Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 427 Chapter Cloud (Subscribe)

The face is ugly to the eye.

How did he think of it, he is a big battle that is carefully carved, and it is tangled in just a few days.

I was still thinking about how to slaughter enemies before, and I became a slaughtered object.

It is conceivable that his opponent is able to hang.

At this moment, the big array has been chaotic, and the

Kill the enemy in front of you, under the guardian, After a while, the face is blue.

"I will protect my Majesty before you."

In the direction of the trend, a group immediately killed the position of the emperor of the Liaodai.

"I wish the leopard, I don't care, I want to leave my big Liao Bingma." When the mountain was rushing, the heart was secretly shocked.

"Perhaps, I wish you a lot of people in the city, so I will win the state of the state." Hu Yan recalls the situation of the battlefield that just seen, gradually understand.

"No, you have to retreat immediately, otherwise you will be as will I wish."

is the Song Jun focused on the object. He moved, Song Jiang immediately killed the army and began to intercept.

The scorpion in the exercise is a big battle, which can be invincible. Everything that blocks the front of the army is crushed directly.

Slightly recovering the rules of the Liao Qikang, which is restored from the chaos, and then immediately go to the rescue.

On the way to the Liaodang Wolf Lord, there are countless people fall down.


The Liaodang Wolf is under the guardian guardian, strong self-calibration.

Song Jiang smashes too blended tomography, he is not the main direction of attack, but it has also been affected. In fact, the Liaodang Wolf is afraid to die. If it is not left and right, he is estimated to escape back to the city.

It is the left and right prime minister and He Gongbao persuaded. If his words fled, the Liao Guoan army will immediately defeat, but it is better to stand here, wait for the vitality to collect the army and then retreat and avoid the ending of the whole army.

Then, in order to ensure the safety of the Liao National Wolf, He Gao Bao came out to gather the army, gathered more than 12 million troops, which made the Liaodang Wolf Lord have a little safe, but the heart is still very frightened.

How can I believe in the ghosts of the mountains, personally arrive on this battlefield? If you don't come out, then it is in progress.

Nowadays, I will move my body, I can't go.

After going back, you must slap in the shackles, and you will not say that you are in dangerous situations.

Liao Guo Wolf is a big idea.


"Hu Yan Jun, you don't pick up the army, start against attack, how come here?" He He Gao Bao saw the mountain, not only unhappy, but asked.

He also spent a long time, understanding that

"He is a definite army, don't talk nonsense, the business is to see your own."

is a commander, He Zhongbao does not dare to block, can only let him go.

"Your Majesty, we immediately retreated!" See the Liaodi Wolf, and Yan Yan said directly. "If you don't go, you can't come."

"Hu Yan Jun, Your Majesty is now leaving, the big army is standing, is this responsibility to stand?" He Gao Gao Bao, who came with a rush.

"Hu Yan Jun, I know that you are not a person who is going, why?" Liao Guo wolf mainly slammed.

"Your Majesty, it is not the war to escape, but I wish you to swallow my Liao Guard, now I can escape some, if you are later, you really have to cover up." .

"Your Majesty, this is broken, this is lost. If you wish to win, as long as the army attacks, for the safety of your Majesty, you will definitely to evacuate, it will lead to the army."

"But I wish you to do this, just to harass with the small stock army, the army is killing our chaos. Because he knows, once our army leaves, our army will immediately rush four, with their force, chase No, there will eventually have many people to escape. "

"He doesn't come to attack, it is to stay with your army, let us keep a rebound hope, but the final purpose is to click to kill our army, and finally leave us all."

"Your Majesty, retreat, although this is lost, but it will save some strength, otherwise it is true that the whole army is not covered, the minister will die."

"He is a definite army, if you don't believe it, you can take a closer look."

Liao Guo Wolf Lord withdrawal, He Hengbao watched a while, his face was pale, nodded against the Liao Guo.

"Then immediately retreat, Hu Yan, this matter is handed over to you." Liao Guo Wolf.

, immediately build the army army, after standing for two or three thousand people, immediately start to evacuate to Jincheng City.

Wang Qiyi moves, many of the Liao Qi, who is still in persistence, insisted that it is not possible to stop the Song Jun, and to create conditions for the Liaoang Wolves, more is to turn away.

