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Chapter 439 Tian Hu, the Tiger Road (seeking subscription)

From the south of the south, the three states were seized, because there were many oil troops, and the soldiers and horses in the singularity did not cut, but it also increased.

And this is still the result of millions of people after chasing the button loyalty.

But compare aunt, still slightly, but the gap is not too obvious.

What's more, even if you have more tiger's soldiers, it is not necessarily!

When I was just entering the river, I didn't dare to drive these people to attack Tianhu, but it didn't matter, Tian Tiger defeated the phase, and then did this opportunity indicate when attitude.

Therefore, Sun Ant, Tang Bin, Sni Scholar will be more than the rest of the army.


Tens million of the army, naturally it is impossible to easily divide the winning and losing.

Stick to the high platform, overlooking the battlefield, with flag command.

Tiger is under, although there is a button loyalty, Yu Xiang, Li Tianxi, which is more than Ma Ling, but the big will be more.

Not only have the sea, but also Han Shizhong, Yao Pingzhong, Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi, Wu Wei, etc. have already grown up, maybe the monomer force is not as good as Yu Xiang, buttons, but the unpetitive capacity is absolutely not difference.

"Dao Chang, since Gong Sun Sheng is not there, Ma Ling will give you it." Looking at Ma Leung, he said in the array, and Qi Tao told Qi Daoqing.

"The poor road is also active." Qiao Daoqing said.

The words did not put the horse in the eyes.

For Qiao Qing's strength, singing or trust, saying that Qiao Daoqing put into the singularity, changed the fate, the strength growth, the cultivation of the Yuan Dynasty, the words, Gong Sun Sheng may not be its opponent, Macings who will not be able to make it out of the show, it is not the hand.


"The commander, the Hebei Jun, the Pingding, Liaoning, from the north, disconnected the back of the Tiger."

"The command, the life of Song Jiang is ready to prevent someone from the west."

On the afternoon, it was a half-day, and the battle was still plastic, and the new combat order was started.

The army of him is already flat with Tianhu, let alone the rest three have the big army ready to go?

Tian Tiger personally went out to fight, even if he would send someone else, there would be no many soldiers.

The Qi Ti is now doing, it is to attack the copper before the Tiger fled.

After the command conveyed, after the two quarters, the killing of the siege in the north side of the north.

"The king, the war is unfavorable, we are already in the wind, the loss is far super Song army." The "button" is recently, and after killing the Song Dynasty, he came to Tianhu, "Especially those who surrendered Song Jun, killing their own Brothers came to be more soft, very fierce. "

"The king, the idea of ​​the idea, or returned to the city. Song Jun has begun to attack the copper, the minister is worried about the second king, can the three kings can't hold?"

"The button is hard, but the war is so, have you found anything wrong?" Tiger asked.

"The king means?" The button loyalty.

"There are so many generals to surrender the court. Do you believe that there will be no one in this big army?" Tian Hu said, "But until now, it is normal, normal is not normal."

"Button love, you said, these people can't go out, what is the lonely is in the city?" Tianhu said, "There is not much way to go, and fortunately, it is, it is, it is, or not. Old second, I can't hold it first. "

"The king, forgive people blunt, your current situation is very dangerous." "" "Even the king won again? We are now surrounded by Song Jun."

"Lonely is no way, I will hold a while here, maybe I can make the second, and three people have a chance to escape."

"Button love, do this, I am very honest, if you surrender Song Jun, I will not be angry. It can live well, and the rest is not important."

"The king, minister ..." button loyalty really figured that he would not surrender, and suddenly came to the chaotic sound.

"What happened?" The button is not far from the far away, and I asked.

"Hui's refinement, I don't have it, and Wei Wei will immediately declare the two members of the generals to announce the investment to the Song Dynasty. It is from the back and the Song Jun to attack our army." Dans reported.

"..." The button loyalty is big mouth, and I didn't expect this.

He just wanted to see himself from the Tiger who would not surrendered, but it would have been so much.

"Button love, see it, this is reality." Tianhu said, "The orphan is going, they are governing."

Perhaps the words should be in Tianhu, not only someone will report the news of each will lead the surrender. The icon is roughly calculated, and these surrender will stand nearly half of the generals of Tiger.

The button loyalty is very shocked. When is it under your own eyelids, Song Jun has traded with many people?

Some people have reported news, one will lead to surrendering, began to attack their previous comrades; Ma Ling is defeated by a Taoist, life and death; Ji Xiang Daoxing is fighting, but several generals to capture ...

"Button love Qing, you see, or they move first, lonely." Tian Hu smiled and said with the counter.

The button loyalty feels very bad, this is not the Tiger he knows.

"Song Jun has been attacked into the city? I hope that you can escape!" At this time, Tianhu looked back to the copper, muttered.

"Button love, you can go to surrender," Tianhu said a word toward the button, and then said, "What is the orphan of the country?"

He Tianhu can overturns the land of the big Song, even if you die, you must die on the road.


Hebei army took the lead in attacking the copper, soon, the Pingpeng also broke the city gate, Tian Le Le, Tian Yu accomplished his father, led the army to the West City.

Song Jiang's soldiers and horses, they are ready to break from the west.

Now they understand that the big brother decided to come out after going out, I didn't plan to come back.

Unfortunately, the two have a small look at Song Jiang's strength.

Tian Le Le, Tian Hao rate three or 400,000 major army out of Ximen, and he hit into the trap prepared by Song Jiang and others.

The scorpion was running, and finally left most people, including Tian Hao, Tian Yu, Tian Zhimi, etc. Tanka, no leakage network.

Tian Hu's abacus is a big mistake.


On the other side of the battlefield, more and more people, the situation is gradually clarified.

Tian Hu is the army's charge, but it is for the final dignity, and finally he was defeated by Yan Tingyu, his head.


The button loyalty eventually did not accompany the Tiger, but chose to live, surrendered.

The button loyalty is the last general of Tian Hu, his surrender represents the end of the Tiger forces.

In a short month, it is strange to be a short month.

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