Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 438, a drum, is a gas, and a subscription)

Seeing Songjiang again, it is already in the city of Tongxi.

Breaking the , Song Jiang seized in a break, and then got an empty city when the waiter arrived.

Tianhu gave up all the surroundings, concentrated the soldiers to defend copper.

"I met the generals. This is the general of assisting the Hention and Qiongying, who will break the Yubi, and he has also been a couple. This is the Ye Qingfei's general management." Song Jiang introduced the two people in Qiongo.

"See you, thank you to the care of Ye Shushu, but not before it is presumed to accept the people." Qiongoiri.

"Thank you, I have been working for so many years, I finally got to meet the leadings, and the little people were very honored." Ye Qing also said.

"The two are not polite, Ye Qing, you are active, this official promises you will naturally do, and now Tianhu has become a sleepy and beast, there is no possibility of escape, and the official promised you. When it is, I don't want to pay these years. "Strange said.

"As for you, Qiong Ying, I used to be young, I didn't know if I was not sin, I learned that I was very gratifying after the truth, and the official is very gratifying. After the hit, I'm going to break the Tiger, but you will consider the future."

"Thank you." "Thank you.

"Song Xianfeng, now Tiger is sitting in the city, but I gathered all the soldiers and horses, the strength is not weak, to prevent their dogs from jumping, breaking away." The Qi Ti also looked at Song Jiang.

"Don't worry about it, the end will be strictly defense." Song Jiang replied.

"So, Xicheng is handed over." Qi Ti said, "The official has ordered the pariology, the Liaonang soldiers and Ma Nans, to be siege north gate; please call the court to come to the Hebei military horse to come, besieged Dongmen; South Gate. Song Pingfeng, you have the millennium horse, be careful, don't let go of the last loss. "

"Don't have six or seven millions of people in Tianhu, and we are siege all sides. Don't stay a living road, isn't it forcing the tiger?" Song Jiang is confused, "once they die, will cause great losses to us."

"Yes, I have to be aunt." Qi Ti did not deny that "Tianhu claimed to Jin Wang, made a big taboo, the official will give him a chance to flee, this is the court of giving the court."

"Even if he wants to be desperate, you have to go to the hand, you will be willing to do it, just see how many charms in the Tiger can let more people go to death. Otherwise, there is Sun An, Anren, Tang Bin, Shanshi The patterns, perhaps many people have thought about surrender the court. "

After three days, a few aunt was in place, and the strange tricks began to clean the defensive facilities outside the city and fill in the moat.

After that, I didn't immediately sie in the city, but the soldiers who sent a big voice were sent to the city, and the strategy to treat Tianhujun was promoted.

Out of the city vessels are free to die, with the approval of the sketching, killing the Tianhuai Feng Hou.

At the same time, I will shoot tens of thousands of arrows in the city, and I will be bored with the publicity slogan of "surrender and not kill".

Sure enough, after this series of movements, the people in the copper rushed in the city, and they were afraid that the court of the court was called in.


Jinwang Palace.

Tian Hu did not have the previous sense of hair, the Royal Palace is also a silence.

Ye Qing betrayed, Ye Pear was dead, Tian Hu only felt that there were so many consecutors in front of them, there is no trustworthy.

From time to, do things come to this point? Tian Hu looked at everyone and recalled.

Perhaps it was the first to ruin half of the Hedong, saying that Wang Jian system, and awarded the group, and has entered these sites.

Because of the ground, in addition to the burden of border, the big Song's surplus army dismissed, and enjoying the graphic, this is no longer in the Song Jun, and even many will lead the surrender.

"The king, can't sit still in the city, don't hesitate, break through!" The first person on the left side, the pivate makes the dams once again.

After the news of Mianshan Camp and the Pot off, the button loyalty will advise the Tiger to give up the copper, and go to the golden country that has just happened.

However, the Tiger is all the Han people, and it is very excluded from the grandmother, especially the first court of the court, and the Taishi right-handed, and resolutely oppose the arrival of the city.

Ji Xiang is a crop man, and the power is endless, the martial arts, and later from the Tianhu troops, it has repeatedly succeeded, and he actually made him all the way to the Tai Master, the right-handed position, how can this court of the Tiger? It turned out to be the singer of the crops.

Because too many people opposed, Tianhu gave up north, but call all the military and horses to collect copper, preparing to die.

People are more, but people are more chaotic. Tian Hu was found that he couldn't find people who could trust. In addition to the two grass brothers, even if you have a button loyalty to trust.

He did not dare to fully trust in front of himself.

But as the button is said, you can't sit in the city, millions of people collect gatherings, people are vulnerable, maybe when they are betrayed.

"The pivotal embarrassment, I will wait as a Han people, can you take a doctors?" At this time, Ji Xiang is on the front, "the king, the minister invited the battle, will go to the Leopard."

Yan Xiang and button loyal were quarreled.

Wenwu is not that it is nature, it will not change because of the rush of Jixiang, unless he doesn't care about power.

"Two Ai Qing, don't quarrel." Tianhu said, "Button love Qing, now the Song Jun is in the surrounding city, we have lost the opportunity of breakout. Even if you can rush out, look at the four squares, all of them are the land, we can go where?"

"Since I want to fight, then I will fight with you once. I will go on, I will go to the South Gate, and I wish the gods, lonely."

Tian Hu's decision made the button loyalty and Xiangxiang were very surprised. I didn't think that Tianhu had a big determination. I actually went out to fight in the city.

This will die, if you can defeat, I have to break the enemy's first-line hope, but this hope is not big.

And if it fails, everything is going.


The drum is rumbling.

The next day, after the food, the Tiger has made the army, the army in the Tiger City will come out of the city under the leadership of the generals, only Tian Le Le, Tian Yan led some soldiers and horses.

Millions of tens of thousands of troops, only went out of the city.

Qi Ti learned that Tianhu out of the city, so he moved to Song Jiang's camera, and he raised his army.

Only look at the surface, the army under the Tiger is still a lot, five or six million people, stretch dozens miles.

The generals, there is also a button loyalty, Yan Xi, Ma Ling, Li Tianxi, etc., all people have a lot of general, the strength is absolutely weak. If you can unite, you will definitely create a huge loss.

But still in that, many people can have a few people who are willing to die for Tianhu?

Tian Hu is not a hero's , there is no special charm, everyone is willing to follow him, because when the Tian Tiger is big, the big Song official is too corrupt, and it is not willing.

Today, I see the Tiger to defeat. There are still a few people who are willing to die for him!

They followed the Tiger, and they were rich, and if the Tianhu can't give it, what else is it necessary?

Is it not fragrant in the court?

After all, as long as surrendering, you can live without saying, you can continue to fight, Sun An, Tang Bin and others are precedents.


I didn't have the meaning of the Tiger's answer on the battlefield, so that the army moved, and the army immediately moved, and killed Tianhujun.

This kind of battlefield is useless, and it is still a strong strength.

When Tianhu out of the city, he would take a drum to win the Hedong and end this chaos.

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