Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 432 The enemy will be our undercover (seeking subscription)

The deputy departure of the county named Anren is certainly not surrendered, but the generals of the Hedong of the Hedong.

However, I can't say this, I can't say this. Otherwise, Tian Hu is strictly checking the origin of the generals, even if he has made full preparation, but who will not be discovered, affect the Raiders Head The progress.

The reincarnation has always been on high, can't see these "indigenous", Du Fei is because they don't understand these, so they are inexplicably.


Controlled the situation, Song Jiang arranged to explore the horse and flying, which came to see Anren Mei, thank you.

Until at this time, Song Jiang knows what it means to help, what is the meaning of some people who have said it!

It turned out that I wish you a high-sigh degree, I sent people to persuade this strong man to help you broke the city.

I won't explain to Song Jiang, so Song Jiang will take one through its own brain.

Ann Mei's strength is also in the world. He can't express your identity now, so add to Song Jiang under the invitation of Song Jiang, and analyze the military power distribution and various generals of Songjiang.

I learned that the Wenzhou's commander Tian Le lea is a grass bag, and the general will not be strong, so after the coming, Song Jiang took the initiative to go to hunt.

I have no opinions on this singularity, and I have a lot of military and horses to Song Jiang, and I will listen to it in two military horses.

After all, Qizhou is the heavy place of Tianhu to guard against the northwest, and the Tian Leopard is a grass bag, but there are more than 100 million troops in the city.

Handed into Qixian to the Qi Ti, Song Jiang hi does not stop into the genre city, straight to the West River.


Tongji County, Jinwang Palace.

Tian Hu is once again sent a temper in front of the civil and military.

At that time, the cavalry swept half of the Hedong, and now finally realized the pressure of the army.

He didn't think that the aid of himself sent, and he didn't stay in a month, he was attacked by the Song Jun to Tianzhou.

"When can I return?" Tian Hu was asked with anger.

"Back to the king, the button pivot" has stopped the attack on Huazhou, is preparing to return. "The right .

"What, this king will let him return to his teacher, why do you live now?" Tiger angered.

"The king, the previous button is pivoting to attack Huazhou, seeing to attack, want to attack the Huazhou, so ..." replied.

"Then he attacted Huazhou?" Tiger asked.

"There is no," Yu Xi said, "Huaizhou defended the army, and later, there was a reinforcement to arrive, this will make the button pivot unsuccessful."

"Who gives him a big courage, even the decree of this king does not listen?" Tian Tiger is anger, "Is it feeling that the soldiers under the hand, can you ignore the king's order?"

Who gives courage? Not the king yourself? If you are not letting you have been letting but do you want to do it, will he be so unscrupulous?

Different is the previous button Wen Zhong has been victory, and this failed.

A quiet in the palace.

This is not good, one is not good, I am sinner.

"The command, the command," "Tianhu finally calm down," Now the Song Jun has entered the state, the West River crisis, the general is willing to rescue? "

He knows his brother's character, once it is fell into a tragic attack, it is estimated that you will think about escape.

"Dawang, Tianzhou is very important, related to Wei Sheng's safety, Song Jun's big, vain, can go, can be lost." The country pear.

"The king, the minister is not talented, willing to rescue in Qizhou." At this time, a general will take the lead.

"Sun Dian Shuai has the courage of Wanfu, and there is more exciting, if it is, the Qizhou will inevitably." . "

"Then there is a hard work." Tianhu saw Sun An, also worried about a lot, "You rate 300,000 people, this king will call you 300,000, go to Tianzhou rescue. Waiting to State, you have received it through the defense, let the two kings come back! "

"In this way, the Zhangzhou has two million people. As long as you can't stand, even if you wish you a period of time, you can still stick to it."

"Stand-to-Button Triller returns the army, this king is told the battle." Tianhu told him.

"Chen will hold the Qizhou, kill the enemy, and wait for the king." Sun An said.

The heart is relieved, I remembered the situation in the beginning of the year.

At that time, Tianhu had no signs of doing things, but he was wished to come to Hedong, and settled with Tianhu.

One shook for seven eight years, until Tianhu did something, he knew why he wished him and Qiao brutal long.

Surprisingly, they actually "predict" to Tianhu to do things in advance.

At that time, although surprised, thinking about it is not surprising.

After all, the Taoism, the secret of God, can be predicted to the future, the emperor is still a God!

Underging under the end, I finally waited for the opportunity.

Treat himself to get in Qizhou, take over the city defense, I wish you no soldiers will not be bloody, you can get the blood, avoid the blood, the people are suffering, and there is no white fee in this decade.

What's more, he also knows that Hedong may not only end him this.


After the Song Jiang arrived in the West River, he didn't hesitate, and immediately started to attack the city immediately.

The tragic wars of a few days, let the second Daguai Wang Lao Leopard face.

Flat-hearted, his strength is not bad. It is already a law, can it be bad?

But the problem is that he has always been under the shelter of Tianhu, has not experienced a dangerous thing, the realm is a pile, and the actual experience is close, and it is more unhappy for military.

Even the three brothers are far better.

If it is not enough to trust, Tianhu will let him take a crucial place in the town?

Therefore, from the Song Jiang army arrived, Tian Le Le leaving several times a day, and went to the Tianhu Rapid to help.

The Master is hiding behind, and it can be seen how low the West River guards. If there are several martial arts, there are several martial arts, and the defenders in the city are more enough. It is estimated that Sun An arrived, and Zhangzhou was broken by Song Jiang.

When Sun An led the army into the city, Tian Lear did not hesitate, immediately transferred with Sun An, and then did not stay, with a gold and silver treasure treasure that had already packed it, all the way to Tongli County.


After Sun An took over the defense, the city was in the city, the guards were immediately large, and Song Jiang only felt a lot of counterattacks.

I know that I lost the opportunity to quickly break the West River, Song Jiang can only suspend attack, take a little more, waiting for the stoneware.

The Qi Ti has not arrived, and the news from Sun An has been received.

The choice of the year is true, this Tiger is to put the meaning of the Helong!

The enemy will be my undercover, how is this city?

With a relaxed meaning, Qi Ti rushed to the big camp under the West River Song Jiangzhi.

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