Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 412, Hengye (Subscribe)

"Star Jun borrowed?" Odd looks to Qiao Daoqing, "The Director knows what is going on?"

"It is said that there is Tianstring's three worlds, including the Tianzhu Sad, one hundred and eight stars shine," Qiao Dao is clear, "I thought that this is just a rumor, now it seems that this is inevitable."

"The Taoist said that there is a natural god in the world. This is the Tian Shangxingjun is borrowing?" Asked Qi.

"Yes, when I was in Qingzhou, the horizon is very imagined, I heard Song Jiang and others more than Liangshan, with the scorpion of the stars, I thought it was just a nickname, but it is true."

"Liangshan people, maybe it's really the sky." Qiao Dao is calm. "

"Ah, that's this, we are enemies with Song Jiang, isn't it in harmony with the gods?" There is a will not help.

"No wonder the Tong Taifu and Gao Taicheng have folded Liangshan?"

"So, Liangshan's law doubled twice, how much cost can I spend even if they?"

"Do you still want to beat them?"


The chaos sounded around.

"Ok, shut up." Qi Qi smelled, and lived in everyone.

"How is the sky in the sky? Shangyu Jade, and the emperor of the world, the emperor is the same. Even if they are really Star, we are as the courtiers of the big Song, the identity is not poor."

"Moreover, now, our officials, they are thieves. Star Jun is now, come to others, we must respect the rules of my world. Dare to make a chaos, you must prepare for being annihilated." The sound is full of confidence.

The public will gradually calm down.

"Taoist, their situation, is there a restricted?" Qi Dao Daoqing.

"I don't know, but I want to come, this situation will not last long, and I can't use it." Qiao Daoqing said, "Star Jun is borrowing, nor five restrictions, even if they are starrant, can improve a level of strength is The limit is, and it is strong, I am afraid. "

"That's good." Qi Ti said, "there is a restriction."

"I am afraid that it is hard to be, I really want to be really unwilling, so, I think it is not so easy to let the Liang Squakers on the shore today."

"But finally forced them a top sign."

"The command, the soldiers, and the people will take good faith."


Finally waited until the troops, the spirit of the generous road, started to gather the horse, slowly retreat to Liu Zhongwu's direction.

Zhu Wu did not force the meaning of the geniology. They were in the wind. If the non-application secret law, the stars will be brought to the border, most of the borders are promoted, and the martial arts is more broken. A small realm, the strength is increased, and it does not stop the offense of the official army.

Star Jun is not allowed for a long time, so Zhu Wu has not let people pursue, and it will also reach the command.

The two sides who are fighting, starting the separation of tacit understanding, soon, the generic road and Liu Zhongwu are in combination, and under the protection of cavalry, it will go.


The official army went away.

The stars hidden, Liangshan Han gathered again, gathered the deceased, and boarded the water army vessel and returned to Liangshan.

The atmosphere is very dull.

"The West Army is exactly the extraordinary, not before the talents, high-spirited soldiers and horses," in Zhongyu Tang, or Song Jiang broke the silence. "

"It is my command to be unfavorable." Zhu Wu went out to take responsibility.

"Zhu Junshi is already very good," Song Jiang smiled, "replacing anyone will not do better, it is we despise the official army, and despise this wish."

"Indeed, our enemy is in the past," Wu is also said, "less than 400,000 people can occupy the wind."

"If you are not those cavalry, we will not lose." Shou Yurong.

He is personally appreciated to the power of the elite cavalry, even if he is the same, the serial horses of the training are not elite the West Army.

"The problem is that they have so many people, there are so many cavalry." Zhu Wu said, "There are more than two million officials, according to the scale, today is just a preliminary test, and we have used a lot of force, but also exposed a Bottom. "

"More than 200 million, more than 300 million is already today, more than two million, what will be?" Some people are amazed.

"Not only this, it is said that the top ten of us, it is also being reorganized to rush to rush to, explain our senior military advantage." Wu said, "If it is now urged all of the senior military, maybe Also above us. "

"So our response is the policy?" Asked Song Jiang.

"You can't attack, you can only use Liang Shan Liang Liangzhi, play our water's advantage, if the official military dongged in, beat them on the water." Wu used.

"The training of the Water Army can be handed over to the water army, the public brother, the previous things, to mention the schedule, maybe it can be used soon."

"Okay, then you will start." Song Jiang said, "How long can I support money?"

"It is still possible to support March." Li Ji replied.

Although Chaijin is the leader of the supervisor, it is indeed Li Ying.

"Three months, the official army is two or three million, should you not hold so long?" Song Jiangxin has special.

"Who knows, but we have to prepare."


"How much is lost?" Back to Yucheng, waiting for the teacher to settle back, and asked Qi.

"Go back to school, preliminary estimate, the discount will be nearly 30%." The genographer has an anger. "Don't be arranged in the arrangement, why don't you send troops early, so that my white loses tens of thousands of people?"

"A tyrant, are you questioning this official?" Qi Qi is quietly asked.

"The end will not dare, just have to answer." The genographer said.

"Do you have anything?" Strange said, "There is you, I think that the official is young, is it uncomfortable in my heart? Is it feeling that I don't think of the battle, sitting in this position should be you?"

"When I blame the imperial court, I should find the reason from itself."

"The genie, you said that this is the official, you are coming to Liangshan. Are you dissatisfied? Is it feeling that a small number of arsuit is not worthy of your breeding?"

"The official said more than once, Liang Shan thieves are strong, you must be careful, but you? The genius, you are saying, how do you do? Is there a letter to the heart?"

"Now, I will find this official. I will find this official. The genius, you are old, do you understand? Is it going to find a coach to discuss each other?"

"You are going to find this official, who is going to find anything? If you can be more cautious, maybe today, this official can take these and leave the people of Liangshan."

The singularity will roar towards a military.

The singularity is on the plane - he has long thought so.

The generals coming from the west army, except for those young people, every one is older than him, the qualifications are old, and they want them to carefully obey the order, it is very difficult.

Through this failure, the singular taught these people.

"By this battle, the Liangshan army will not come out in the short term." Qi Ti continued, "Liang Shanbo, the land is limited, there is no so many people, and the previous seizures will not support too long, so from this moment, implementation Heads and Canton plans, all of the people around Liang Shanmo moved to the city, do not give them a grain. "

"All the armies are in accordance with the plan, distribute Zhu County to guard, prevent Liangshan fast to attack the city, grab it."

"The cavalry patrolled around the landscape, once found that there is a thief to go on the shore, resolutely hit it. If you encounter a strong enemy, you have to drag them, wait for the arrival of the army."

"All, in the short term, you can't return to the northwest, do your long-term battle."

"The rest does not have to say more, wait until the water army arrived, and then said. Really let your drought ducks, this official is still not worried!"

"It's okay to be scattered, why do you go, look up the army, the command will be sent to the account before, and the chance is."

Then I told again.

Unattended a kindergarten, including the breed, but also to say.

This makes the old general feel very bored.

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