Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 425 Metaffir and God (seeking subscription)

In the cold voice, with the intention of integrity, mixed with anger.

The god is the imagination of the gods, representing the majesty of the gods, all people see, and the direct look is already very disrespectful, let alone to visit.

This behavior is not searched for one person.

If the god is no longer good, after all, there are so many temples in the world, and the gods can also pay attention to every place every place, but it is good, tonight, the mysterious woman is coming, calling the Songjiang to give a law, facing the singing Can this insulting behavior not angry?

At the moment I heard the sound, I didn't know bad, and the sweat was honest, and I was very dangerous.

If you don't hesitate, the strange operation of the enlightenment method, the avenue is unpredictable, and the dragon icon is in a righteousness. It has been running to the extreme, and if you want to resist the crisis that you don't know where you are.

It is useless.

In time, the Qi Ti seems to feel the gods, and it is a unknown place. However, it is not to see where it is, and a giant is falling from the sky, takes it to himself.

Under that giant, you are so small, what three law fellow repair, Yuan God peak, no use.

"The mother is angry, misunderstanding, there is nothing to take place ..."

Although I don't know where this is, I feel that the crisis arrives, and I beg for merchandise.

"I lost, I know that Song Jiang was taken away by the nine-day Xuan women, they are waiting, they want to take a refreshing in the fire, want to get some benefits, this is good!" I have some regrets in my heart.

"It's not the field of yourself, it seems that it is really can't touch!" The odd heart smirk, "It seems that this task has to fail, I don't know what evil results will there be?"

"In the high-level world, the reincarnation is dead, I am not going to renew the reincarnation? Is it just like them?"

For mercy, the big palm is still slamming, in this moment, there are many problems in the brain.

But the transfer is coming at this time.

A voice sounded in the body.

"Where is the god, dare to kill my humanitarian official?"

The huge palm stopped in the top of the strange head, and the pressure brought to the strange pressure did not let the odds.

Then, the singularity heard the sound.

"God jade and jade king?" Accompanied by a voice, a woman in front of him appeared in front of him, "" Even if you are people, you can't blasphemy. "

The strange heart is probably nine days.

"There is a heaven, people have humanity, he will have a mistake, it is also humanitarian people, this will be disposed of manway, you can let you kill!" The Qi Tiye saw a vain from his own body, It is the emperor of the big broadcast.

"I will go, when is the emperor put the tracker in my body?" The odd heart is blew, "this emperor, really is not a good thing, I am afraid that I will not do things."

"If it is not today's change, I don't know when it will be discovered! I may bring it to the real world."

In this case, I don't know how many times in the novel. I just didn't think that one day I also had this treatment.

"The palace people are in this palace, he dares to explore the god of the palace with the gods, such as this palace, can you be light?"

"Then wait for him to die or become a fairy, then there is a girlfriend to dispose." The emperor said, "Now it is critical, as the commander of the Liao, he can't die."

"The Palace is still asking, how did this world be like this?" Nine-day Xuan women are not good.

"How long have you paid attention to this world, but a few small thieves have interference, don't worry, anyway, it doesn't change, it will not be able to rob." The emperor swayed.

"I wish the Temple, not apologize to the Niang Niang." The emperor said to the Qi Ti.

"I wish the leopard, I'm really misunderstood, I'm seeing the Song Pioneer God's soul, I am worried that there is danger, this is the way to track, to cause the evil mother, please let the sin." I wish you a bride. " reason.

"Niang Niang, not saying you, the big army, there is a lot of cultprints of the Yuan Dynasty, only the robbery can become a fairy, you will be here, but also let the boy to ask people, leave Traces, I wish the satellite worry that the department will be safe, this is a misunderstanding. "

"You said that you have a greet in advance, and you will not have anything." The emperor said.

"At this end, it is not for your big Song, and it is not a way to complete the rules of the Liao.

"Since it is a misunderstanding, the mother is bigger, forgiveness. After he is a fairy, the mother is not late." The emperor said, "When I gave a face."

"Look at the face of the true king, the Palace is not dead." Nine-day Xuan women stared at the singularity, the sound took the chill, "If you can burst into fairy, come to my mysterious palace. If you die At this palace, you will also grab your soul. "

After that, after the nine days of Xuan women wrapped around the temple, they disappeared.

I was shocked by a series of changes until this time, I found out that he was in a grand palace at the moment.

It should be the palace that is the evolution of Songjiang.

"You said you, no one is not good, you have to provoke her." Nine days of mysterious woman left, the emperor looked at the singularity and did not say goodness, "I also gave her a few more faces."

Isn't it to say that nine-day vacant is a heavenly intermediate bureaucrat? How does it look so high? I'm thinking in my heart.

"Your Majesty, Chen really doesn't know that the mother is driving, otherwise even if there is a big courage, do not dare to do this!" Odd "fear".

"Ok, I wake up, this world is not so simple." The emperor said.

"Chen understood," said Qi Ti said, "How is your Majesty you ..."

"Oh, you said this, you are worried that you are dangerous, this is not deliberately left a gods in your body, it can save you a life at the time." The emperor did not have a secret discovery, "this is not saving Your life. "

"Hey, this love will disappear, then encounter danger, you can't help you."

"Thank you, you must be careful." Qi Ti said, "Just His Majesty, you look at this strength, you can't be killed, so that the minister has also arrived in the peak of Yuanyuan, but unfortunately there is no follow-up, you see is not it……"

"OK, as long as you can help you, or let you see the hope of getting tack, I will give you a skill of robbery." The emperor said, "Don't say it anymore, this love is to be scattered, you wait Your good news. "

After the emperor finished, the vain was directly scattered in the void.

Then, the Qi Ti has not come to the palace, I saw a bad wind, blowing everything in the temple, so that he couldn't help but hit a cold.

Then he found out that he still stands outside the mysterious temple.

Just like everything just happening, it is a dream.

But he knows, this is not a dream.


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