Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 428, seeking the Head of Head (Subscribe)

Despite the singularity of the Focus on the Confucius, the drama has been passed on by the army.

The army of Hebei was exhausted, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses set, even if the emperor trusts the singularity, those Charators do not return to the power of the same.

The monarchy is still there, the Emunion Memunition, the second figure of the army, is to restrict the gods.

However, the army was taken by the Emperor, unless the strange quotuary is completely defeated, but it will not be able to interfere with the strange command operation.

Therefore, this too-supervised military army has become the most powerful army, in addition to issuing a big army to the court every day, can't do anything.

Therefore, when the odd reputation is arrived, the emperor immediately held the DPRK and prepared to give a girate-garden.

He has faintly feels that this time may really get rid of this cage.


"Ai Qing also knows, then from the Emperor Shi Jing, who is lost from the Emperor's stone, the time is more than 100 years, returning to the Han family, has become the territory of my big Song. This openout Work, what is the first to reward? "The emperor gave Taiji's strange Jieji, and then asked.

"Your Majesty, this doesn't work, when a reward." Some people said.

As for what to enjoy, a word does not.

"Yes, this war is victory," Zhu Lao, Hong Fu Qi Tian, ​​I wish too much to succeed, and more proved that only the scholars can lead the army to keep my strongest combat power, the rest, etc., no. "

In this case, it is not allowed to remember the trace of Wang Qing's difficulty.

That is, Tong Guan is no longer changing at this time, otherwise it will definitely find opportunities to pack the people.

As a result, it was taken into a touted voice in the championship.

The emperor has already seen it, and if you have all people say it, the temple is quiet, this is to see Cai Jing: "What is the Tai Shi?"

"Return to the Major, I wish too much, it is naturally reward," Cai Jing replied.

"That Master thinks, how should the reward can be so big?" The emperor asked again.

"Thunder's rain, all the monarch, I wish too well-familiar with the poetry, full belly, the articles, naturally don't understand, how to enjoy it, the minister does not dare to settle." Cai Jing said.

When the emperor listened, he knew that this old fox meaning, obviously Cai Jing did not agree with rewards, otherwise, according to his death, recovering the blink of the cloud, even if it is a surname, it is also a king.

Duo Hai diled for decades, and now Cai Jing, which has grown more than ten years, obviously do not want to see a young man who is still in the year and him.

"According to the father of the father, I want to seal, I wish Ai Qing as Wang, Tai Shi is what?" Despite the meaning of Cai Jing, the emperor still said.

"Then, the Taihu will be grateful, faithful to the national life, and then new work." Cai Jing laughed.

"Your Majesty is not, if the convenient is awesome, I wish the Taishui to reward again." Sure enough, some people immediately opposed.

They all got a few decades in the chartroom, and they have today's achievements, and I wish the leopard, I get the emperor's appreciation, more than ten years of official transportation, now I have to climb to their head.

"Yes, Your Majesty, now I wish too much, you are young, if you can't satisfy your power, the result ..."

"I wish the Tale is just a deputy of Hebei. Taifu is a production, it is the middle of the junior, and there is an official to cover the truth of the king?"

"Yes, Hebei soldiers horses, according to Tai Fu, Taifu, the soldier, horses, can you do not have a good job?"


A large group of people immediately came out.

"I will know that it will be this!" The emperor is very helpless.

Even if he is an emperor, it is possible to happen to be alone, but in this kind of thing, he has to hear the charte.

With his strength, even if there are more soldiers and horses, it is also possible to die, but the problem is that this identity is not disclosed.

He also knows that the Qi Ti is not worthy of the official, and it is also a strong self. I want to give the Qi Qi King, but I think that I want to continue to work hard, break the magic curse of this world.

Since the ministers agree, it can only be done.

Perhaps a measures of a ferry period can make him more effort.

"However, this is so big, can you have no reward, otherwise it is not let the soldiers chill?" Said the emperor.

"Your Majesty can take the rewards of the gods, after the prince, the prince is not late." Gao Wei said.

"Yes ..."

"It's so ..."

"The Gao Taichen is reasonable ..."

There are countless people attached.

In today's spring and autumn, waiting for the prince, it will not be decades, when they say that they have already gone, it is still a worry.

"It seems that the high school is very hoping that the Prince is early!" The emperor fouvented.

"The minister did not dare, the minister did not have this meaning!" I was secretly asked for a sin.

"Hey!" The emperor snorted and ignored it.

That is, his identity, insight into the future, otherwise he changed any emperor, and he can make him directly into the abyss.

"So, then, it will be promoted to Taibao, Fenglode Opening Country, Hedong System," The Emperor Directly opened, "The rest of the soldiers, the Supreme reward. Taishi can arrange officials to go to the cloud."

After finishing, I don't think it is still the high, I'm going to be withdrawn.


Yanjing's military horse has been much less, most of them are sent out to the newly incorporated clouds of the innocence to prevent change.

At this moment, he left Yanjing, most of them are odd from this military horse.

His elite banned army, who personally selected in the northwest, there is a tangyu commander, there is a Songjiang Department, a rough calculation, and millions of people.

"Who killed another reincarnation?" When the wish arrived, he was studying the system.

Complete a branch task did not say, actually people killed another reincarnation in the Liaouna in the chaos?

What does this make him? It is the legendary lying.

If so, he really hopes that those reincarnations are so ignorant.

Without the king of Wang Qi, it is not surprising. Although the child is "buy" in the history, although the king is, the child is already an old year, it is not like a strange age.

Song Jiang was sent to the Lang Lang, Lu Junyi, Zhaowu, still listed in the singularity. The rest, etc. also have a reward.

With the reward, there is still a new new appointment.

Lead to Hedong Road, suppress Tianhu's rebellion.


After receiving the order, Qi Ti has not delayed. When the army is complete, take the army to go to Hedong.

He is full of confidence.

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