Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 39, Tong Gong (Subscribe)

Put the autumn to see the scenery, Hengyang Yan has not paying attention. From the side of the four sides, there is a neighborhood, and the long smoke leaves the city. Turbid wine, a cup of thousands of miles, Yan Ren is unbearable. The tube is full of frost, people are not in, the general is full of tears.

Qingzhou, Sui Kaihuang, 19 years (596), Song Taizu Junglong First Year (AD 960) Tunned, Ji Deji, the beginning of the Qingzhou, Song Renzong, the rise, the northwest frontier is constantly, There is a lot of friction in the Qingzhou Song and Western Summer. Fan Zhong flooded this first-year-old fisherman's pride, probably written when he was awarded in Waiqing Road.

At this time, Qingzhou is a Yongxing Jun Road, and the Renzong is set. Just listen to this name, I know that it is a big battle. It has not yet been in the country from Xixia. In the sixty-seventeen years, there is too much war in the northwest.

Whenever a military village, a fortress, don't know how many people are dead.

A little further, Qingzhou is also a ring road, this smaller road, is also in Renzong, is to deal with the inception of Xixia.

In the past few decades, the friction of the big broadcast and the West, and the West.

Different, the Western Xia army is powerful, it takes up the wind. In the past few decades, the Emperor West Summer has begun to corrupt falling, the national strength, the army's war is reduced, the big Song is taken up.


The singularity took two followers, all the way, but wished to celebrate before the wish.

First, I went to Xihua to see the Zhizhou. After being hit, the Zhizhou sent a giking to go to the water.

Because the predetermined counties have left, the Qi Ti has taken out the prove of the political affordation, and take over the Yishui County.

According to the branch of the Great Song, Qingzhou is medium, and the whole Qingzhou is not 30,000 households in history. Place this Water Margin, maybe there will be more, but the level will not increase.

Heshi County is not big, so even the county is not. When the county has saved vacancy, there is a main book hosted county. When there is no war, the most important thing in the county is to deal with the contradiction between Hanqiao.

On the military, there is a county supervisor, the county government has over more than three hundred soldiers, Ma Jun 80, the step army is one hundred, the arms, the arms, the piracy, and the law.

Heshi County also stationed a branched army, there is a lot of 500 people, and there is a command to make each person.

This army is only stationed in the same water, not marching, mobilizing the right in Zhizhou.

In addition, there are three three-seat, and three people in the town of Zhaigu, and there are thousands of people in each Zhai.

When I first arrived, I didn't hurry to get gathered. In addition to receiving personal rights and financial power, I brought the county army in my hand, and the rest of the things, all of them were handed over to Zhu Cao's hand.

He wants to understand what to do after the situation in Hengshui County.

The information on the household registration, the money ceremony, does not mean what, is very clear, and it is very clear.

Originally, it is a long time, but it is very fast, a command from Changan sent a strange look.

Tong always wants to wishes the Leopard to the long and peace of mind.

The news came out, I wish the famous pantry this new scorpion, the entire Yongxing Military Road, and even pass it to the farther Qin Feng Road.

I still haven't been familiar with the situation in the county, I haven't been familiar with the county, and you will let me let me go.

Even if you are not willing, I have been commanded, I have to follow my people to live.


Temple, the word, the official, one of the six thieves, six thieves only have he often not in Beijing.

Tong Zong is relying on the happy family of Song Huizong. Later, I learned Cai Jing, two people colluded with each other, and Tong Zong helped Cai Jing on the position of the prime minister, and Cai Jing was a good guideline to make a supervisor.

This eunuch is different from other eunuchs, likes military.

After the northwest of Tong Guan Road, under his hosted, Song Jun recovered Qing Tang area, and broke the West, all the way to Xihe Langes. Qin Feng Road has a strategy to install, Wukangjun's festival, and the school is more It is a list of taiji, and it has returned to the northwest.

This time, Tong Cheng is advancing to enter the summer of Xia Guoshan. The emperor will live with the identity of the Taiwanese, and the Xuansuo, Hebei, Hebei.

This is far from the final point of the child. In short, he is not only the three divisions of the Kaifu, but also collected the pivoty, Fengjing Yang, and people.

The identity of the eunuch becomes a national master, and only Song Huizong can do this.

Later, rely on the recovery of Yan Yun area, and was also sealed in Guangyang County, reached the peak of eunuch.

It is very bad in the future life, and there are too many history of the history. No one knows that there is a real real thing. In short, Song Qinzong killed the children, and the second year of Song was dead.

Qi Ti don't know why Tong always want to see him, and there is a little bit.

The water of this world is too deep, as a foreign person, he dares to have any power.


"Under the official outer lang, Yishui County made Zhu Lao, met the Taiwanese." I have been in two or three days, and I have been left for two or three days, and I finally got the child's reception.

"Well," Qi Ti is waiting for a long time, he heard the voice sent by the nostril. "You are this science,"

"Thank you." The strange got up.

Temple has been nearly sixty years, but there is no point of mind, whitening clean, middle-aged people's appearance.

The speech is also normal, it can't hear it.

From the child, the strange is threatened, which is very serious, which makes him more cautious.

I want to ask: Do you practice a sunflower?

"It's a table talent." Tong Guan got up and down, "the champion is a smart person, and sometimes it is necessary to understand his identity, and should not have a thought."

"The official understands, I will take advantage of the teachings." Strange.

"Do you really understand?" Qi Tong also asked.

"Please do it too much." Said Qi Ti.

"I heard that you have given you a good day, and the official is singing you alone, and the time is not short." Tong Tong is inquiry, but the tone is very affirmative.

I am going, this goods are too careful! Just because of this, I still have to call me from the water, come to Madi!

"Yes, Your Majesty likes the words of the official, so he called the official to say some calligraphy. Later, the public arrived, and the official will retreat." Qiki replied.

"What is the situation, you are clear. Some reasons, confused others, and confused the officials." Tong Guan said, "When the official returned, the official can not praise you, but also special This official is more than you. "

So this is the reason you let me run?

"Your Majesty is thick, and I still have to read the official, and the official is afraid." Strange said.

This emperor is not reliable, how much is it?

"His Majesty, as a self-compliance." Tong Zong continued, "Since you have to practice the soldiers, the official will give you the opportunity. In the case of the Crayon, you will be guilty, you will be familiar with you." Treatment with the Western Summer War, the official is to commit you to hee. "

You pull it, this so-called committee is probably let me send it!

"Lower officers are giving, and they must be trained out to give too much." Strange said.

"Go, do it well, the official is optimistic about you. As long as you have a job, this official is recommended in front of you in front of the official." Determine, Tong Tong also started the benefits.

One-handed rod, one-handed radish, and the children have fun.

"The next official retired." The Qi Ti has not been left, directly retreat.

Leaving the classic handsome house, Qi Ti is just a little bit, and immediately starts to catch up.

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