Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 436, defeats the loyalty, won the state (seeking subscription)

Siege half a month, Linyi City is always in the mountains.

The biggest results of the button loyalty is that there is a soldiers to climb the wall, but it has not yet been enough to be rushed down by the Song Jun.

Tian Biao can testify that the buttons is indeed all efforts, and the body of hundreds of thousands of soldiers who will die in Linyi City is proven.

How did Tianxuan also wanted not to pass, why did he guarded the city easily to be broken, and it is so solid in the Song Jun.

In his small cerebelon, there is never the concept of the military law, and the fight is always a strong, and the strength is clear, and the strong will win.

Just half a month, there is already such a big loss, and there is no possibility of breaking the city, but the button loyalty decides to retreat.

He has received the instructions of Tianhu, and half a month's siege, hundreds of thousands of losses can already be cashed out to Tianhu, and the Tian Yan, who has been jumping, has nothing to say.

But the problem is that the war has begun, it is not what he wants to go.

There are a lot of odd-style undercover under Tianhu, and there is no exception. There are four important generals under the button loyalty.

There is one in Four Wan, three in the 16th part.

Although there is no more than Sun Anzhen, it is because Sun An is a strange person, but the button loyalty is not.

The button loyalty is the death of Tianhu, the green forest is born, and it is very righteous, so it is taken by the Committee with the highest commander of the military.

Although the birds like the birds now, they are not so trusting, including the button loyalty. But as long as there is no conclusive evidence, Tianhu is only a concern, but will not move his number one.


Needless to notify the news, you can see the button loyalty to retreat.

The big camp in the city suddenly suddenly became more than 80%, and I didn't know that it was difficult.

"All the, the button loyalty has been lost, it has been retired, and when we counterattack, you can prepare for a chasing." The Qi Ti is immediately convene a procedure, "" " "

"If it returns to the victory, I will annihilate a lot of effort and prepare for the future."

"And if it is returning to Yizhou, it will be annihilated, broken off Tianhuyi arm."

"Eucalyptus command," odd look to Yan Tingyu, "The" button loyalty to withdraw the army, must stay behind the army, you rate the offensive city of the city, to prevent it from chasing our army. "

"Go to prepare, leave after a time. Yudong command, you stay."

"What is the best?" Want to leave, and Yan Tingyu asked.

Off-Attack button Wen Zhong Daguan is not a good difference, no one is envious, they also know that although it has always been out of the Song Jiang in the process of the battle, I wish you a good relationship with Yutian, etc. The generals of the count.

"There are two people who have left behind, one of them is Guo Xin. When you go to the camp, you can persuade him to Cheng Cheng." Strange said.

"Guo Xin? He is also preparing to abandon the dark investment?"

Yan Ting Yuxi was very surprised. Sure enough, I wish the public martial arts, and Tian Hu is constantly having the generals.

"No, he is mine." Qi Ti smiled, "Now just return, of course, can't say this."

Yan Tingyu: "..."

"That Sun Ang, Anren Mei is also a person who is gone?"

"Of course, otherwise it will be so easy to surrender?" Strange nodded, "that it is dozens of thousands, millions of people to die."

"Begly, I started to lay out in Hedong?" Yan Ting Yuping was shocked.

"Yes, for a long more than ten years, there is a short three or four years, and I will end after the Tiger takes the army." Strangely said casually.

"At the end, I will have been in the public, but I have never been aware!" Yan Tingyu smiled.

"Now you know, this big army up and down, in addition to Qiao Dao Chang, you are the only one, I wish one and Zhu Ping don't know." Strange said, "But this is unable to promote, do you understand? It can be sincere and honest. "

If it is not necessary to take the army after the loyalty of the loudness, we are worried that it is improper, it is broken, and the Qi Ti will not give him a word.

Insert spy this kind of thing, the less you know, the better.

Qiao Daoqing is specially trained a group of people, not in the army, specializing in contact with Hebei.

"At the end, it will be understood." Yan Tingyu is: it is definitely a person in Tianhujun.


Yan Tingyu blocked the brightener team, the Qi Tao army dispatched, and fully pursued the army's army.

The distance is not far from the long distance, and the button loyalty does not dare to march across the whole speed. If the words are not withdrawn, but the defeat.

Even so, the Qi Ti is also chasing the big army of the button loyalty to the third day. A little bit of the damballs will go out of Jinzhou.

Seeing that I can't open, buttons, I've been interrupted, and the array and Song Jun's decisive battle.

This battle, compared with the Song Rong, it is even more fierce, and the two sides have killed two nights two nights on the land of Military. This is all scattered.

With a thousands of losses, it exchanges for more than 3 million corpses.

The army under the button loyalty can be said to be the strongest batch of Tianhu, three more than one battle, and the Shengjun's strength.

Plus 300,000, and hundreds of thousands of losses in the siege, the button loyalty with the last more than 100 million flevened in the Winsheng Jun.

Lost a lot of soldiers and horses, hundreds of laws and martial arts, even Siwei will also die, and the fourteen biases will also die three, and it is estimated that the icon is not good.

Qi Ti wants to know that Tianhu can still come up with more strength.

When the Queen Returns returned, Sure enough, Yan Tingyu had taken the big camp before Wenzhong.

Guo Xin really surrendered, and Yan Ting Yu did not spend more costs, and he attacked in and forced another bias to surrender.

Originally, after leaving, it is the abandonment of the button, and Guo Xin is in the first, and they have no psychological pressure.

After all, this is the imperial orthodox.

The damballs were defeated and the Jinzhou earthquake, and the county of the county that had not been attached has sent messenger to the mortuary, expressing surrendering.

Qi Ti is accepting, with the name of Hedong, there is a name near the county officials to pick up, and at the same time, the court will immediately send officials to the official.

Then the army turned to, killing into Zezhou (Gaoshou).

Zezhou is before the button is stationed, and when the button is left, take a large number of army, Zezhou is very empty. Basically, I haven't started playing. The whole Ze Prefecture is defined. It is not in a half month. The whole Zezhou will return to the big Song.

Tian Tiger is a group of blacks, and there is no loyalty to Tianhu. It is the Tiger Tiger, but because the Tiger is big, the Tian Tian Tiger is obvious. They will be willing to give Tianhu, and it will be sync. .

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