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Chapter 408 Talent Jiji Liang Mountain (seeking subscription)

Fujian Road, South Jianzhou, Sha County.

The red letter makes all the way, the horse does not stop, finally arrived in the county, the county order heard, immediately inquired.

"His Majesty has a decree, who is the T County tax official Li Gang?" The letter asked with pleasant.

"Fast, Mr. Zunxi came to the aim." The county order commanded the service, turned his head and the messenger. "The angel is waiting, Mr. Liangxi is patrolling, and later."

Knowing the county, certainly knows that this seemingly different tax supervisor is said that he has been monitoring the history of the royal, and the first two years have been derogated by the book.

Although it has been two or three years, the county will never feel that this will be endorsed here. If you don't say anything else, you said that this is the official attitude.

Although it is derogatory, it has no complaints, dedicated to do their own job, so that Sha County tax has increased by 30%.

This is not, the emperor finally remembered this, sent an angel to call.

Half a half, finally, a middle-aged scripture of three or forties appearance entered the county.

"Lower Official Li Gang, I have seen an angel." Li Gang is very calm, "What is the angel?"

The messenger does not care about Li Gang, take out a letter from the arms: "Your Majesty order, Qi Li Gang is a member of the outer lang, go to Jeju, and the Yongxing Jun Road is slightly comfortable to make the account, instantly become. "

Li Gang squoked, as if he didn't have something wrong.

Although the staff is six officials, but it is just a silent, there is no job, so I do what I do, I have to go to Jeju.

However, what is the situation in Jeju?

Li Tangyi faces.


Two Zhejiang Road, Zhangzhou, Yiwu County.

It is also a mission-made messenger, looking for the county to hears the situation, and go to a house in the city.

"You are Zongze?" Soon, the messengers saw a year of the old man in the house.

"The old man is, what is the angel?" Zongze asked.

"Your order, with Zongze as the Jeju soldier and horse, in the Yongxing Jun Road"

"The old ministers follow." Zongze should live.

Looking at the angel leaving, I remembered that Zhejiang is now, Zongze can't sigh.

Two Zhejiang Road have begun to be unstable, if the official returns home, he also can't think of the rich two Zhejiang Road to present.

Just don't know what you know above, or hide it by those people?


Li Gang, Mr. Bo Ji, Mr. Liangxi, Changzhou Wuxin, Zongze, Word Yulin, Yizhen Yiwu, the two are all anti-gold medal, the main battle sent, and it is also a hard brother, the same In the first year of Xuanhe, a Taxation of Sha County, who was tagged in Nanyang, a palace, and a different, the young Li Gang was accepted, while the old Zongze resigned from the country.

Although it is born, it is not good, but the two people are not good, until the crisis in the country of Jinbing, they have been remembered by the court, serve as a job.

Now, Qi Ti is just pulling them in advance.

Isn't Liang Shan Hao Han? Isn't it all the sky? Well, I gathered the best of the best in the big Song Dynasty, and I could see the big potential of your Liangshan!

Not only Zongze and Li Gang, even Yue Fei, Qi Ti has already sent people to find it. In the age of 17, it should also be on the battlefield.

I don't believe in such a group of outstanding talents, but I still can't make your Liangshan?

People Yue Fei can be a Buddha to sit up the gold-winged Dapeng, a single seedlings pet, but not worthy of a large group of people in the sky?

And Yue Fei's "Zhongxing Four", "Qi King" identity should not be worse? There is also Niu Wei, that is, the God of Wealth is sitting down the black tiger.

Don't say it, then let go, it is not a water rumor.


"Military division, what do you know about the public?"

All the way of war is in the water, Song Jiang is finally convinced, and Qiki does not have any other ideas, just ask him to narrow.

By the lake wind, Zhen Zhenjing, Song Jiang asked Wu's Road.

"I wish you all the best in the public, but first we have the strength, otherwise he is killed by him, that is, the capture is not advocated." Wu said.

"This is looking for us Liangshan?" Lu Zhi deeply.

"People have been playing Xixia before, and the hands are all Shui West Army. I can't see our thief is normal." Wu is smiling, "So next to the head will work hard, can't really look Flat. "

"The brothers, I didn't forget to enroll in Song Jiang, I wanted to find a future, but I never thought that the soldiers were captured, and everyone slaughtered." Song Jiang said, "So, please reort, re-difficult "

"My brother is rest assured, let him come, eat iron cow three board ax." Li Wei said.

"Our Liangshan also killed all the way, how about the West Army?" Someone said.

"Yes, let them these eyes are higher than the top of the top, try to taste our Liangshan army."

The morale was encouraged, and Song Jiang was very satisfied, and Wu was smileered, full of bases ... tacit.


"How do you feel?" I sent a line of Song Jiang, Qi Tiked, I have been dressed as the Yan Tingyu, Wang Jin and others in the guard guard.

"Very strong," Yu Ting Yucao, "Zhu Wei, Lei Yong, Lin Chong, Lu Zhi Shen, all are all laws, the public is too big, if they really want to make a mess, the embarrassment and the king command make it afraid to pay."

"Nothing, I have an inch, Song Jiang did not dare." Qi Ti said, "Otherwise, it will not grasp the high, and put him back."

"Wang command makes, what do you think? I see you and Lin Chong talk about it, have you gratifying him?"

"Put it in this year, I will not take it, but it has been behind more than ten years." Wang Jin said, "Lin Chong should be in the middle of the law, and the Early president is in the early stages of the law."

"According to the information, Liangshan has Ma Jun five tigers will, Lin Chong is in the second, and this seems that these five people should have a law-phase medium-end, and a slap in which Lu Junyi is more in it, maybe in the late stage."

"In addition, there is a Ma Jun eight-ride. Zhu Wei is one, which is probably a law, and the first army leads eleven people. There is also a method. "

"There is also a lot of leadership of the water army, which is probably a law, if it is in the water, and the level is not a problem."

"According to Liangshan, they are in the stars, and they have one hundred and eight people in the scorpion, perhaps this day, the stars, all the way, and the land of the stars, but not necessarily no law."

"Gonggong, you said this, the pressure is very stressed." Yan Ting Yucao, "So many laws and priests can directly top 10 thousands of military."

"And there is still nothing, Liangshan people also dawn, especially those with special weapons, shippers, domesticate, auditors, etc., even more meticulous than the court, can also be described as talents."

"Do you mean to take them?" Yan Ting Yuxi asked, "It's not easy, it's hard to defeat."

"Yes, it's hard, but try to do it." Strange said, "Maybe it should make these arrogance will be a little loss, so as not to listen to it."

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