Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 397, Song Gongming, three hits the family (seeking subscription)

The government and seven years (1117), I wish to leave Qingzhou, return to Shandong, arrived in the year ago, I wish Zhujiazhuang, and my father wishes, and I wish the Tiger a group.

I wish my family in the first month, I know that I wish you a good time to come back, you will come back to the family.

Even if they already know, I wish you the most expectation.

Even the state of Zhizhou, also take the initiative to come to the door.

People who wish Zhu Zhuang live for more than ten days and returned. Li Ying, a line of , only envy.

Who let this slightly care about the public is not in their own?

Due to the strange relationship, I wish Zhuangzhuang rapidly in the past few years. Although there is no San Tingyu and Zhu Sanjie, there is still a lot of characters, and Zhu Zhuang's military and horses have expanded to 3,30,000 people, and a small town.

A village, which exceeds a county in the state, and see the prosperity of the big Song.

So I wish the people in Zhuang, have always been above the top, very strong.

Talking about, in the event of a pole.

Political and eight years in February, a thief called the movement of the thief, because the stealing chickens were detained, the two Han Shi Xiu and Yang Xiong, asked Lijiazhuang Zhuang Zhuang to save. Li Ying personally got home, but the people who wish Zhu Zhuang were ridiculed, directly reckatched Li Yes, ready to move the official.

It is just to let the city's wish look at the momentum of Zhujiazhuang, and even the county must respect it.

Dedicated, Li Ying face is light, although it is angry, but it does not dare to have an interest.

I wish the forces of Zhuang, have already opened the rest of the other two, and Li Ying can't afford it.

What's more, I am still in the city at this time.

Li Ying did not see people, Du Xixing explained, Shi Xiu Yang Xiong came to Liangshan, please, Song Jiang moved during the Song Jiang.

After some incident, it is a matter of the training, Song Jiang quietly came to the cover, but found that Wu is already there.


"Brother, study, do you also want to wish Zhuang Zhuang?" After entering the door, I asked in Song Jiang.

"Yes, good brother, just although he said a lot, but I really have to hurt Jiazhuang, but I have to be cautious." He said.

"The brother is worried about the way that the ring road is teased?" Song Jiang asked again.

"Yes, the sage, there is a study, we have seen the show, this only a few years, it is already a syllable, and the future is supple." He said, "Zhu Jiazhuang is his Being born, although I wish my family have left, but these years have no broken. "

"Yes, I heard that I wish you all the best in Chengqing, all the year round, and the West, and the west summer. "

He is a book, and it is aware of the literati.

"Moreover, at the end of the year, I wish the three children who won, the junior Gong's three brothers came back, and now I am in the city. If we attacked Zhu Zhuang, would headays? If he shot, will not let Is Luzhou directly involved? "

"Sage, don't do it!" .

"In fact, my brother and learning, we went to hunt, and that may not be willing to involve it." Song Jiang listened to the laughter, "Brother thought that the public is and some people? Many years ago It is the appearance of the old success, not to mention more than a year. "

"My brother thinks that he will not know that our door is a good Han, who is a good Han, who is a king? No, he is sure to know, and more, we will develop, will definitely and surroundings, especially I wish Zhu Zhuang conflict. "

"With his personality, if you are interested with us, will you do it early?"

"Right view, since its high school, I wish my family, I wish my family, I have left a few people to take out the field, but I wish a few people, but I haven't come back."

"Obviously, this is not their family, but also someone, even if we lay down, I wished." Song Jiang analyzed.

"The Gongming brother said, did not have a reason." Wu thought that the teenager, said, "or you can try it."

"Do you want to say hello?" He asked.

"Brother is not!" Song Jiang has not spoken, Wu is discouraged, "If we attacked Zhujiazhuang, the wish can still don't know, once he greets, whether he is willing, he has to fight with us "

"Learning is good, my brother, will not shoot, and let Song Jiang have tried to know. If he really wants to make a big way, his brother can pay Song Jiang." Song Jiang said.

"Where is the sage, I waited for the brothers, and I can't get it in the big Song. I went to this Liangshan. I helped each other." I have a long way, "even if he is a scripture, Huanqing Road Slightly, can you manage the Jingdong West Road? "

"Even if he is really the army to attack, I will have a 30,000 military horse, and the brothers are up and down, I am afraid that he is not?"

"It's a brother, my brother is not a mortal." Song Jiang immediately apologized, "If the brother agrees, the Song Jiang has been in the family."

"Brothers and go, my brother, I am sitting in the town, if I need it, I will go to support immediately."


In the words, I wish this, I wish the feminist and Yan Tingyu leaving, but the previous training and horses have left nearly a thousand people. After they left, they naturally have the rise of new people, this training method, the Royal Strategy will also spread. Because these years, I wish the family, the more prosperous, the military horse is quite.

Song Jiang wants to hurt the family, but it is not as understood, and it is detected, and then Song Jiang took into a surroundment of Zhujiazhuang. If the non-stone show meets a good old man, specify the road, I am afraid that Song Jiang is folded in Zhujiazhuang.

After escaping, Song Jiang went to Lijiazhuang to seek the battle against the enemy. Although Li Ying did not hurt, it was short, but did not see Song Jiang.

I wish you a few things that he is known, and the forces behind it are more clear. Although the people who have been Zhu Zhuang are humiliated, but not from the anti-Liangshan, Li Ying can do the limit.

Now Li Ying, there is no soil of Shangliang Mountain.

Song Jiang Xi Li should not have to, but I know the terrain of Zhujiazhuang from Du Xingkou, so I first attacked Zhujiazhuang. This time, I got the Qijiazhuang San Niang led the army, and the two sides had a winning and losing and stalemate.

Li Ying is because of the humiliation of Zhu Zhuang, he is not willing to help, but the Yuxi is not dare, they only know that the background of Zhu Zhuang is very strong. If this time I can help Zhu Zhuang, I will definitely be good, so I am The Qing Dynasty three lams raised to support, but it was not yet been caught by Liangshan.

Until Wu's arrival, there is a policy for the body.

It is still Sun Li arrived, and it is transferred to Zhangzhou in the junior jug, hearing the brother, Yu Tingyu here, because of many years, visit.

Although Yan Tingyu has already left, I wish you a lot of people in Qi Tingyu, see Sun Li is his brother, and there is no preparation, so it is, so, Song Jiang breaks, Song Jiang breaks the Zhujiazhuang .

Breaking a wish, because of the jealousy, this is the same, Song Jiang has no big killing, just killing the first evil, grabbing the food, plundering some people to go to the mountain, and I wish I wish you a face.

It is still that Yuxi is still not able to escape this robbery, and it is full of killing, only to escape.


Song Jiang first attacked the failure of Zhai Zhuang, and Zhu Jiazhuang passed the news to the county county.

I heard this news, I have been involving the banquet, drunk, and I am awake.

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