Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 389 Go to Qingzhou (seeking subscription)

"Li Zhuang, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord is slow, and the elders can't send it." I wish you all the people. "

"The feast is polite, I am equal to this Dragon Council, there is a good friendship, why should I see it?" A young man in the age of thirty is said.

"Just, I only hope that I have been developed, and I want to forget me." A aged and the old man who wishes almost the same.

"For many years, I have been retreating, I have the brilliant brilliance of the three villages in this Dragon, and the old man will alienate three exisions because of the child!" I wish you all the best.

Among the groups, it is the Zhuang Zhu, who is the Zhuang Lian, who wishs Lijiazhuang, who wishs the left and right sides of Jiazhuang, and Zhuang Zhu, the Zhuang Zhu, the Zhuang Zhu.

I learned that I wish the little son of Wanmao, two people can't surprised, and immediately bring people to celebrate, and I wish you a few days in my stay.

In just a few days, the two realized that Zhu Jiazhuang is really not more than.

Not only knowing that the county is in person and visiting him, but even the Zhizhou Zhizhou is coming, and the state is more a large number of sergeants.

In front of these people, they can't lift their heads.


It's far away from Zhu Zhuang. When you are separated, you will sigh: "Since now, it is even more likely to be aunt."

Li Ying was also in full, said: "I just hope that I wish you a greedy to be too greedy, hit the idea to our two heads."

"I still think about it, I wish you all the pro, the old man has a woman, is it possible to contribute to this happiness, now it seems that it is impossible. I wish my family, I can't resist it."

"Yeah, this big Song, after all, is still the world of reading people." Li Ying attached.

Although he also mixed the famous head in the rivers and lakes, in the eyes of the scholars, it was not worth mentioning.

After two people, they didn't say goodbye.


"Boss, old three, don't wait any longer, will go to Beijing tomorrow." I wish you all a few sons in the home.

"Father, is so anxious?" I wish the dragon some dismissed.

These days, he is very beautiful, it is a bit reluctant to feel this.

"Boss, do you forget what the Leopard said?" I wish you a staring at the dragon, Shen Sheng, "I didn't have anyone to manage you, how to toss with you, now the leopard , The wind is righteous, but it is also a jealousy, don't look at those people who wish the family, who knows that it will not secretly make the yin? "

"You want to have such a scenery for a few days, then I've been looking for a hurt, stabbed, or abandoned the city?"

"Father, baby is not not this." Zhu Dragon.

Of course, I remember what I said when I said, I just sought after, I really wonderful, which was reluctant.

Go to Beijing? Of course, the capital of the big broadcast after all.

However, in Kaijing, it is estimated that only he gave it to the heart.

"Then I will say it again, I will leave tomorrow, you bring five hundred Zhuang Ding, accompanied by the caravan all the way to Beijing, listen to the leopard arrangement. Yes, tomorrow let the teachers follow, otherwise don't worry about the father." "Just also let him see the son."

"Old two, from tomorrow, we must also move in the state, gradually from Zhu Zhai to evacuate." I wish you also said that there are many gifts, and there are many stores in the city, and then deal with Some home, enough for us to be in the city. "

"The land price is handled by half for the people. As for Zhuang Ding, I have to go to the city with me. The rest is left in the village. After the future, it will be disposed of, and I have to pay out, I wish you all the best. "

"Father, just give up so, unfortunately." I wish Hui said.

I didn't ask him to go to the Beijing, and he can only follow it to the Zhangzhou.

"It's a piety of leopards, and our family's cards are different. When I arrived, I can reset the land. I wish my family, but also to expand."

The next day, I wish the dragon, I wish you a caravan and go to Jingjing under the escort of Yan Tingyu.

For the first time, I left the two ways of Jingdong. The two people still had a little jumped, and I can't hate it.

And Yan Tingyu is cautious in cautious, and it is afraid of a change.

The status is different, the mentality is different.

After they left, I wish you all the best to go to Zhangzhou.


Standard is annoyed in the Beijing, gathering.

I didn't see the dragon, and I didn't feel relieved.

And he still have to see, I wish the dragon has the ability to survive in the world.

Here, he is too small to be small, and if you can't do it, you can't do it, or before the kind of spleen, he doesn't dare to stay alone here.

According to the speculation, it would be here early, and I have already sent it to the city, but I haven't waited until people.

"Doesn't there happen?" In the newly purchased small yard, the heart is dark.

"Gonggong, Dalang, Sanlang arrived." Yan Si, I wish you a voice.

"Big Brother, Sansong." The goddess went out and saw two people who were shocked on the face.

"The younger brother, no, it is a cult language." Zhu Wei smiled.

"Big brother, the three brothers don't need this, this is no outsiders." Qi Ti smiled, "all the way is still well."

"Fortunately, eucalyptus teachers see the care business team in the city, did not come over." Zhu Dragon said.

"I went out, I would like to know that my father is coming, I'm very happy." I laughed, "I will let him see him for a long time."

"Come, big brother, three brothers please come, let's talk about this time."


I wish you a second day of the younger team, and you have to rush to Qingzhou Heshui County, which will be in the same way.

The five hundred Zhuang Ding belled, all those who have not worried, this is also over the same time.

It is estimated that it is difficult to return to the northwest, and it is of course the best use of people who are not worried.

After reading the prostitute, Yan Tingyu took the task of singing, returning to Zhu Zhuang, and even the city did not enter.

As for the congratulations, after the birth of the dragon, it has changed in the past, let him stay in Beijing and help to see the home.

The task is not heavy, one is to optimize the dividend of Fanlou Wuliangye, this is the foundation of the foothold of the odds, otherwise there is no money, who will bird you?

Then help the singularity ushered in. The Qi Ti is no longer in Beijing, but the previous relationship can not be broken, which is something wrong, you have to give gifts as a strange representative.

Finally, if you hear what news, give the singularity.

As long as I wish the dragon, this is not difficult.

After the future, the status is high, and since someone will come to go, you can give your own brother a future.

Arrange this, the people who are still one and the familiarity of the Qingjing say goodbye, this is leaving to Beijing, and go to Qingzhou.

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