There is no main bone, they can't stick to it.

"Well, do you find it?" Liao Bing in front of killing, Qi Tiwangwei Wangwok's direction, "Sure enough, Liao Qi still has a smart person, it seems that the purpose of the full is unable to reach."

"The command, the whole army attacked, all of which kill the enemy." Qi Qi told.

The military order spread through the flag, and the Song Jun morale improved again, especially in Song Jiang, killing from the Wangqi of the Liaodang Wolf.

If you can capture the Liao Guo Wolf, that is not the merit.

However, the final Song Jiang still failed, He Gao Bao, Yelu's waist and others, finally opened the way for the Liao Guo Wolf, let them enter Junzhou City, and put Song Jiang in the city.

The Qi Ti did not have greed to attack the city, but the Liaouna outside the whole system.

Until the sky, I can't fight again, this is only a return to the camp.

The next day, the loss has not been counted, and the odd countdown received the news, and the Liao people abandon the city and escaped, and the state did not fight.

Until a few days, the loss was finally statistically, and more than 150,000 were killed. There were hundreds of thousands of heavy wounded, and the army took more than 2 million people.

Compared with Liaodans, it is already worth a big victory.

Only the corpse of the Liaojun on the battlefield collected more than 300 million.

Then pour the fire oil, and fire.

Qi Ti did not hurry to Nanjing, but also a group of army from Hebei two channels, which kills Nanjing Yanjinfu.


Yanjing still has more than two million army, but many of them are collapsed, and morale fell.

is still a commander, not the Liaodang Wolf owner does not want to punish, but this loss will be too serious, and no one can replace the vitality.

The ability to be atro, the Liaodang Wolf is very questioning, and even doubting that his previous battle is boasting.

He wants to transfer the troops again, but there is no soldier to adjust.

Zhongjing is still a lot of army, but it is used to prevent the golden country. In the big Song, Jin Guo will make the Liaodang wolf is more jealous. He has repeatedly losses in the golden country.

So, before the singular soldiers around Yanjing, the Liao Guo's Wolf Lord sent people to Beijing, please ask the big Song and talk.

I thought that there was a traitor, Yang Wei and other traitor, and asked it very easy. Just giving the Song Song face, but did not expect to finally wait for the Emperor of the Song Dynasty.

"The words of peace talk are responsible for the Lords of the Leopard."

The Liao Guo Wolf is sent to the right-handed, and the Qi Jian is going to the Qi Tao Camp, and the bottom line is given directly.

The Liao Queu returns to the young 16th state, then two strikers, otherwise they jointly attacked the Liao State.

After getting a reply, the Liao Guo Wolf is considered for a long time, and finally agglomerate the strange request before the final deadline given.

It is not allowed to hear.

More than two million troops, I can't give the Safety of the Liaodang Wolf.

He has left Zhongjing for a long time, and the Golden Guo may take troops at any time to attack Zhongjing, and he defeated him, but also guards the chaos that may appear in the face.

The clouds are broad, face the Song Jun's attack, need a lot of army defense, and now there is no sufficient soldier. Give not given, there is only one end.

The Liaodang Wolf Lord chose to give up, so that he can collect the soldiers and horses of the clouds, go back to Zhongjing.

Compared to Nanjing, Zhongjing is the big capital of Liao.

Liao Qi gave up, and the Qi Ti was also loose.

This battle has already paid too much, and it is a bit not affordable with the richness of the big Song, if the emperor supports, how can I have such a way?

The retreat of the Wolf owner of the Liaodai is very rapid, and after the commander of the state will release the command to return to Zhongjing, return to the wealth in Nanjing City.

I didn't dare to destroy the city and didn't compete in the population in the city.

Because the Qi Ti said, if the Liao Country did, and the agreement was invalid.

At this point, the Liaodang Wolf is not gambling.

Until the Yanyin, he sent a troops to guard the city wall, and the singularity was put down.

Yanjing arrived, and then he sent troops to take over the rest of the state.

A month later, the clouds of the clouds were all in the hands, including the Liao Qi Xijing Datong.

Lost in the hands of the two hundred years of hands, returning to the Han people again.

Until at this time, the singular tag sent a new newspaper.

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