Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 429, the first battle (seeking subscription)

Host: odd

Occupation: Physician (Master +), Dan Shi (Intermediate +), Farm (Master +), Master (Master +)

Realm: Yuan Shenfeng

Method: Avenue has no power (successfully), Dragon Elephant is hurt (successfully), Zhengqiu (successfully) ...

Martial Arts: Break the sword (successful), picking the star hand (successful), stepping back (successfully), easy to for for forging the bones (successfully), the soul Dafa (successfully), the moon bow (successful), the wind knife (successful) ) ...

Scheme: Drug Rat (Successfully), Spring Surprising Rain (Successfully), Lightning (Successful), Positive Method (Successfully), Five Thunder (Successfully) ...

Source point: 433.2

Main line task: Kill the Evil (210), reward unknown, the task cannot be returned before the task is completed. (undone)

Branch Task 1: After Liangshan agglomerate, set the liang mountain, reward 100 source points. (completed)

Branch Mission 2: Pingding Tian Tiger, Wang Qing, Fang La Song, reward 150 source. (undone)

Branch mission 3: Beat the Liao Qi, seize Jingyun 16th, reward 100 source points. (completed)

Yuanyuan is a peak, it has been a period of time, and the mana is getting deeper, but the realm does not feel the slightest.

The source can accumulate a lot, but it is not enough to upgrade now, it can only continue to accumulate, waiting for critical time.

Now there is no clue, he has a lot of time to practice other skills.


In fact, the so-called four major Hebei Tianhu, it is accurately that he should be Hedong Tianhu, because of his homeland and the site occupied, most of them are in Hedong Road.

Tihu occupied the site, has exceeded the so-called five-state 56 counties, but occupied half of Hedong Road, and even the power has also spread in Hebei West Road.

Hedong military horse is not strong?

There is no doubt that is very strong, don't say anything else, just a discount family, if it is dispatched in time, Tianhu will eat.

But the problem is that the discount firman can't be light, but also to prevent the possible attack of the West. After all, after crossing the battle of the mountain, though the West, although it was summoned, it didn't want to counterattack.

More and the Tong Zong, who is the military and political affairs of Hedong Road, is busy with Qing Wang Qing, and the local officials are concerned that the court accountability has been concealed, until Tianhu has laid Zezhou, which is the so-called Gaosi, threat When I arrived in Maizhou, Weizhou, and then the next is the land of Gyeonggi, and I finally got it, this only reported to the court.

So, when receiving the reward, I also received the command at the same time, and the army opened the Tiger.


Because of the recovery of the clouds, the promotion of Taibao, one of the three monsters, a young member, the strange power can be much larger than Song Jiang. After receiving the order, the Qi Ti did not choose south, but all the way to the West, Zhangzhou Qizhou, to Yunzhou, but also stationed in the Datong government, this is through the south of the country.

Tiger occupied the land, north to Taiyuan, south and Zezhou, and Tianhu's main attack direction in the south, did not have to break the Huaiwei, into the Beijing, overturned the big Song himself to do the emperor!

Tian Hu's main force is in the south, so the strange is from the north.

By the way, you can also determine the new Yunzhou.

In the Yandin County, China, Qi Ti also specially went to five mountains and saw the old master of Lu Zhi Shen.

Like the Rosong, the Luo Mountain, the Luo Zhenren in the Erlong Mountain is the two big men hidden in the Water Margin. In addition to the fairy, if these two are the war ceiling, it is estimated that no one is opposed.

Don't say anything else, this score is old. How many years ago, I already know that Lu Zhi is in the sky, and it will be killed. If you are going to be a husband, you will have a few people.

When I lay down in Jizhou, I was tightly followed by the soldiers, and then arranged to accept the blink of the cloud. I didn't have much free time. When Gong Sunsisheng, when Make Go back to the Erlong Mountain, when I visited Luo Zhen people, I was odd. So pass the five mountains this time, I want to see it.

Sure enough, this seemingly pacific wise is old, giving a lot of great pressure. Although he is very humble, he is very humble, but it does not dare to neglect at all.

Even if it is not a fairy, it should be a big buzzer.

The Qi Ti once used a few decades, and the Buddhist cultivation was not low, and the Buddha is half a day, and it does not fall in the wind, so I will take the opportunity to ask for some next realm.

Sentimental old, of course, I don't mind, I only say my own feelings to the singularity.

What is somewhat disappointed is that the division of the Buddha's realm is not the same, and the Taoist Taoist Taoist Tao is not the same. It is a wishfulness. The Qi Ti can only learn from it. It can't be used directly. Let the Qi Ti who missed the two dragon mountains will be regrettable.


Leaving Wutai Mountain, the marching has arrived at Zhangzhou.

Here, there are already millions of soldiers and horses to stand up.

Of course, it is certainly not only relying on the millions of soldiers, the soldiers and horses in Hebei can only be re-transferred.

After receiving the new appointment, Qi Ti has already sent a messenger, rapidly spent to Hedong, with the identity of Hedong, pumping the northwestern Zhuzhou, such as He Dong, Linzhou, etc., Zhuzhou.

When the child is always, no one is moving the frontier military horse, but the strange is dare. Even the Pakistan is not allowed to rise to this opportunity again. At that time, it will be bright and big.

As an orthodox Chinese child, which is not for forgetting to the West, Liao Qi Have a chance, of course, you have to gallop in their land.

Nowadays, I am taking the Liao Qika, I have recovered the land of the cloud. If the West is coming, I have to go to the time of the time to complete the branch task.

In fact, the Song Jun is weak, weak is not a soldier, but a person who commands the soldiers.

Otherwise, after Jing Kang's difficulties, Zhao Zhao can continue the big Song, Yue Fei can you all the way?

Collecting the generals of this, there are many colleagues when they have worked around the road. After spending a day, I met the generals of the army, the next day, the next day, the next day.

There is no accident, Song Jiang is still a pioneer, and the 30,000 army pre-station will stand up.


Although Tianhu occupied half of the Hedong, the movement of the Northwest Army was also paying attention. When the Biao Daries gathered in Zhangzhou, I knew that the official army is planning, Tian Hu is too far from the troops.

So when I arrived in my song, there is already a million army in the city.

Perhaps it is a way to go to the city too smooth, the head of the Yangle will be the temple. Zhang Xiong, the unparallel class, Xu Yue people do not think there is a terrible thing that the official army is terrible, seeing only 300,000 people in Song Jiang, I forgot the field. The tiger's advice, immediately out of the city to fight.

The results were self-evident, Song Jiang showed the enemy to attack the three people, and finally killed it on the battlefield, the rebels were chaos, Song Jiang took this chaos, and chased the Yangqu along the back. city.

The first battle, with a minimum price, I won the first place in the north of Tian Tiji.

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