Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 423 Too B Storm (Subscribe)

It is still in the middle of the camp. It is still the first time. The world has been mixed in the Three Kingdoms for so many years, and this is not there.

Especially still in the attack, it is more depressed.

Those people who are temper, no one is not alive.

In particular, Liangshan has only known people who have no brains that hit straight, and they can imagine them to talk about them.

However, even if it is not cool, I can only bear it, and I will say a few words.

After all, I thought Li Wei, Song Jiang was warned by the singularity, and the life of his attitude was retained.

However, if you want them to stay in the camp village, it is estimated that I don't do it.

Fortunately, I didn't plan to do it. After three days, all soldiers and horses mobilized before, and the big army reached six million.

Although there is still no Liamism, tens of thousands of gaps, it is not obvious under this bulk.

Then, I gave it a tie for the soldiers and horses, gave it a day of time, and when I came to challenge the Liao Jun next, I opened the battlefield and the Liao Queau battle.


Qi Ti finally had a movement, so that the mountain is very happy.

White is called for a few days, if the Song Jun has no movement, he must really go to a courage.

There is no hesitation, and immediately go out.

There is no cold, and there is a lot of fire, and tall the tens of thousands of testers directly.

Standard, still sent Song Jiang to fight.

In addition to the Song Jiang of the soldiers, the gods, did not wish to take him as a fruit of the cannon, with his own brothers.

Tens of thousands, ten thousand, hundreds of thousands of or even hundreds of thousands, both sides are a little increase in the strength, and constantly try the opponent's combat power.

On the first day, the next day, it was a few days.

Although it is arrogant, but it is very cautious in the battlefield. Especially the Yelle, He Gao Bao has been defeated after the Song Jun, more careful, used for a few days, taking hundreds of thousands of people. Trial.

Just when the Liao Guo wolf mainly lost patience,

Rough calculations, both sides have lost two% of soldiers.

This kind of war has made Song Jiang so tongue.

I want to be in the water mountain in the year, and the total of such a soldier, but the loss of this battle has exceeded the Liangshan army.

Sure enough, the court has never put them in the eyes, there is no full level, otherwise it will let them get a few years.


"Hu Yan Jun, playing these days, lost many people, have you had a fight against the enemy?" Siku City, Liaodang Wolf

"Her Majesty, after these days, the slaves have already found out the strength of the Song Jun." Strong Light Road, "I wish the Leopard, it is the so-called Liangshan Han, can reite the strength of the stars, improve its strength." "

"But this can't stop the slave, I have eleven in the big Liao, and there are twenty-eighth nights in the minister, and they can also do it. Tomorrow slaves put down the big array, let Song Jun break, eaten their army."

"After several days, they have a heavy loss, and they will collect strength, and defeat Song Jun in one fell swoselves." Hu Yan is very confident.

"That is waiting for your good news, Hu Yan Jun, don't let you down." Liao Guo Wolf.

"Slaves know, please rest assured."


In Junzhou City, a young general returned to his military account.

"It's hard to advance the way, this is open." The young man whispered, "but it's okay, this time I insisted on the time, at least know what the so-called scorpion is."

"This Liangshan Tou led the army to attack, it is an opportunity. If you can kill a few, maybe you can complete the task."

"I don't know, I want to kill a few Tianzhu's arrogance to complete the task?"

This person is a reincarnation.


It is still in the city of Zhangzhou City. At the same time, one looks quite a luxurious house, and there is also a young man's heart.

"Tianzi's arrival, because of the relationship of the identity, there is no turn of the battlefield in the past few days, the next battle, .. . "Young people speak from the language.

"The Holy family of Xiao's family, the old family of Liao, is the most prominent family. Unfortunately, the military power is in the hands of the scenery, and it is pressed against the Xiao's family. I hope that the Xiao's national is on the battlefield. "

"This time, if he dares me to eliminate me, even if the emperor does not like, I have to tell him, otherwise, once the Song Jun, these people have evacuated or fight, how to complete the task?"

"Is it difficult to come to Beijing? It is estimated that it has not yet been in Qizhou, and the golden country is broken."

This person is very prominent, and it is also a reincarnator.


"Hey ..."

The exciting drums sounded, and the rude light once again took the army from the city and came to the established battlefield.

This time, he did not have an urgent attack, but sent people to come out.

"Da Liao Bing Ma Da Yuan handsome invited the big Song Zhu Mao to answer." A giant big man who sounded thunder came to the battlefield.

Don't blame the beauty, let this person call, the two hundred thousands of troops, even dozens of miles, and the Chinese army where the strange is, there is also a few in front of the array, and the sound is small.

"Why do you advice?"

I heard the emotion of the Liao people, and the singularity of the general guidelines, the squats were waiting, and they asked in the same way.

"I wish you all the words, you and me killed these days, and the detail will be countless. This is not a way ..." Su Yan said that he did not dare to go forward, and he disdain it, he said.

"Hu Yan Yuan Shuai knows so, don't hurry to go back to Zhongjing, don't you kill here? If you go back late, the official worried that Zhongjing was attacked by Jin Guo. At that time, Yuan Yuan is a dog." I have interrupted him if I haven't worry about it.

"My Liao's thing, I wishes to be worried." The face of the face changed, Shen Sheng, "I wish you three points, but this is not the capital of you. This state is the land of my Liao, now you are in the troops invading my big Liao, the master is stopping you from this inconsistency. "

"Yes, how can this secure, this secluded place, always is my Han family, when will you become your Qidan?" Strange said, "How, for a hundred years, I think it is justified here. Is your site? "

"That is not the territory of your big Song, when we occupy this, you don't know where you are in the Song Guo?"

"My big Song is inheriting the Tang Dynasty, all Datang's land, all of which are the big Song Dynasty, not changed due to time lapse." Said Qi Ti.

"It's no wonder that the literati's teeth is good, this master is said to say you." You are calm down, "You don't know, there is no use in your mouth, you will not give up high."

"This handsome has a big battle. If you wish too much to break this array, the class is handsome, this tendon, why is you? And you can prevent two hurt and gas."

"I don't know if I wish too much."

Qiki knows that this is the so-called "too blend of the sky". This is very powerful, but the people who have been opened in Song Jiang are not worried.

He is only worried that someone will die in the process of fighting, and the reincarnation is cheaper.

The Liao Country must have a reincarnation, and if you are a reincarnation, you will not let this opportunity.

"Why don't you dare?" Odds smiled, "Ben Taihu is not the people you have encountered, Yan Yuan Shuai, although it is, the official is then."

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