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Chapter 437 Spy is never too much (ask for subscription)

Capturing Zezhou, I also opened up the straight line channels directly with the Weijing, and the link between the Kangjing never need to detour Hebei, which is convenient for many.

In two days, the official of the court sent it in place, Huazhou, Weizhou army began to be in the north and stationed in Zezhou.

The singularity still no longer stops, killing to Longdefu, which is the so-called Zhaole world.

After all, the era of Shi Ni, it is not possible to learn more about the change of the Song Dynasty for three or four hundred years. After all, the era of his place, there is no database of a key query function.

If you come back, now I'm singing, but I've been in the middle of the head, I have been in the enemy?

From Zezhou, it is the same as the path of the Song Jiang, the original world.

Entering the Longdefu, the first thing to rush is the pot.

Because the results of the singularity into the Hedong have been defeated today to defeat the icon, let the pot will be very taboo. Plus the Song Jun soldiers and horses, far on the pot, Shanshi decided not to keep it.

Pot Guan Guancheng is not big, there is only a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, but it is easy to defend. In addition, the commander will be very resistant to the Sni Shuqi, that is, the odd gang is also quite a headache.

It is difficult to attack whether it is difficult to attack, and it is difficult to break it. It doesn't mean that you can't use the ware.

That's right, it has played another role in the end of the year.

On the three days of the ground, there are thousands of people who have been in detail, and thousands of people are also lost.

Therefore, after the battle of the day, the deputy commander of Shanshi found him and advised him to take the Tang Bin stationed in the mountains to meet the entrance and rushed.

Hug Mountain in the southeast of Pot Guan, the Taoist Truna is Tang Bin and its two brothers Zhonglan, Cui Ye, they were originally this thief of the mountain, and the Tiger was greatly treated by Tianhu, because It is not the heart of Tianhu, it is still here.

Quality Army came to attack the pot, did not pass the mountain, nature did not divide the troops. Of course, this is also a grateful intention, because Tang Bin's three brothers, this is the person who is still here.

Correspondingly, persuading Sisshachi will take Tang Bin's Lu Hui, which is also one of the strange spies.

Lu Hui's reasons are very full: there are not many people in the pot. The Song Jun has lost thousands of people in the first test mode. Even if there is hundreds of thousands of people in the pot, it will not support it. The king will be detailed in several times, and it will not send the Wins and horse, and the Pot Guan has no aid.

And Tang Bin, just able to make up for the dilemma of the inert-troops, and now the Song Jun has not felt that Tang Bin's threat can be adhered to, otherwise, once the Song Jun responded, Tang Bin has been abolished.

Now, it is unclear that the Song Jun is unclear, maybe I can fight a Song Jun can't get a partner, and obtain a partial victory.

It is completely considered for Shanshi.

After all, the pot is in danger. When the attack is, it can't start, and I can only let all the turns will attack, which gives Song Jun's opportunity to attack the Song Jun.

Shanshi is affordable, the family is very good, and the martial arts has also read several years. Because the murderer is afraid of the court accountability, so that I went to Tiger.

He is a straight person, how can he think that his deputy will dig him?

Shanshi felt that Lu Hui's suggestion was good, and asked the rest of several departments, see them agreed, this is only letting.

Tang Bin's soldier, the soldiers, there are 300,000 people, and the pot is to accommodate. Sni Siqi has decided, immediately sent people to secretly shut down, before contact Tang Bin, the time of the entry.

Tang Bin Daxie: I finally waited for the opportunity.

After another three days, this day, Song Jun is attacking the city, suddenly killing a military horse from the rear, the front and back, the Song Jun suddenly chaos, the Huang was evacuated, leaving the gods.

And the lattice switches, personally welcome Tang Bin.

Under Guancheng, Tang Bin tried to admire the pot, so I left the meeting, in which the Tang Bin Jun, who is entering the city launched an attack under the command of Wen Zhonglong and Cui Ye, destroying the suspension bridge, capturing the city gate.

And the city, Song Jun, who has just "wolf and escape", once again killed.

Sni Shan Yan has a good time, and finally reacted, immediately led the army and hit, and wanted to retrace the city gate.

But it can be too late, Song Jun will soon kill. Yan Tingyu personally took the lead in charge, highlighting the attention of the odds.

Guancheng is fighting, and the Song Jun, the city, starts to attack the city. The city has been in the city, I don't know the situation in the city, the morale is big, and it is easy to attack the Song Jun.

In short two hours, Pot Guan Yi Lord.

Sni Shui runs away, and it is directly captured.

The Lord will be arrested, and the soldiers are more unfaming, and they have surrendered.

The strange strength is also growing again.

In the face of Shanshi, Tang Bin, Lu Hui can only say that he thinks that Tianhu has no success, and has already surrendered to the big Song. This time, with each other, the pot is to take the pot, it is his own sketched.

Shanshi gods calls to short sigh, and then surrendered under the strange persuasion.

Of course, he also seen that the Tiger's forces have been decorated, but Tianhu is full of his life, but also very grateful.

But grateful, can't resist your own life, so he chooses to surrender.


Tian Hu has been gone, and a bad news makes him caught off.

Only the fact that the damballs defeated the defeated soldiers, and the news of the Pot off, the top party has been under the big Song Bing.

Have not waiting for the Tiger who wants to support the party, the northwest is coming.

The country kills by Song Jiang, Mianchan Dazhai has broken, Song Jiang enters the land of Weissan.


After leaving, Wu Jin and Song Jiang planned to lead the pear. Whoever wants to have not discussed a good plan, Yumi is going to play them first.

So Song Jiang and Wu have chosen to show the enemy, and the cost of being invincible, and the Huang Huang retired in dozens of miles re-undergone.

This attack and defensive power is turned into Song Jiang.

Soon Song Jiang learned Zhang Qing and Qiong Ying, when Ye Qingqi was coming, the secret linkd to Ye Qing, let him help to persuade Qiongying to help them deal with pear.

Under the role of world awareness, Zhang Qinghua entered the Jun, and became a couple with Qiongqi, and continued to defeat the general of Song Jiang.

Then in a certain hi challenge, Song Jiang has hit the hurts to be seriously injured. After returning to the bill, he is killed by Qiong and Zhang Qingxing, and then put the Song Jiang Dafa.

Sealed the big camp of Yibei, and he won the Mianchang Camp, and Song Jiang was relaxed, busy with the Qi Tiki Heading report.


Mianchang disappears, Yubi Death, Qiong betrayed ... a bad news, let Tianhu dismissed the idea of ​​sending troops to go to the party, but in the first time I wanted to concentrate all the soldiers and horses all overweight, To address the Song Jun's attack.

So the goddess attack, the party is not a few days, and I haven't thought about it. When I come to attack the city next day, I found that the party guards have abandoned the city.

Then there was Yucheng, and there was no defending army. The army was called by Tianhu.

Qi Ti once again seized Longdefu.

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