Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 424 Shi Xuan Wi - law (seeking subscription)

"Song Xianfeng, the dialogue between this official and the Marshal of Liao Baoli, have you hear it?" Back to the Chinese army, Qi Qi collected Song Jiang asked.

"Go back to public, he will hear it." Song Jiang replied.

The two are agreed before the army, and the two major troops can hear. Even if you can't hear it, it is estimated that this will also pass.

Song Jiang is a smart person, faintly know why he will be called.

Seeing his look, Qi Ti knows what Song Jiang is thinking.

"Song Xianfeng, you are a smart person, just as you think." Qi Ti looked at Song Jiangdao, "The official heard the Song Pixiang, so this is a matter of writing," also needs Song Pioneer to force. "

"Thank you, I've valued, I will only worry about the ability, I can't break, and live up to the trust of my husband." Song Jiang said.

"The official believes in the ability of Song Pingfeng," Qi Ti said, "Song Pingfeng also does not have to worry about the human hand, how many people in the elegant, the official gives you, how many laws he have, this official will give you How many laws have been inhabited, which is not weak in this regard. So this is a matter of writing, "

"If it is successful, this is the first work of the Liao Confucius, and it is Song Pingfeng."

"Don't worry about it, you will do your best, you will break the enemy big array." Song Jiangdao.


There is an emperor to teach knowledge, and the Qi Ti's array is still increasing. He can also break the army, but in order to prevent the Song Jiang.

After all, there is a background in the background. I have a problem that I can't solve it.

Qi Ti wants to see, in this case, Song Jiang can not attract fetch women to dream.


The ambient movement is very fast, just in the time after the time, it has been arranged.

A tens of miles of local circles, made up of millions of meniscus.

Based on the general of twenty-eight-star, the eleven general is the core, the central town star is dominated, and it is more convinced that the Liaodu Wolf Lord and the left and right are listed in the array. Every 100,000 people, more than 400 million troops.

This array should be a star orientation.

Northern Xuanwu Mercury, the price of the northern fight, cow, female, virtual, dangerous, room, wall seven beds for the former, Oriental Canglong Jupiti only Chilang East,, , room, heart, tail, Seven Birage is the left army, the West White Tiger Venus Uri Availability Western Kui, Yu, Stomach, Hey, Biki, , is the right army, Southern Suzaku Mars Cave Xianwen Rong Rongsan Well, Ghost, Willow, Star , Zhang, Wing, Qi Qi and the rear force.

The sun star Junya is returned to the left front. The Taixing Star Tianshou Princess is in front of the front, the big array of four corners, there is a Rob star Junya Ru, who is in southeastern, and the county, Jun, Yel, Huazhong, Southwest, Zijing Star Junya Wei looked loyally in the northeast, and the Moon Star Junya Ri is from the northeast.

The central, according to the twenty-four gas, sixty-four, Nanchen North preparation, Feilong flying tiger, flying bear flying leopard, clearly scored about yin and yang, secretly chaos, , The location. It is the Liao Guo Wolf Lord, according to the Arctic Purple Great Position leader, left and right second, standing on the right of the Raxing star, protecting the emperor.

Such a big array, it is difficult for him to come out.

In this way, there are almost no soldiers in Junzhou City.

Although the face is as usual, he has turned over the waves.

This is too blended in the sky, looks like Sensen, hidden murder, exceeds his existing level. It is estimated that the knowledge is not taught by the emperor's knowledge, it is impossible to crack this big.

I hope I can only put it on Song Jiang.

Turning the head, but I saw Song Jiang is also pale, obviously also seen the power of this.

"This is extraordinary, can Song Xianfeng can be grasped?" Asked Qi.

"Gonggong, the end will only be said to be exhausted, there is no complete grasp." Song Jiang sat down directly to cold sweat.

"That's going to prepare, will be listening to the order later." Strange said, "there is still, idea is safe."

Seeing the big array in front of you, the Qi Ti lost his confidence in Song Jiang.

In case they don't have the protagonist, some people die in the process of breaking?


Song Jiang returned to his own big camp, and it was, Wu's use, Gong Sun Sheng, Zhu Wu Shao, has already known this big array.

It hasn't discussed for a long time, and there is no discussion. At this time, the generals of the singularity have arrived.

No way, Song Jiang can only play hard.

Then, there is no unexpectedly, and there is tens of thousands of people.

For a few days, Song Jiang loses a lot every day, but there is still no shortprint.

I didn't have to urge it, but Song Jiang was uneasy.

He has long known that many generals discuss him privately.

But in a hurry, it is useless. Wu used Zhu Wu et al. Is not a goddess, but it is only a big name, and there is no strategy.

This makes Song Jiangn not.

In case, he will die because of his own death. He is hard to imagine his own next.

This day, until the second half, Song Jiang is long and whom.

Then it was introduced to the mystery temple by a boy.


The middle army brokeered, and he opened his eyes and looked at the orientation of Songjiang.

Just just, he induced a different unusual breath appeared in the Song Jiangjun.

Going out of the big account, but see Qi Daoqing has come out.

"Where is the long way?" Asked Qi.

"There is nothing anomalies, just feeling some are not right." Qiao said.

"Walk, let's take a look." Qi Ti said, rushing to the position of Qiao Dao to Songjiang.

"Xianggong, Qiao Dao Chang." "Came to the near, but seeing Gong Sunsisheng Zhengli before the Song Jiang account.

"Gongshun Dao Chang, what are you doing?" Asked Qi.

"This ..." Gong Sun Sheng said.

"Why, what else is this official can't know?" I asked.

"No, no," Gong Sunsisheng, a spirit, returning to God, "It is inadvertently discovered that the Song Pioneer's soul is from the body dream, and it is unhappy here."

"The soul of the soul is blotting, dreaming tour?" Odds these two words, "Gong Sun Dao Chang, can you do?" Asked Qi.

Gong Sun Sheng is also a repair in the late gods.

"Go back to public, can't." Gong Sun will reply.

"That Song Pioneer this is?"

"Gonggong, according to the poor road, Song Pingfeng either a big machine, or some people pull." Qiao Daoqing said.

"Do you have an external force? If so, will that person will be around?" Asked Qi.

"Maybe!" Gong Sun Shengdao.

"Qiao Dao Chang, you accompany Gong Sun Dao Chang, keep here, this official will come." Strange.

"Gonggong, if there is any action, the realm is difficult to enter, and the public is still be careful." Qi Daoqing advised.

"Reassured, I will ignite." Qi Ti said, taking out.


Out of military camp, singing and singing, and searching for the surrounding traces.

For a long time, I finally discovered the difference between a certain orientation.

In this direction, I walked more than ten, and the kind of breath became more and more rich.

In the end, I wrote three big characters in front of him before the temple.

Xuan female temple.

Sure enough, it is the sacrifice of nine days, it seems that Song Jiang is still lucky, attracting mystery to help it.

I have explored that there is no one in the temple, which has declined.

"No!" Odd, and then strengthen the power of the gods, one inch, one-inch search exception.

There is no discovery.

Until he died on the statue of the gods.

Suddenly a cold voice was rang in my mind.

"Bold mad, actually dare to blasphemy!"

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