Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 411 Star Jun Borrowing (Subscribe)

The submor is still insisting.

He doesn't want to return the army, but know, if it is unreasonable, he will carry out huge responsibilities.

It was defeated by a thief, and the reputation of his breeding is over.

He is not like a Tong Gong, a high weight loss, and it will be defeated; it is not like a high-spirited, the book is a mixer, charming, the soldiers are in the reason; he is in the West, The Liao Country defeated, and it was defeated in a thief, then there was basically no change.

This is the situation that the year of the year is not willing to see, so he is still supporting.

Although Liu Zhongwu came to rescue, there was not much improvement in the situation of the geniology.

Only five laws in the army are not as good as the number of the military. After being blocked by a group of laws, it has also been in a hard battle.

"... Blocking the Liangshan Tier of Liu General, is the head of the small whirlwind, he is the Daxian royal descendant, always gives a good air; Next to you, someone has been introducing Liangshan Tierk.

"Li Ying, I know, I wish you a good neighbor, Lijiazhuang's Zhuang, who once I have seen it." The Qi Ti smiled, "but it has also entered Liangshan."

"It is also honored to say that Li Jiazhuang and Yujiazhuang have people in Liangshan. Only I wish you a good." Strangely said, turned to see another person next to another shovel, " What is your sister? "

"Of course, people are the tightness of the wind." He has become a bad way.

At the beginning, he has decided to understand with Liangshan. He also grasped the sister of the family to change his captive, but finally, the only surviving sister has also spoke, which makes him not angry?

If before, he can only put this hatred because he is not the opponent of Liangshan. But now, I wish the prizes to discuss the Mountain, let him see a hopes of revenge.

"You are now soldiers, you can remember hatred, but don't bring this kind of emotion into the battlefield, otherwise you have been stunned, it is easy to cover up." Strangely repeated, "I want to revenge is not wrong, but short I am afraid that it is not yet. "

"At the end, I will understand that I don't dare to delay my affairs." He made a heart god.

"Party General, continue to introduce!" Said the young generals around him.

The youth general is the party hero under the high-end door that was returned by Song Jiang.

Because it is gave, when I lost my fall, I will bring it when I have passed away.

Not only the party heroes, the ten-way failure before, but as long as they are still alive, the monk places will come over again.

The ten-year-old war, the martial arts is high, and it is not like Tong Jingzu's eight-state military and horses, and everything is killed by Liangshan.

These festivals, some people are young, but they are all masters of real, can and the Liangshan Han Dynasty will not fall to the wind, and Qi Ti will naturally not let go.

For these people, the last failure is unwilling, and the Qi Qi Liangshan once again enabled them, giving them a chance to revenge, can they come?

"Yes," Party Shengxiong continues to introduce, "the most flexible is the prodigal sannie ..."

"That pair is very similar to the two snakes, the doubles, the buddy brothers ..."

"The eyebrows are big, the red face is mixed Jiang Long Li Jun ..."

"The white strips of the white strip are blocked ..."


One of the party heroes, the heart is constantly calculated.

"It seems that Tianzhengxing has a famous arrogance, and there is a law to repair, and the land is the star, Huang Xin, Sun Li is sent to the top three, and there is also a Zhu Wu, the rest is not a law."

"Thirty-one Tianzheng, two plaades, except for coach and military division, only one of Dai Zong swims to explore the news, did not join the battlefield."

"Song Jiang even worse, it is also the law, the life of the charge, really wants to kill, and it is not weak."

"In addition to Wu, Gong Sun Sheng and the actual head of Zhu Wu, Liangshan can also invest three."

"It's time."

The Qi Ti is a little head, and the information is received, and the arrow is sent, and the number is in the number.

Liangshan Dadian, Zhu Wu is one.

"Mailing Dai Zong, stepping up the action, especially the official military big camp, there is no enemy to pay." Zhu Wu urgently told.

After half a minute, wear it.

"The military division, the exterior of the martial arts, there is a 30,000 people's cavalry, is killing the battlefield, for a while," Dai Zong said.

"I know, you don't have to go to explore, rest, and let me fight." Zhu Wu Dai Zongdao.

Said, turn around to see Song Jiang, Lu Junyi: "Gongming brother commanded this, I and Dai Zong went to fight with the ruler."

"What is the military division?" Song Jiang is unhappy, "" On the commandment, I am not as good as military division, but the battlefield is still doing it. You can do a big leader today, I am afraid, delay the battle machine? "


Zhu Wei said, I just worry about your ability to fight. If you don't have a small trouble, if you have to take care of you in this battle, you can't open it.

"Military, a good, is already the law of the martial arts." Song Jiang emphasized.

"Military, one will protect the big leader." Lu Junyi said.

I am worried about you!

Zhu Wu is not good, then it can only agree.

"Also," Zhu Wu is head, "but the public brother, we don't like the official army, there is a constant people to invest, if there is an impair, I will make the arrow, and the public brother will show the last move."

"Okay, I know." Song Jiang Yingdao.


Song Jiang and Lu Junyi took 50,000 steps and went to block the upcoming cavalry.

It is not that they don't want to use cavalry, but Liangshan is so much cavalry, which is already used to welcome the Cavalry of the War.

The big Song Song will lack the horse, and there is less than a good horse. The entire Yongxing military road cavalry is only more than 100,000. Compared to that Liangshan can form a million cavalry, it is not easy.

But with a walk against the cavalry, the gap is too big.

A step of walking with a cavalry does not fall, but a hundred steps will not stop the charge of 100 cavalry.

The cavalry is in the future, don't fight with you, you can't keep up.

Therefore, it can only be repaired in the migration.

Lu Junyi did not hesitate to show the law, a huge white jade unicorn, and the prestige appeared in front of the cavalry already near.

The law of Song Jiang is with the reverse opposite, he himself is black and short, but the law is a loud and white-faced lake.

However, the official army did not fight with Lu Junyi, divided a thousand cavalry, killing under the leadership of the law.

When it is approaching, the horse head turns, from the side bypass, leave a row of rins.

Holding, after the inventions of the horse, it is already the standard of elite cavalry.

Dai Zong is able to keep up with the speed of the cavalry, but only one person, essentially caught the cavalry of the military battle, even if there is also Lu Junyi and Song Jiang.

Another 20,000 people's cavalry, they rushed to the shining, and they went.

Obviously, after you want to defeat the shots, let go of the cavalry of the species, and then fight back.

Zhu Wu saw, immediately transferred four laws from four laws from the team in the attack, and went to Song Jiang and Huandong.

But it is too late, in the cavalry, there is three ways to rise, and a slap in the formation of the call.

The history of going to support has not arrived, and the shining, and it is superior to see the appearance.

Lost the support of the cavalry, just two laws, can't stop the cavalry of the breeding.

Zhu Wu's face changed, no longer, let the arrow release.

After the Song Jiang saw it, pray now.

There must be intermediary, the stars, and the road is turning down, covering the people who are fighting with the official army.

Then, in the eyes of the singularity, all the Liangshan, which were shrouded by the star, had a huge improvement.

Many are not a law-like jun, which is not a law, this moment also reaches a manner, and dozens of laws emerge.

"Star Jun borrowed." After the body, Qiao Daoqing was shocked.

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