Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 407 Receiving is an enemy (seeking subscription)

Go, still not?

This is a problem.

The arrogant wish is sent away, and Zhong Ying Tang is a silence. I don't understand what this is thought about.

"Affirmation is the same as before, I want to earn my brother, this Hongmen is not allowed." Li Wei shouted.

This is probably the heart of many people in the scene, even Song Jiang is suspected of having a strange skill.

"I wish the public's bright books, if you don't go, isn't it?" Song Jiang shakes his head, "Going to it, otherwise it is a face, if he is in a difficult, think again It is more difficult to enroll peace. "

"Zhao'an, Zhao'an, the West Army has killed the door, but my brother still thinks about recruiting!" Li Yuzhi.

A few times therefore anger Song Jiang, he didn't dare to scream.

"The brother is not going to go, and I can't alone." Wu said, "I am also a feast, I am naturally invited, I will come with the brother."

"Not only the military division, Zhu Yong brother, Lei Yoshi also went to protect the public brother." Zhu Wu said, "Who can do it with this wish to pull the relationship with this."

"There is us, naturally protect the brother!" Zhu Yuyi

"Sprinkle home, just talk about two kinds of husbands." Lu Zhi went deep.

"If you don't, you can also go!" A weak voice.

"Forest Team and I wish you all know?" Zhu Wei asked.

"When I was in Beijing, I had a colleague Wang Jin Wang, in his home, once in the same time, I wished the public in the Jujing," Lin Chong said.

"Then you have four, protect the public brother and the military division to Zhu Jiazhuang to go to the banquet." Zhu Wu Xian's intermittent, "Li Wei, Huarong, Shiling, Qin Ming hit the army outside the ten miles, once changed, immediately kill the rescue "

"Li Jun, Zhang Heng, Xiao Xiao, Yu Xiaoxue, Water March, ready to meet."

"Lu Hao collar, the Gongsun military division also has the following people, sitting in the town Liangshan Camp to prevent change."

"Dai Zongyu listened news, once there is an accident, timely delivery message."

"How is your brother thought this arrangement?" Zhu Wu asked finally.

"It is worthy of God Military, and the side is considered." Song Jiang praised.

"It's so arranged!" Wu is in the heart, and there is no supplement.


On the landlord, it is still busy.

Although I was broken by Liangshan in a few years, I wish Zhu Zhuang was robbed, and the population also spread a lot, but after all, some people still rely on this land to survive.

I wish Zhu Zhuang's already a person, I have been like a small city, I wish Zhujiazhuang, it is dead, only the residual wall is broken, and even the ordinary village is better.

The village broken by Liangshan, no one dares to repair.

At night, thousands of people flooded into the monarchang, cleaning up a clean and tidy road, all of which were throwing.

I wish my family not too much damage, but because I wish my family to move away, there are only a few people, the servant is left behind, but it is a lot.

But a night, it is enough to be new.

When I arrived, I only wished Jiafu, and there was no difference before.

If I ignore the words outside the family.

Near the afteh, more than 100 people came to Zhu Zhuang, and the first is Song Jiang.

"Song head collar, Xianggong has been waiting in the government, please come with me." To welcome it, this is a lot of attitude.

"Thank you, I am brother ..." Song Jiang's people followed.

"If you are willing, you will come together, I wish your family enough place." I wish you a good time.

"Going to the banquet into the ruins, the rest can be sent to the garden." Entering the wish, I will go on the front.

In addition to Six people in Songjiang, the rest were introduced into the garden by servants.

Song Jiang and others followed Zhen Ping to enter the Zhengutang, and only see a person in the middle, it is a teenager who has a side of a side of more than ten years ago. Today, the Yongxing Jun Road is slightly comfortable.

When you move the world, the future is so embarrassed.

"Song Jiefi, Mr. Gao, pay more than ten years, but the reunation is already a hostile," "Qi Qi took the lead," It is really hard to ponder in the future! "

Song Jiang first shocked, he didn't see the meaning in his words, this is only lie here: "I feel unfair in that year, I know that I am far smaller!"

"The world is impermanent, I didn't expect that in the same year, I was two times with the Tianyu people." Qi Ti "sighs" Zhu Xiong, Thunder, Lin Xiong ", this master seems to have not been masked ? "

"This is Ruda, originally a small kind of juris, and then went to the family, the law is intelligent." Song Jiang said.

"The sprinkle is to see two kinds of joys." Lu Zhizhi deep.

"That is not enough, they are still outside the hundreds of miles, only I am here." Qiki smiled, "If you bring more people, you may be able to win."

"Do you have a laugh, I will wait for the banquet, do you do this?" Song Jiangdiyi.

"Everyone, don't be polite, please sit," Qi Ti said, "There is no other person in this time, and it has not returned for many years."

Between men, as long as they are drinking high, they can't help them.

Soon, Song Jiang complained in pain, saying that these years were miserable, but also said that they had not only gathered, repeatedly wanted to enroll, and could not be realized.

The meaning of the words, I hope that the singles will help enrich the security.

But now, how can I have a thoughts to say that Zhao'an, because he doesn't know, if you can directly fight Song Jiang, don't you have completed the task?

The instructions for the task are settled Liangshan. If this is not fighting, will it be a "set" meaning?

Besides, even if I am in the future, the army will be willing to obey his command?

An uncontrolled army is not needed, he is going to be a set of Liangshan, and he must go to him with him.

So, now I am impossible, only to take the Liangshan to accept the surrender.

At that time, the initiative was in my hand.

I can't take the cavity, and Song Jiang naturally can't perform alone.

Later, just talk about what you experienced, close, don't talk about the thief of enrollment.

Wu is just shallow, very vigilant, fear that the wine is in the heart, the other party suddenly came to a cup as a number.

However, there is no matter what day, there is no matter what it is, it is true to set the banquet.

Before the Song Jiang is on, everything is normal.

"Song Si," Qi Ti is still old name, "Your heart I understand, but the problem is that you want to recruit peace, but also to see the court is willing?"

"This is still unwilling? Is it high? He and Lin Jiao have hatred, we killed his brother Hao?"

"Not just high, there is also a tale, even Cai Jing." Strange said, "people of the political and government do not agree, how do you enroll?"

"You kill the court army, it is very happy, which makes the face of the politicity of the politician to go to, so I am coming."

"Go back to prepare, this battle, you can't avoid it." Qi Ti said, "If there is no good means, in me, you have no chance to wait until Zhao'an."

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