Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 406 is a banquet, Zhu Zhuang (seeking subscription)

Liangshan, after the ship, Dai Zong and Yan Qing rushed to Zhongyi Tang.

I learned that the court was soaring that the imperial army was soaring that the Yongxing Jun Road is temporary, and the army will come to the army. Dai Zongyi has never heard of the gods. I rushed to Liangshan on one day.

Wen said that Dai Zong is coming back, and Song Jiang immediately convened a leader.

"Dai Zong brothers, why are you returning so soon?" Asked Song Jiang.

"My brother, the big thing is not good, the court sent people to come to see," Dai Zong was eager to cut, "Gao Wei did not think about recruiting peace."

"Well, this time is there a result so soon?" Song Jiang was boring, "said that he was talented back, even if it is still going to forth, it has been a few days later. This time, who came to hear it?"

"It seems that the Yongxing Jun Road is a long appease, all the border troops fighting with the West Summer, the march speed is very fast, has already opened the opening of the opening, arrived at Caozhou (Xing Renfu)." Dai Zong said, " It seems that I wish you all the best. "

"I wish the Leopard?" Song Jiang has already been seen in the mind, the figure has been more than ten years ago.

"Yes, it is this person, my brother knows this person?" Dai Zong said.

"I have been awarded a year ago," Song Jiang said, "This person is not someone else, I wish Zhujiazhuang, I wish you a father."

"It turned out to be this wish!" Many head collisses have an impression.

At the beginning, I broke Dong Ping, Song Jiang personally got an apology, and many people know, they can be linked to today.

"No wonder the brother will go to the door, this is really not small." Many people said.

"I wish home, the most important big big big country, but it is a good day, but I wish my family's education is very good, never smell the good things." Double gun from Dongping will say Dongping, " I also had a country's hustle and powerful, the feelings are because of this. "

"Yes, I wish my public yuan, after I entered the same, I wish my family to move from Zhu Jiazhuang, and there is such a change." Song Jiang said, "If they do not move, probably and wish Zhu Zhai One way. This is the difference in the eyes. "

"When the home is still in the military, I stayed at the old branch of the public and small kindness. This is better, and the two are now in the Yongxing Jun Road, which has become the department of the public. Will. "Hua and Shang Lu Zhi deeply laughed," This champion is really good. "

"The Song Song is the first time," Nor first time, "Small whirlwind Chai Jin said," The children before, or the eunuch, can be a pivot, and there is no precedent. "


"Okay, don't say more, still think about how to pass this level!" Song Jiang sighed, "How do you want to recruit a safe, is it so difficult?"

"Is there something good, then I wish you in the city, we have sold troops and then break the Tung Ping, and I wish you to go to the mountain, you will not believe that he dares to send troops!" Li Wei shouted.

"Iron cattle live mouth!" Song Jiang said, "We are the sky road, not the true bandits, how can you threaten innocent people?"

"And, you know that you can succeed? With the city of the city, maybe we will wait for us to play Dongping!"

"Even if you can lay Dongping, you can't find a family." Song Jiang said.

"Brother seems to be very jealous of this wish," God Machine Miller Zhu Wei asked, "said brother to know this wish?"

"Only one side, he was still in the study," said Song Jiang said, "Whoever thought, just more than ten years, he has come to this point."

"Brother, although I have not seen this wish to the public, he didn't have more than ten years old, what can I see? And I have been more than ten years, why did my brother be so be alert?" Zhu Wu said, "Now we are Liangshan The soldiers are strong, who is not empty. "

"Tong Guan can fight Xixia to refer to the summary, not to be hit by us."

"Yeah, my brother, maybe it is too deep, I'm too deep, affecting my brother's judgment, I have seen it," I don't necessarily, "into Yunlong Gong Sun Shengdao," military division, you said yes! "

Everyone found that the military's Zhisheng Wu has been meditation, no opening.

"Military, what do you want?" Li Wei asked, interrupted Wu's thoughts.

"I want to wish to join the public." Wu used to come back.

"The military division is so embarrassed to join the public?" Zhu Wu died, he still saw Wu's way for the first time.

"I saw I wish you all the best with Yan Tian Wang, still drinking alcohol, although he is not old, but the old success, the mind is extremely deep." Wu said, "When the king, he asked, he didn't rush. I come here. "

"At that time, one of us was the maintenance of Dongxi Village. One is the private teacher in the village. It is really not to be able to mind. If he goes to the city, he will recommend it to the public brother."

"Yes, or I will take him to see the public brother," Lei said, "there is Zhu Yong brother, let's together."

Zhu Yu nodded and recalled the little figure in the beginning.

"I wish you all the best in the middle of the year, I have also been concerned about these years. Although I have a long way, there is not much information," Wu used to continue, "he started from a county, and three thousand people lay a city. Later, he raised the state, the Huanqing Road is slightly comfortable, and the child has taken the Yoyhan land, and it is also intensive to the Yongxing Military Road. "

"This is the end of the year and the West, maybe the battle is not so promising, but it is never empty. The Northwest Force is the elite in the Song Dynasty. "

"So, this is very difficult."

"I even doubt that when he came to Dongxi Village, it was really a purpose. Is it expected that we would leave Liangshan, or I already know that I will finally have it, I will see it in advance." Wu used to say I have a heart.

Loyal Tang is silent, silent.

If it is just a feeling of Song Jiang, they still don't think it is different, but the military division is different.

Can a person really predict more than ten years?

"I am afraid of a bird, as long as he dares to come, let him often have a great ax." Half, or Li Wei broke the silence. "

"The brothers, don't be scared, we have experienced so many difficulties, leaning on the united heart to come today, this time, as long as you work together, you will definitely defeat your opponent." Song Jiang shredded.

"Everyone goes back to prepare for the war, soon there is news."

"Big Tao, Zhu Gui is here." At this time, a guard came in to report.

"Quickly please." Song Jiang immediately said.

Zhu Gui is responsible for the mountain hotel, ushered in, inquiring the news, no important news will not easily return to the mountain.

"The big leader, the Yongxing Military Road is coming to send the letter." Zhu Gui reported.

"What? Quickly please." Song Jiang was amazed first, and then immediately said.

Soon, a big man is brought in, it is a wish.

"My name is a wish, my family will send me to Song Jiang, who is Song Jiang?" I wish you a big pleading.

"I am Song Jiang," Song Jiang is coming, "I don't know what I wish to do it?"

"You?" I wish you a lot of money, it can't believe this is the big leader of Liangshan. "This is my family's hand book, and the public says that after three days, he wants to set the banquet. People. Don't go, It's up to you."

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