Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 434 captures Jinzhou (seeking subscription)

The gods in the Water Margin is still more, in addition to nine days of mysterious women, there is also a golden god of the dream of teach Qiong Yingwu, Lu Zhishen's death, the monk encountered in the gave, pointing to the Song Jiang out of the interaction of Dao Dao Dialect ... Flow.

Of course, because Qi Tao has built Qiao Daoqing, it has led to a small number of teachers under Tianhu, plus Sun An, leading to a lot of power in the Tiger.

Qiongjie Yuxiong Ying and Tianjie did not fever arrow Zhang Qingnan marriage, because there is no meeting, this is not a lot of spells, so I will tell Qiong Ying's identity and Ye Qing's answer to her own effect. Give the method of contact Yeqing to Song Jiang, let Song Jiang and others consider themselves.

Then, the Quitie the army south, straight to Jinzhou.


"Military division, I want to give birth to Jinzhou Tian Yu, why do the military division to block?" After sending aqi army left, Song Jiang asked Wu.

Before, although Qi Ti said that there is a resolution, Song Jiang still wants to fight, but he is used by Wu. He has doubts, so he will ask.

"Gongming brother, we vote for the public, what is it for?" Wu used to live in Song Jiang and asked.

"Of course, in order to build a job, Guang Zong Yao Zu." Song Jiang is justified.

"We are this, then I wish you the rest of the soldiers." Wu asked again.

"The military's means means ..." Song Jiang had awareness.

"Public brother, military division means that this time, we are too hot, and it has caused the remaining generals." Zhu Wu received the words, "We have been invested to the public, especially the lead, especially the lead Breaking the

"And today, I will give you a pioneer, win the Taiyuan House and Wenzhou, I wish you all the best, if you want to see them, you will not use them. Those border army, all the year round and the West Summer fight, if this is nothing, what do you think? "

"They naturally dare not blame the husband, but they will be envited to us, because it is our existence, causing them unable to build a job."

"Now I wish you all the best with us, one is that is an emergency, and there is a chance to build a successful work industry. If the brother seizes this merit, then it is true that it is uncomfortable."

"We have only 300,000 troops, and the rest of the will have the rest of the generals. If you really come here, the public brother will dare to put their own back to those people? In the battlefield, you will die, nor is it fresh. Thunder. "

Zhu Wu has explained a lot.

"It turns out," Song Jiang is so cheerful, "if the non-military secret reminds, Zhu Junshi is confusing, I have to make a big disaster, thank you two military divisions."

"Gongming brother is polite, this is the way to the official, you can't just say that our Liangshan is just talking about the brothers, there is too much to consider, killing people don't see blood, more dangerous than the battlefield." Wu used to say, "Good people Good product, although we have always made our charge, but also protect us, otherwise we can so stable. "

"I want to die for the court, I wish I am a failed rebellion, but I don't want to have so many doors." Song Jiang sighed, "this merit is that it is."

"That is not necessarily," Wu said, "If we can defeat the pear, the soldiers are forced to win, and it is not satisfactory to win the promotion of Jinzhou."

"But we can't attack the Dazhai of Yibei?" Asked in Song Jiang.

"That let him come out," Wu is smiling, "this is a good total."


The kioli is south to tear open the Yanglianguan without how many people embarrassed, and enter Jinzhou.

In less than a month, I broke the Ho, Zhao City, Hongdong Sancheng, directly under Linyi City.

The three major king Tiantiao, who is stationed in Jinzhou, emergency towards Tiger.

After receiving the news, Tianhu was shocked. He thought that the Qi Council was played along the way, defeating himself, and then cleaned up the residence, so the army won the winner.

It is not expected to block the zone to block the village, resulting in a long time, first attack Jinzhou.

At this time, the Gaoshi button was led to the army to arrive in Wei Sheng, Zezhou emptiness, if you wish the pedestrian, we will win the Zezhou, then he has become a bamboo.

Therefore, Jinzhou must rescue, but it can't be delayed.

So, the button loyalty arrived in Tongyu County, and didn't come to see Tianhu. I received a decree of Tian Hu, let him rescue Jinzhou before.

The button loyalty is not sitting in Wei Sheng butt, and she has to transfer the horse and go to Linyi.

The big army complained as four, the blocks can't stop.

Before they, they had a tiger, and they were slightly sneaken, and they were in the case of being stunned by the Tiger because of the attacking time. It was also exhausted by the Tiger. It was already exhausted.

However, the field will not only have a leader, but it has changed the idea to let them go to Jinzhou.

I know so, why have you been in great interest to win, and you will go directly to Jinzhou.

This is coming back, so that the damn loyalty is extremely dissatisfied.

They are not a regular army, and have not been trained. It is basically not existed. It is a group of anti-thieves, and I don't want to say anything, there is no shot.

Button, of course, also knows the complaints in the army, but there is nothing good solution. After all, this phenomenon generally exists in Tianhujun, he is impossible to exception.

So the button loyalty, once defeated the Song Jun, all the Song Jun's heavy money will be given to the people, which makes the military stabilize.


Although the horses are not stopped, they will still be late.

The Qi Ti took three days and broke the city.

Starting from the attacking song, it has always been the Song Jiang's assault in front, so he will seize Taiyuan and Qizhou, and the credit is in Song Jiang and others. They can also point to soup.

This naturally makes the border of Hedong, who has been arrogant, is dissatisfied with the military.

So starting from Yangliang South Guan, these hearts have always been with the border army of the stock, and there is a strong combat power, and the three counties are only used for three days, and there is a million army. city.

Tian Xi Bi Bi Leopard is a good point, at least dare to fight, but he and the Tian Le Le Leada, it is not too strong, and the weekday is only relying on the deputy commander Wang Yuanzhi. There are also more than a dozen laws, but there is not too strong.

The Qi Tiki is strong, the crown is absolutely harmful to the army of the kindergarten and others. Coupled with the suppression of the scriber, the advantages of the siege equipment, the number of top military, is far super, so it takes three days to capture the city.

Tian Yulu Huang fled, halfway met the source of the source of the source.

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