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Chapter 435, Yi Waiting (Subscribe)

I learned that Linyi disappeared, buttons were in the world.

In, Linyi has fallen, and he may not take back from the Song Jun.

Retreat, that means the task failed, and even if he retired, he didn't know whether it would be retired to Wei Sheng, or go to Zezhou.

The icon is hesitant.

But soon, he didn't have to hesitate, and Tian Hao made a decision.

In Tian Yu's impression, the army of the banner has always been a battle. In the past two years, the land of Hedong is invincible, Song Jun Wen and escape.

For the loss of Linyi, Tian Yan is not awkward, he feels that Song Jun is bullying him without a general, or you will never be defeated so soon.

Nowadays, there is a big army in the brilliance, and it will be like a cloud, naturally defeat the Song Jun to retreat, and a snow is shameful.

So he resolutely requested that the damballs will enter the army and raise to Jinzhou.

"Button scoring, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of the Song Jun, immediately enter the soldiers, recall the conclusion, otherwise, the Song Jun station is stable, Jinzhou is really not coming back." In the big camp, Tian Hao continued to urge the button loyalty to enter the army.

"The button is pivoting, is it afraid? This king can remember, the power is the first fierce, and when there is a fear of the battle?" Tips, Wen 's loyalty, Tian Yan continued to stimulate.

"The mobilization of the knocks, this king personally fights with the Song army, Song Junli has more points in the Song Jun, and the war is general, and the record of the power of the intersection is light and easy."

"If the button is pivoting, it is not afraid, the words are, this king lost Linyi, not jokes you. But wait until the copper, naturally should be detailed with the king."

"The button pivoting the battlefield, naturally, there will be no delays, it is."

Tian Wei is smiling, but the sentence is worried.

In the view of the button loyalty, Tian Yan and his brother Tian Leopard are grass bags, impulsive and angry, no brain, is a sail, the root is not suitable for sitting in the town.

If he is the younger brother of Tianhu, you can get a high level in the big place, and the place of the Zhangzhou.

Tian Yan's judgment on the strength of Song Dynasty, buttons were unbelieved. After three days of attack in Song Jun, he said that Song Jun's war is general.

If the Song army is really average, what is his own?

But for a long time, he can't see it.

In the past, he did not put Tian Yan in his eyes, but in his eyes, he first because he didn't pay in time to get a time in time, and the Sun An surrender was buried. He Tianhu is now It is a bird of shocking, any violation of it may be doubtful.

So even if Tian Yu speaks hard, the button loyalty is also listening.

Who let people surnamed Tian!

The icon has been silent. Some of the will be anger by Tian Yan, and I can't help but talk.

"I will take a troops according to the opinions of the three kings, and they will take back Linyi." Finally, before conflict broke out, the button loyalty has decided.

Tian Yan showed a smile of victory.

With the decision, the button is immediately entering the soldiers, while writing the situation while writing the situation, and the rapids are sent to Tonghu.


Tongji County, Jinwang Palace.

It has always been bad news, and Tianhu has a lot of temper.

I learned that Tian Le lea lost Lin Wei, and Tian Hu had once again.

He took the half of the Hedong, who was distant, lost half in just two or three months.

The button loyalty detailed in the table, and has decided to reunite the facts of the inquiry. Because the situation is unknown, he asked Tianhu, if it won the city failed, where did you retreat?

The button loyalty has no confidence, which makes the Tiger on the shun shadow of the battle of Jinzhou, thinking about it for a long time, and finally gave a button loyalty to the instruction.

If it fails, return to Winsheng.

The army's army is the main force of Zezhou. If it is a failure, it is estimated that Zezhou is also difficult to hold, it is better to concentrate on fighting and Song Jun.

However, since I wish you a lot of troops in Songjiang in Miancung, it is not possible to defeat Song Jiang first, break away from the back of the Leopard, and re-regain the Wenzhou and Taiyuan House?

Tian Hu Si is the feasibility of the plan.


Tian Hu is trying not to defeat Song Jiang, Mianchan Dazhai, and Yibei has decided to act.

The Song Jun has more than five or six million, and the pear soldiers will naturally do not dare to leave, just think with the help of the geography of Miancan Dazhai.

But with the singularity of the soldiers, Song Jiangbing, who stayed in Mianchang, no longer challenged. , determining that the Song Jun has been in the south, Song Jiang's army has been less than himself, and suddenly, I will break the mind of Song Jiang.

He even the west army is not afraid, let alone are the Song Jiang, this boy!

is very cautious, and waited for many days until he was confident that the Song Jun army went to Jinzhou, not deliberately attracted him a trap, which is ready to pay.

is moving, Wu is laughing.

Even if there is still a strategy, if the pear turtle can't shrink, it will not be able to show it. As long as Yumi is coming out, there is a chance to defeat it.



The singularity took the city, she received the body, comforting the people, and did not wait for him to decide the next step, and received the news from the horse.

The power of the big army is over.

Suddenly, I no longer want the next question, first solve the button loyalty.

For the button loyalty, the singularity is also valued, although in the original world experience, the first is the first resolution by Song Jiang.

Or maybe the strength of Wenzhong itself is not as good as Qiao Daoqing, Ma Ling, but it is the first big place in Tianhu.

Don't say anything else, you can see from your position.

The button loyalty is the pivot of Tianhu, and the pivate is the highest commander of the military, which is equivalent to the Temple of the Song Dynasty, the second person below the emperor.

And there are a lot of generals under the button loyalty, there are four wines, sixteen biases, placed in this intermediate world, that at least is a method.

Sure enough, the button loyalty did not let the strange expect.

When it is in the city outside Anzhai, the army came to challenge, and the strange tied to see the strength of the button loyalty.

In the late stage of the button, Siwei will be in the middle of the law, and the sixteen part will actually go to the mid-term, and the rest is the early stage of the law.

Plus the remaining generals and the Tiantu's restrictions, the generals of Lin Lin, and there are more than two hundred people.

Of course, the law is more than the case.

After all, there is no sufficient strength in the battle force of the West Army, and the town can not live in the field.

The button loyalty is called, and the strange is ignored, and it can't stand it.

Since the button loyalty is coming to win the city, it is not him, and there is a city-way to occupy the land, why need to go to the field!

No way, the button loyalty can only siege.

However, he is a temporary hasty, and it is easy to carry the city's equipment.

Looking at the city, if there is an endless defending city, buttons, I want to grasp the Tianzhen to play.

You have so many municipal materials, actually, no stay in three days, this is the so-called Song army's war?

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