Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 405 Reserves Gao An (seeking subscription)

Liangshan Bo is not far from the Kaifeng, and it is a Kaifeng House, which is a prosperous government.

Eight hundred miles of mountains, in Jeju and Dongping ( ).

At this moment, the army is stationed in the Renren.

A young man who was shackled was taken to the Chinese military account.

This shackle is the development of the court for the development of the military. Even if the martial arts, it is shackled, and it is also not available.

Otherwise, the big concierge is so many people, how many people go to escort? If there is no way, isn't it halfway?

This young man is even more different in front of you, but not only the shackles, even the bones are penetrated.

This person is odd from the reincarnation that is forcibly taken away from the Gaoyu.

I have never thought about it, one day will meet with the reincarnation.

Power, sometimes it is really easy.

How is the height of the high, and how, the monk hand holds the emperor's book, saying that the family will be jealous, and it will not be helpful, can only bear this breath, leave the revenge.

If there is a chance.

"I wish you, I'm going to go, keep the big account, do not allow anyone to close, the official personally interrogates this person." Qi Qi told.

The two people in Zhu Ping found a big account, leaving two people.

"Name." I finally asked.

"Gao An." The reincarnation loudly, "I said the brother, can you give the loose, this situation is not suitable for chatting!"

"Do you think possible?" Strange is not moving, "Now the situation is, you are the meat on my chopping board, I want to take the pinch, how to take it, so you are best to cooperate."

"You know, I am not this name."

"Brothers, this is," Gao'an face is dissatisfied, "Without this rule, everyone does not have to know, out of this world, who knows who!"

"It is also right," "The strange thing is contemplated," then eliminate a competitor, it is not used anyway. "

"Don't, brothers, I am wrong, I am useful, what do you want to ask, I don't know anything," Gao An said, "this name even, the younger generation, no name, Even if you say, you won't hear it, what is called all. "

"Let's talk about it, which team is you?" Asked Qi.

"War Hall, brother heard?" Gao An said very proud.

"No, how is it compared to brillion?"

"Brothers, no, this big team, the famous team, you don't know?" Gao An was very exaggerated, "brothers, you have at least there is a strength, and they haven't come to find you?"

"Why, will God be found in the God of War?" I asked Qi, "You haven't said yet, what is the God of War?"

"Thorns, a group of bunches of the mediocrity of the mid-level world, even the senior world is not dare, not worth it." Gao An dismissed the thorn flower, "nor said that God Thaling will have a War Temple. Only those who have potential will be found. Brothers can sit down to this location, before the result is good, there is no reason they will miss? What is the waste of those talent? "

"The God of War also knows that all resell of renewers are not in the heart."

"Of course, it is impossible, but as long as there is a famous newcomer, it will be paid attention to the call of the Wars, and then invite joining." Gao An said, "The War Tempo is also a few two great power, many high-level worlds are in the high-level world Task. "

"If a group of top-level combat power in the reincarnation of the Temple in the high-level world is not covered, it is said that it is the first forces."

The heart of Qi Ji, is also shocked by this sentence: "What does it mean? You are a group of top-level combat power to death in the high-end world? Which kind of death?"

"I said the brother, this strength, you won't still be a player?" This is a bit amazed, "the stronger strength, the more difficult players are more difficult, the higher the level, the higher the task, the completion task difficult."

"Just like this world, our mission is to kill the scorpion's comet, before this world has opened twice, but it hasn't figured out what is the bottom of this day, there is nothing. This time is a lot of stable. At least I know what the scorpion is, where is it. "

"Yes, I am alone, I have never been handed over with others, so I don't know these!" The odds analyze the information in high-time, "you haven't answered my question yet."

"So, joining the team is still good, this kind of thing is not a secret in the large team, if you die in the senior world, it is unable to resurrect, and the reincarnation is not useful." Gao An explained, "Thorns Those who have only mixed the intermediate world will never have a countertop. "

"So brothers, still find a team to join, War God is very good."

"You said good, I can't take this shackle." Strange said, "Unless you pay the space ring, let me have a little safe."

"That is still wearing it!" Gao An immediately said.

Stickled at him for a long time: this is a good thing!

Otherwise, Gao'an is not to be killed, and the risk of mission failure is not willing to hand.

If it is not a space ring, you can't grab it. The Qi Ti really wants to see what is.

"Don't join, wait until the world is over," said Qi Ti, "said you are in this world experience."

"What can I say," Gao Ansu, "I came to this world two years ago, I am a small donkey around Gao Shu, I think the strength of God's venture is not bad, but I am Beijing Everything is big, so I can only have a small small, gradually revealing the Tianzhi on the martialo, into the eyes of the high, this time, I will bring me. "

"Then the soldiers defeated, high-spirited with two Liangshan head to return, sleepy in the government, I just thought of a way to prepare for killing them, you will come."

"You have no idea to kill a few Liangshan head collar on the battlefield? They are not all the people?" Asked Qi.

"You can don't want to, just have no chance!" Gao An helpless, "and Liangshan's head collar, there is no lower than the monarch, the two still the most inconspicuous."

"How, is there a lot of law?" Asked Qi.

In today, I only know that Liangshan Han Han is strong. As for the end, there is no concept, Tong Gong, high-spirited, can not say what they are shameful, even if Tong also acts on him.

Speaking that children always want to watch him a defeated!

The psychology of the eunuch is unable to guess.

"Words' words," Gao An said, "Only I have seen, it is not less than ten, and there is a priest of Yuanshi."

"That is really good to ponder, how to defeat Liangshan!" If you think about it.

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