Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 396 Zhu Wei returns home (seeking subscription)

Few people know that the surgery has left, and it will not think that in just half a month, it has reached the metabriting from God.

It is rare to be free, and I'm familiar with my strength in the house, and my spiritual power has quietly reached the level of Yuanshi.

Three law fellow repair, reached the same level again.

The power of the gods is promoted, and the righteousness is sublimated, and the righteousness is condensed.

The Qi Ti has not met the charm of the charm, according to Qiao Daoqing, this thing exists.

Recalling the dream of Song Jiang, Li Wei's dream ... There is also the last Song Hui Night night to travel a mountain, I don't know if it is the existence of the same class.


Qiao Daoqing is a year ago to play to Qingzhou, and I have conflicted with the holiday. Zhu Wei was taught by a pass, please look at the venue, the same feathers.

I learned about this, I heard the name of Qiao Daoqing, and the ceremony was allowed to help himself. Qiao Daoqing came to the singularity, so soon became a strange people.

If there is no experience, it is estimated that he must go to Hebei to build a rebellion.

Qiao Daoqing is better than the three anti-thieves in Liangshan, which not only is proficient, but also is extraordinary. After investing in Song Jiang, it will leave before the Song Jiang's ensemble, avoiding the tragedy.

Qi Ti's emphasis on Qiao Dao is even on Yan Tingyu, after all, Yan Tingyu can only fight for him in this world, and Qiao Daoqing can explore the powerful road with him.

Yan Tingyu and Zhu Bi, after years of over the years, they have become 50,000 people in the Communications Army.

The Qi Ti did not let them enter the banned army, and Yan Tingyu can be a military commander of the banned army, but the words of Zhu Wei, the meditation of the magical situation, probably can be a battalion.

Eight million elite army, the four army commands, three are all laws, the last one is the peak of the god. The four military deputy commandments made all the peaks.

The strength of the strength is not a little bit.

This kind of army has several hundred thousand in northwest.

Tokyo 800,000 banned army, in this world is not a vocabaries, the world is, it is stationed for so many banned people.

The original Song Jiang is a Liangshan Bo to dispatch more than 12 million troops. In this world, even if there are three or five thousand big military strange, even if it is a million people, it is not quite odd.

Eight hundred miles of mountains, in this world is only an imaginary number, and the area of ​​Liang Shanbo will stop 800 miles.


In these years, northwest is not stable, otherwise it will not rise to the slogan so soon. After all, until now, I have made a rigorous appeasement in the past two years, and I have been trial from him for five years.

In the government and five years, he combed Qingzhou. In the land of Qin Feng Road, Song Xia broke a large-scale war, and hundreds of people participated in both parties. When I arrived and six years, the Song Jun defeated the West, and tens of thousands of beings, captured the ancient bone dragon. In contrast, in Yongxing Military Road, it is just small, the scale is not large, and there is not much loss.

However, I feel that the children will not let go of the Yongxing Military Road. After all, I want to create a heavy creation of Xixia, the river is not can't do, and the Lingzhou, the core of Xixia is too far away. Only after Yongxing Military Road, after a significant breakthrough, it can directly threaten the safety of Xixia.

But now, Tong Jing goes back to Beijing to consolidate his status, rare idle period, odd, I want to put a holiday.

At the same time, I also give birth to a holiday.

Since she took someone to the water, I haven't returned in a few years.


"Three brothers, what have we come here in the northwest?" Thinking, I would like to wish to come to the banquet that night.

"For more than four or five years, time is really fast." I wish you emotion, "When I came, I didn't expect to have today."

"I didn't let the three brothers, my father and my brothers are not disappointed." I laughed.

"Which, my father doesn't know how to be happy!" Zhu Wei smiled, "Listen to the second brother, he is now famous in the city."

"Tongyu, 'rich and no hometown, such as Jinyi night, do you have to go back?" Asked Qi.

"Ah, can you?" I wish you a surprise.

In these years, I can learn some homes from the hikou, although I know everything, I wish you still want to go back.

Perhaps it really wants to go back to the scenery.

"Of course, I have no war, I can give you a holiday." Strange said, "I can't leave, if the three brothers are willing, I will go back, and I will ask my father to my father."

"Then I will go back?" I wish I am afraid not really.

"Of course," Strange "is acknowledged," But I have conditions, you can go back. "

"You said, I must take it." Zhu Wei said.

"Do you know the Liangshan thief?" Qi Ti asked.

"Know, after all, is the door, listening to the second brother to say that the moment is quite big." Zhu Wei said.

"You can go back, but you can't make trouble," said Qi Ti said, "especially the Liangshan thief."

"No problem, I am hovering them." Zhu Wei said.

"No, I didn't understand what I meant," I said, "I said, even if they get to you, you have to bear it."

"Why?" I wish you I don't understand, "We are afraid that he Liangshan?"

"You don't have to ask, do it." Qi Ti said.

"OK, I promise to do it." Zhu Wei said.

"Even if they break the Zhu Zhuang, even those who wish Zhizhuang are asking you in front of you, even if the father's request, you can't intervene, understand?" Said a word.

"Will this level?" I asked, "But a group of water, it is worth such attention?"

"You will understand later." Said Qi Ti.

"Well, I promised." Zhu Wei said, "Don't you really happen?"

"Three brothers, you are a soldier, this is the military order, you have to make it, otherwise you don't have to come back." Strange seriously said.

"The end will lead." Zhu Wei Zheng Zhi, I am laughing, "Do you have anything possible? If you really happen, I will go back to the face."


The next day, I wish to arrange a good military in the military, resign, and Yan Tingyu and others, with Zhuping to Shandong.

After several days, arrived in Beijing, Zhu Yan first went to see Big Brother, said that these years have gathered, and after a game, this continued to go to Zhangzhou.

After a few days, I wish two people to the territory of Zhangzhou, and go straight to the city.

At the same time, there is a major event on Liangshan, and is about the future of Liangshan.

Song Jiang, please come to business, is it to fight the soldiers?

If you want, will this? Especially if you will get crimes, the slight appease of the heavy troops in the northwest?

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