Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 391 Command (seeking subscription)

Although the child is very poor in the future, it is not good now, but in the northwest of more than ten years, the name is very strong.

Basically he said, in the northwest, no one dares to oppose. Even the names of the old-fashioned patectic mission sought after by the people of the rivers and lakes, and they did not dare to accept the official positions given by Song Huizong in the case of Tong Zong.

Therefore, after returning to the water, suddenly found that the county is a lot of people.

This accident is that he didn't expect.

The champion is coming to the northwest. It immediatelys to come to the northwest, but also specialize in the county of the Yuan Gong, which is obviously for its platform. Don't cooperate again, isn't it rushing to find it!

I don't see Tong Taizhong directly handed the commandment of the commandments of the Yingshui County.

This misunderstanding, of course, will not clarify, then it is equal to the classification of the innocent, not only gives yourself, but also gives the children to face, the children can spare him?

In the northwest, it is annoying that the children can not work.

Since the part is willing to cooperate, there will be no big movement, and he let the main book to deal with the size of the county, the contradiction between Hanqi, asking for "fair" principle.

He only grasps the big direction and guarantees that you can't have problems.

His main energy is placed on training.

More than three hundred soldiers and horses in the county, singing out two hundred elsewen; a battalion, picking out more than four hundred; also touched more than eight hundreds of elite in three, plus Zhu Jing from Zhujiazhuang Bring five hundred people, more than 2,000 people.

These two thousand people are the capital of him.

As for the people of the discontinration, enter the counties, specializing in peacekeeping.

Two thousand people, the preparation of far-changing military universities, alone, is not over. However, Qi Ti did not appear again, but only training in the name of the township.

But I should be treated, there is no difference with the cloves.

Mid two thousand people, there are two people in the gods, one is a wish, and one is that the original Cang Dynasty command.

The deputy command made the innate peak, and the county is the same later.

After the completion, there were five hundred people above the whole army, and most of the rest were also the peak in the late day.

This is the army of the weak and power.

Compared with the original aircraft, county soldiers, the five hundred people brought by Zhu Wei, whether it is a combat force or a level, it does not take advantage.

The Northwest Army, the end of the year, and the western summer, it is a very strong army of the Song Dynasty. In contrast, the Central Planeous in the Central Plains is not a thing.

After the completion of the completion, the strange tricks began training.

In the three countries, he did decades, and he had seen countless people will practice the training. It is much more natural.


The child received a strange news in the first time. After reading it, just smirk, not.

Subject to the crime of the gratia, it is rejected by the child.

Even if you want to govern, you have to be big and bright, you can't make a big move to a county.

He came from Yanjing, when the emperor and he mentioned the singularity, he felt the emperor's value to the odd value.

As the eunuch, even if he is a talents, power is also attached to the emperor, and the emperor can take him into the abyss.

This, the treatment of eunuch and Wenchen is different.

Therefore, the children are not willing to reverse the emperor.

This is the reason why Tong Jing is unsatisfactory.

Once the emperor has some signs of the strange quotation, he does not mind the falling stone.


Three months later, the original training of the soldiers was out of effective. The first-day exit has been too half. The rest of the day has also arrived in the peak. Only dozens of dozens can't have suffering, do not want to obey the relationship between orders. Recruitment of dozens of people supplements.

In the northwest, all the year round and the western summer are killed, although people are not much, but the people are , they are willing to have a lot of the poor people in the future.

The training is made, and the strange is beginning to clear the thief of the Yishui County.

At this time, the Song Dynasty, what is lacking, that is, there is no lack of lace, the fallen man is all.

In front of Shangliang Mountain, many good guys are born or after a thief.

More than half of the big army of the innate realm, and the army bonus, the thief is of course the opponent, a few months, the thief of the Yishui County is empty.

Many escapes are extinguished. After the captive passed the selection, the selection did not have a high-income of the military, and the rest was all sent to work, repair the wall, Zhai.

Moreover, because the Qi Ti fairly treats the Han Dynasty, fair and fair, and has also been recognized by the Tribut of the Shui Yi people.

The omniscovement will tell a paragraph, and the odd army has increased to three thousand people.

There is no such thing as the water in the same water, but it is bitter. The thief of the past is started to grab the ground with the thief of the original city, and the village has caused the turmoil of the whole Qingzhou.

Zhizhou really wants to warn not too much, but he is euphemistic to discourage the odd countdown.

The official government, the meaning of the sky, if the Zhizhou dares to say that the strange quarter is not right, the next moment, I dare to tell Jingcheng, and go to the prostitute.


Just thinking that when I want to be invited to clear the Qingzhou thief, Yan Tingyu has a caravan.

This is a long time, I have not broken my home.

In fact, he didn't want to let Zhu Wanmao to move to Zhangzhou. After all, Song Jiang will break Dongping. This East Fair is to change the state.

But think about it, I can understand the mood of Wanmao, after all, I caught so many years, I should make him happy.

Going to Zhangzhou, as long as you don't get to Liangshan, Song Jiang can also specifically for him to wish?

If it is, it is getting higher and higher, even if Song Jiang breaks the Zhangzhou, you have to supply Zhu Wanmao, otherwise he still wants to recruit people?

I wish Wanmao's whole family moved to Zhangzhou, leaving only a few people to handle the land, and strictly let them do not participate in the rest of the family.

The remaining two thousand Zhuang Ding is divided into two parts, unwilling to leave, still in Zhujiazhuang stationed; nearly a thousand people, odd, want to wish home to build a caravan, I wish the tiger responsible for business, Yan Tingyu charger Team protection guards.

This caravan, running is from Shandong to Qingzhou Commercial Road.

The big concierge is open in the northwest, even if it is not intended, but there is no war in recent years, it is a small friction, and it is not closed.

I wish the family's caravans, only to Qingzhou, only to Heishi County, don't go to the field.

There, it has been finished by melons, and the strength is not enough, and I also eat this kind of interest.

But even so, from Shandong, the salt, porcelain, tea, silk, etc., can also make the family gain quite abundance. Let's take back the fur, cow horse, etc., and it is a lot of interest.

This is also the size of the caravan wishing home, not only, the singles can be protected.

When I greeted Yan Tingyu, I also sent it to Heishi County.

The command of the command is a three thousand military soldiers to the definition.

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