Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 431, anyway (seeking subscription)

With the future ability of "foresight", from the Zhuzhou nation, the Qi Ti began to infiltrate Hedong.

Because Hedong Road is next door to Yongxing Military Road, the nearest and Qingzhou will be separated from two states, hundreds of miles away, one day.

Later, as the strange official position became more and higher, I played the slogan of the recruitment, and there were countless Hedong Road to come to travel. Many of them were filtered, and they were given back to Hedong Road, and later, Tianhu took the thing, and the Tiger is joined.

After Qiao Downten, the incident of He Dong was responsible for him to pay attention to Qiao Daoqing.

And Qiao Daoqing did not live up to the Qi Qi's hopes, after learning the intention of the singularity, quietly sent the old town of the old town to Hedong Road, "encounter" Tianhu, did not fight, from this Tiger mix.

At that time, Tianhu has not yet doing things. After the Tiger takes things, Sun An is "from the Dragon", now has done the handsome staff, is a senior military officer under the Tiger.

Such a second five-five don't even know that Sun An is one person. It is conceivable that Tian Hu is not secretly possible to the singularity.

What kind of military deployment, the mountain geographic map, has been in the strange hand, not because the line does not encounter Yan Qing's whimono, which is constrained.

But in the Qikang army, it is also a top secret, Song Jiang as a later person, does not know.

However, in this kind of thing, it can only be done in Hedong, Huaixi, Jiangnan is too far from the northwest of the singularity, and cannot be done at all.

However, there can be a Tianhu to enter the , and the strange is already very satisfied.

Otherwise, it's so easy to complete, where is the face of the system?


The army of the big concierge is not strong. The big Song Dynasty also knows that the combat power of the self is not as good as the Liao, Western Summer, so the development of the army has reached extremely.

What is the armor of dozens of pounds, hundreds of people can manipulate the bed, the stone car, the radius reached a hundred steps of the monk!

It is precisely because there are the most advanced arms at the time, the big concieval can survive in the times of the strong enemy.

In this intermediate world, the army of the big Song is still far beyond the rest of the countries. Perhaps like God arm bow, bed, the stone truck, artillery, etc., there is no deterrence of the law, and the role of the martial arts is not big, but the top of the military is very threatened.

In particular, the Song Jiang's awkward, the artillery he made, if it hits, even the martial arts of the martial arts can kill, even the martial arts can also cause a small harm.

This non-scientific thing is greater than the power of modern artillery.

The singularity, never lack of ordnance, before each time you go, you will get ready, follow the army.

Even sometimes it is not used, it is not strong than it is needed.

This is still the case, and a large number of siege instruments, and in Yangqu County, a number of instruments collected from all walks of life were seized in Yangqu County.

It is the quality of the Song Dynasty and the Ministry of Education.

House is not out, Song Jiang spent half a month, filled the moat of the county, rumored the city wall, led the army into the city.

The rear is odd, and immediately sent a support. After all, there is still nearly a million troops.

The final housing degree will die, and the city will lead to most of the war, small part of the surrender, and successfully take the Dazzi County.

"Song Pione, too slow, according to this, it is estimated that there is no Taiyuan House, Tianhu's army will kill." The county of the war, Qi Zi Zhao Zong, "Today, I will take the county today," This official gives you ten days, be sure to take the county. "

"You don't have to worry about the lack of force, this official will send people to support you, when you are key, you will help."

"The last will lead, ten days Nex County." Song Jiang knowed that he was desperately desperate.


Qixian, the reincarnation Tian Fei took the army to prepare for the whole army, and continued to strengthen the city wall and hoarding the materials.

But because it is too ast over, it is still insufficient.

Tianhu's focus before the rebellion, the materials are hoarded in the Yangle, and finally cheap.

Therefore, when organizing the second defense line, the material reserves are serious.

So Tian Fei began to disassemble the home and collected everything that could be used.

As for the people caused by it, it is a matter of Tian Fei, what is the relationship with my reincarnation?

Anyway, his mission is to kill the scorpion of the stars, as long as you have completed the task, even if the Tiger soldiers defeated the whole family, he will not frown.

I finally waited for no white feet. On the second day of receipt of the defense of Dale County, Tian Fei got the news of Song Jun.

After the exploration, it is really a line of Song Jiang.

Thirty thousand pioneers, the three million support, and the Song army has not started.

Tianfei is big, and I want to go out to fight.

But he also knows that Song Jiang's next law has many martial arts. It is not that he is better than him, unless Tianhu is dispatched to most of the horse, otherwise you want to take Song Jiang, basically impossible.

He also knows that he can't stand the county, but what doesn't matter, as long as you can kill a few Star Jun in the process of Song Jiang, then you will leave.

Can Qixian can't hold it, he doesn't care.

However, Song Jiang began to attack the city, he understood himself to see these "indigenous".

Song Jiang not only has far more than his siege equipment, but also can't play in the city, but also fucking directly, borrowing stars, raising the skills of his brothers, when it is, it is seven or more The law of the martial arts, let him want to concentrate on only a few laws that have only a few laws that have a murderer.

This makes Tianfei very depressed: I know so, it is better to wait in the copper, with the Tiger army to act together, Tihu Bing is strong, the masters are numerous, naturally not the Song Jiang hand down.

A small Qixian, hundreds of thousands of horses, the law is insufficient, and it is really unable to stop Song Jiang.

Now I want to complete the task, I can't help it, then I have to support two days, and I will return it.

After all, the Taiwanese housing must not stand the big valley. He lost the Qixian and also reasonable!

Every day anxious Shangcheng command defense, a more stringent residents in the city.

Anyway, it is necessary to lose, people's livelihood, and people are in a good time.

In the seventh day, Song Jiang came again to attack the city, and Tian Fei took the city.

"You said that this Song Jiang is not crazy, dozens of laws to attack the city every day, is it so embarrassing?" Tianfei is annoying and said.

"Probably, I am afraid that the king's assistance arrived, I want to attack the county early."

"That told it, then stick to five days, then evacuate." Tian Fei told.

Stick to more than ten days, you should be!

On this day, Song Jiang's siege is more violent. After several times, some people rushed to the wall, Tian Fei had to personally shot, and the Song Jun dare to look down in the city.

However, Song Jiang did not rely on, and once again launched an attack. Several top laws were rushed into the wall.

"I will kill the enemy." Tianfei drunk, with a large number of soldiers rushed forward.

Only in this army, he has the strength of the slate of these top-level laws.

This time, it seems to be a little unexpected.

I haven't waited for him to rush, I heard the sound of the rear weapon to tear the air.

"What happened?" He looked back, but saw a giant edge to himself.

Holding a knife, it is your own deputy.

"Rebellion?" He made a good idea, but it was late.

No one has any movements, the giant edge and body, Tian Fei was broken by a knife, and the semi-confident son was flying down with the first level.

Tens of thousands of people's battlefields are silent.

The reincarnation is so gentle in the battlefield and die under the public.

"Tian Tiger rebellion, reverse the way, Tianfei helps to abuse, the trend invades the people's property, and the killing ..." The deputy of the killing Tianfei will start counting the sin of Fei Tian Fei.

"Today, I can't bear the people to continue to make it harm, kill the field, surrender the court, change the evil, and the people can be sprout, refuse to surrender, Tian Fei is your end."

This sound makes the battlefield return to normal, but the go is already different.

The Lord will die, what else does it mean?

In addition to a few dead loyalty, most of them have chosen to surrender, and several laws that attack the city also take the opportunity to make the big army, to prevent change.

Until the city gate was opened, Song Jiang led the army into the city, and finally dust set.

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