he to learn too much, and it will be more lively.

Therefore, the singularity needs to help him to take these things for him, otherwise it will be covered by people.

I thought about it, I went down to let go of the gift. I wish you a letter.

I would like to come to Beijing early.

Before the promotion of the tribute test, the Qi Ti has already issued a letter, and Zhu Zhu Lin came here.

I haven't moved myself for a few years. This is also a good job of I wish you all the people.

At this time, the letters almost wishes to Zhujiazhuang.


The next day, the new branch of the new department has waited for their respective appointments.

It is particularly conspicuous, that is, the odds are given by the emperor, and directly granted the staff of the staff, the six products.

However, it is, this new science is not in the Hanlin Institute, but it is awarded a granting of Zhixing County, which is often said.

Knowledge counties in northwest, can be said to be exiled.

Not only the new capital is strange, but the people who have a politicism have also been confused. After listening to the emperor this decision yesterday, he thought it was an emperor.

Who let his words write so good, unique, let the emperor love and hate?

Of course, this is just their thoughts, they will not know that this emperor and the aggressive agreement.


As a result, there was a lot in front of the strange door.

Certain symptoms that have been enthusiastic before, and immediately dismissed with the land.

Qi Ti is not mind, after the gorgest, there is a holiday for a period of time, this time, the singer participated in many gatherings.

There is also a new branch between the scholars, and there is no choice of too learning, and I have a classmate.

Originally, he still thought that it could recruit a few diligers to go to the water with himself, but eventually no one is willing.

In the northwest, there is a threat of the West Xia's thief army, very dangerous, and the wise is not.


At the same time, I wish Zhu Zhuang received a strange letter.

"Father, how do you say it?" Zhu Sanjie looked at Zhu Wanmao wishes.

This is not the first time I trip, I will write back every quarter.

But as the fifth year of the five years is getting closer, their hearts are more anxious.

In these years, they insisted on reading some books and self-cultivation, and was taken along the world, and I saw the world, I couldn't sit. I couldn't sit.

"There is no news," The first sentence made the face of the Sanjie, the next sentence, let the three faces have a good time, "but the leopard makes the boss to go to Beijing."

Like the ghost face of the Sichuan Opera, it is good.

"Is there only big brother?" I wish you a long time.

Zhu Wei is also looking forward to it.

For five years, they all have been promoted to God, have seen the world, naturally want to go out.

"You look, no." I wish you a letter to the three brothers.

"Well, the Leopard has begun to call people, explains that he has a grasp, maybe there is a chance." I wish you all the best, "Don't worry, five years, is it cared about this time?"

"Boss, since the leopard makes you go to Beijing, then you will pack things, you will give you the servant, Xiao Yan, the sages, and guard yourself." Zhu Dynasty , "Sheng Jing Tianzi is home, don't bring too many people, a squad is also."

A squad, more than ten people.

"Baby knows, this is ready." I wish you a long time.

A few days later, I haven't waited for the dragon, and the subsequent letters were reached again.

"The champion! I wish you a chance to come up." I wish you all the best, "Even if you die, there is also a ancestor."

"Father, what do you say?" Zhu Sanjie is immune.

"I said, our family is really developed," I wish you tears in the middle, "Leopard he is in the middle."

"What?" "Three brothers did not believe it.

They wish Zhuang Zhuang really come to Quart?

"Father, give me a look." Zhu Wei suffered a humble letter from wishing the wonderful letters.

The three brothers immediately watched.

"Father, the younger brother will not only be in the county, but also to the county, I want to bring him to take anything." Zhu Wei said.

"Knowledge County? Take office, where is it?" I wish Wansao asked.

"It seems to be the northwest floor." Zhu Wei said, "Didn't write in the specific location."

"Isn't there me?" I wish the tiger is not awkward, "The younger brother has comments on me!"

"Don't say," I wish you all the time yet. This is the joy of our family. It is also a happy event of our family. It is immediately operated.

"Father, the younger brother's heart also let the low-key." Zhu Long reminded.

"I have a good news of the champion, how to low-key? Even if you know the county, you know, you have to celebrate." I wish you a deliberate air hammer.

Soon, the news of the odd meditation is spread throughout the whole.

Although many people don't know what the champion is, Wenxin means what it means, but as long as you know the master's son, it is.

I wish Wanmao did not follow the odd mean, did not choose low-key, and the big feast is three days.

I wish you a lively, soon, I will go out of the birth of the neighborhood.

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