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Chapter 426 breaks the big array (seeking subscription)

"Don't do it, don't you work?" I went back to the camp, but I found a lot of people in the Song Jiang army.

Obviously someone gets a message.

Song Jiang has also been awake, talking with Qiao Daoqing.

"Nothing, worry is worried, scattered." Qi Qi told.

The problems you have encountered, these people are helping, or not to say.

Entering the military account of Songjiang, Qi Ti is not allowed to take the master, and look to Song Jiangdao: "Song Pingfeng can be well?"

"Go back to Gong, everything is good, it is the nine-day Xuan female girl worse people, I will go to the end, and I will be able to break the law." Song Jiang replied, "I just gave a law, it seems that someone broke into, got a girlfriend The end will be scared and wake up. "

"Do you have you?"

Obviously, Song Jiang already knows that he is a little worried about his gods.

"Song Xianfeng doesn't have to worry," odd smiled, "The official also saw the nine-day Xuan female girl, and the Niangniang knew that the official is looking for Song Pione, there is no difficulty."

"That's good." Song Jiang was clearly tone.

"It is Song Pingfeng. Since the goddess is awarded the law, Song Pingfeng can have a sage?" Asked Qi.

"Of course, only the flowering time is time, ready to complete, the end will be broken." Song Jiang said very confident.

"That official is relieved." Qi Ti said, "What needs, Song Pione despite the search of the logistics, the official will tell them to help Song Pingfeng."


"Don't do this, isn't it so smooth?" On the way, Qiao Daoqing asked.

"The Taoist looks out?" Qi Ti is smirk, "In order to avoid worrying, the official avoids light, there is no more. This trip is evil spirits, if you come out, it is estimated that it is not coming. Due to danger. "

"That's now, the girl will not find to continue trouble?" Qi Dao asked.

"That is not, this official is now in humanity, there is a face, she daresly come." Strange said, "Just the future official, if it is a ghost or accommodation, it should be pursued. "

"Ah, that is the public ..." Qiao Daoqing wants to say.

The people who follow the people, they are eager to live. If the achievements of the fairy road are inevitably, it is not a front road.

That way, even if there is a success, what is the use?

"Don't worry about it, the future, who is right?" Strangely relocated, "At least until now, the official feels that you will be hopeless."

"It is said that the dragon is known, this day, the sky is a star, but is it in the jurisdiction of the nine days?"

"This poor road does not know, what can I say? But from Song Xianfeng, it is very important to see this, maybe it is true." Qiao Daoqing said.

"It seems that they have a background in the background, and I have returned it after the robbery, I will say that the official is not a good point to them. In case it is true ... Well, can you let them help?"

Qi Daoqing: "..."


I can't break back, Song Jiang has long been burned, and now I get a mysterious award, and I will act immediately. With a strange cooperation, you should have finished making it in just a few days, and Professor Song Jiang has a strategy of staring a star, with people to start drill.

After the avoidance, this day, Song Jiang finally cedited again.


However, it has already enamented that Song Jiang, which is "too e-blend" operation mode, will give him another opportunity, according to the law of nine-day short-on-law, break the four-party star, and twenty Four thunder trucks broke twenty-four air orientation ...

In the rear, I've observed, I saw the law of Song Jiang, and I only felt that the appearance was further further.

After a time, the big array of has been rushed by the Song Jiang, and the war of the war is also declined.

However, the war is not there, even if there is no big blending, the midfunction of the Chinese law in the Liao Qi Dynasty, there are many military, the army still saves, and there is still a battle force.

Seeing the big array has broken, Song Jiang remembers the strange reminder, there is no multi-winning chasing, but gathered Liangshan Xingjun, forming a big array of scorpion, showing Star Jun, and raising the strength of everyone, this began to chase the enemy military.

In the singularity, see the big battle has broken, the Liao Jun is chaotic, immediately takes over the command of the army, and personally leads the army to attack the Liao Jun.

The warriors in the military finally waited for the opportunity to shoot and began to suppress the Liao Jun.

A army's combat power is stronger, and it will not play a lot of combat efforts in chaos. If it is unable to counter Song Jun's Websun, the power is further reduced.

In the past few days, Song Jiang repeatedly defeated, the Liao Jun has been in arrogant, this rapidly has been broken, and it is more difficult to accept than the initial failure.

The Song Jun, basically maintained construction, under the leadership of a general, constantly harvesting the Liao Dynasty's life.

Millions of tens of thousands of army, even if they lose their blessings, they are fascinated, nor is it easier to solve.

Opening in the morning, half-saving, but always killing for half an afternoon, the war is still going on.

As the coach, the Qi Ti has already taken blood, kills in a guilty guard, and constantly hits the enemy.

The light is the martial arts, and the Qi Ti has killed more than ten.

"Hey, the system special tips: the field of the field is close to the host of 1000 meters."

The singularity suddenly woke up from the mechanical killing, killing the enemy of the eye, lifting the eyes, want to lock the target.

It is the case between the returns of the Liao Qi, and the reincarnation of the Liao Qi is even more likely to be the main line task.

Soon, the singularity is locked the target character, a young general of a law.

"Kill the past." The stunt immediately turned the direction and thought about the direction of the reincarnation.

The distance between 1000 meters, in the usual, must be arrogant, but in this battlefield, there is a heavy obstacle in the middle.

Although the Liao Jun is confusing, it is not rushing, and the Liaodang Wolf Lord is still on the battlefield.

On the lack of advanced roads, there is a warrior who can borrow the law of the Starry, and the Ziyu, who fled after the arrival of the stars.

Eight hundred meters, five hundred meters ... 300 meters, the Qi Ti kills the purple star Jun Yaowei, one hundred meters, and killed a detailed star, finally killed the reincarnation.

That reincarnate, I have found that I have been rushing on him when I kill the purple stars, and I changed the direction several times, but I can't kill it because I am surrounded by Song Jun.

"How can I be aggressive?" The person saw it, and asked angry.

"What do you say?" The Qi Ti did not leave his hand, still killing before.

The guards are a military array, which is not shortened by the distance.

"You are also ... I understand, you want to swallow the benefits." The singular tone, let the reincarnation feel abnormal, and a thought suddenly emerges.

With the status of the strange status, the scorpion is all the generals of his hand, with the Germans of the big Song, when you die is not a sentence, you can take the opportunity to eliminate competitors.

"Late late." Odd smiled. The exercise is fully operational, and a madness of spiritual power is influenced into the back of the reincarnation, so that the reincarnation is a moment.

It is this moment, the singularity of the guard has been killed, the reincarnation is awake, and it is too late to defend, and they are headed by a knife.

Then, odd countless does not stop and continue to kill.

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