Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 392 Extreme Task (Subscribe)

The Dingbian Army is located in the Song Summer border, which is more brought by than Qingzhou.

It was originally a celebration in Qingzhou. Later, the Song Dynasty, the border city, that is, these two years will change the border army, set up the county, separated from Qingzhou, but still belongs to the road.

Obviously, the child is always taking the marks, and I want to launch a war.

Standard is still looking forward to, after all, the battle is seeing, it is the best basis for promoting. Otherwise, according to routine promotion, three years can only be turned, when can they rise to a high level.

The war is together, and it is about to turn off nearby, which will lead to price. I wish those products that the family caravous came to the value of at least the value.

It is difficult to wealth in the war during the war. It is a quick and rich.


"Teachers have worked hard, how, don't have any trouble along the way?" Qi Ti greeted Yan Tingye into his own courtyard.

"No, hit the banner of the same public, all the way is unimpeded, especially after this Yongxing military road, it is even smooth." Yu Ting Yucao, "I met a few thieves on the road, there were a few people suffered slightly, the rest do not have much left."

"That's good, in recent years, the big Song is not too peaceful, the road is more difficult." Strange said.

"It should be a good time to entertain teachers, but it is not enough. I just received the order, and I would like to have the army."

"Ah, Jiaoong is a county order, but also to come out? What should I do in the county?" Yan Tingyu did not clear the singularity and surprised.

"This is a border, and there is always a bit different from the Central Plains." Qi Ti did not explain too much, really want to say, thousands of words are not enough. "

"Is it dangerous?" Yan Tingyu asked.

He is not only worried, but also worried about his son.

In the future, I was too dangerous in the army.

"War, what unexpected, this I didn't dare to guarantee." Qi Ti said, "If the teacher is not relieved, I will let Yan Ping left."


He knows that if you are really misunderstood, you are worried that your son does not want him to play the battlefield, and the future is over.

"Well, eucalyptus teachers still have the heart of successful business?" Odd smiled.

"When who is young, no dreams?" Yan Ting Yucao, "I have learned a few days of art of war. I wish Zhuangzhuang Zhuang Ding. It is in accordance with the military model training. It is the lack of small people, and people who are trained. Strong. "

"Can you condense the military?" Qi Ti really not pay much attention to these Zhuang Ding.

"Of course, otherwise I don't dare to spend the army." Yan Ting Yucao.

"This time, how many people have you brought?" Qiki asked, "Can you be willing to play the battlefield?"

The strange is so possible.

"Five hundred people, before I saw Samir, the acquaintances were envious, if there was a chance, the little person thought, they should be willing to go." Yan Ting Yucao.

"Time is urgent, eucalyptus teachers will ask, if you wish, then follow." Strange said, "The battlefield is not a child, don't be reluctant."

"Small people know that it is lighter." Yu Ting Yucao.


Make this decision, not a strange tight, but it is an idea.

Originally, he intends to receive all the Zhuang Ding, Zhu Zhuang, after all, is a person, but later to guard the caravan, this has not been executed.

Yan Ting Yumei is also very valuable. Last time I was in the future, I was already in the late post. As the water rhythm opening office, it is estimated that it is already the peak of Shentong, and the law can be exposed.

God communication phase.

The law is the realm after the refining martial arts.

It was originally thought that after his own position was high, he brought him with Yan Ting Yu to his own army. This time she just took him to the battlefield to take a look.

The original written is better, and the odd quarter will not be trustworthy.

Moreover, this world is not necessarily a complete water, I don't know how many versions have been in.

Yan Tingyu did not say big words, the five hundred people brought, I wanted to go to the battlefield.

So I awarded the identity of his township soldiers and went to Dingbian County.


Arrange the Yishui County, and the Qi Ti took three thousand and five hundred people to deploy the county.

After arriving at the fixed point, I knew that I didn't come the earliest, nor the only one who was adjusted here.

Already arriving, there is a defense, comfort, comfort, Zhizhou, etc., than others, his county is a bit sufficient.

Some people are enthusiastic, of course, some people are indifferent, thinking that they are taking advantage of Temples - I have to rely on children, and they don't hinder them despise.

The genius, the division, Wang Huan, Liu Yanqing, Yao Gu, Yao Pingzhong, Wang Yuan, Ma Yan, FRAK, and the Western Army Name of the Yongxing Jun, all aggregate.

His knowledge of this champion is a unique.

These people are the essence of the general Song Dynasty, which has supported the northwestern Song Dynasty.

And the banned army, which is the most elite army in the big Song.


After the goddess arrived, Tong Zong took three days later, and then immediately convened the generals, and the strange quoted also had a position in the corner.

Sure enough, convene a generals here, it is to play West Summer.

This summer, it is another test mode, before Qin Feng Road, Tong Guan has repeatedly tried over the Xixia Army, which is the forward to Yongxing Jun Road.

Since it is a trial, natural scale is not too big, um, the war within 100,000 people is not too big.

Temperate goals is to capture ten Zhai Bao.

The main attack direction is naturally the side of the Dingbianjun, the rest of the Yan'an, Said Army, Security Army, Huanzhou, and Qingzhou must prepare for defense.

Temperature is arranged above the task, and the odds will be relieved when his small transparency, just ask children to always notice him.

Unfortunately, what I want to come.

"I wish you a few people?" Suddenly, I heard the child's asking.

"Returning to Taiji, the morality has brought 3,500 people, including three thousand Xiangjun, five hundred townships." Qi Qi reputable.

"Since there is so many soldiers, it is responsible for attacking a village!" Tong Gutout will give it.

Look at the results of the singular training, this is what he calls the singularity.

Otherwise, this big thing will pull up a county, really thought that the emperor value people, the Taiping School is pleased with a smile?

"Although I have a heart, I have no siege equipment, and I'm not full of ..." Qi Ti was immediately called.

The war in Song Xia is too common, and therefore, the army here is the Song Song Jingrui, the same, the same Summer.

The Qi Tiki is only a breek army, and the war is a big truncation.

This is different treatment.

"There should be a material in the Min Mini," "Tong Guan Yi Yan said," But if you can't take the village, this official will not be light. "

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