Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 440, Beijing Jingyu, makes Zijing left-behind (seeking subscription)


Received a strange Ji, the emperor is big, and immediately convened the DPS.

Listening to the congratulations to the civil and military, I feel that the binding is further relaxing, the emperor is good, ordered to reward the whole army and reward it.

At the same time, told Cai Jing immediately selected officials to go to Hedong, and resume people's livelihood as soon as possible.

This makes an official who stands up to the hall, and it is not a dangerous place.

Nowadays, the big Song is not calm, and the official wants to rise, one is not good to be sent to the war, it is a joke to take life, naturally there will be no one willing.

Today, the river is fixed, at least a few years of calmness, take the opportunity to arrange someone, charge some benefits, why not?

Some people are happy, naturally someone is depressed.

Cai Jing, Tong Gong two big is true.

Although Hedong is fixed, Cai Jing has the authority here, but a consecutive generation is on the top of the big Song government, even if he does not dare to neglect, Cai Jing is happy again.

He hopes that Hedong is settled, but it does not want this to strategically brought.

If Cai Jing is a bit good, then the child is only depressed.

Qi Ti is first to take away the enthusiasm of Yan Yun, causing his ambition of the king to be ended, and now the emperor does not mean the king.

Nowadays, now, it is a positive and chaotic, which is the chaos of Hebei. Compared to the pivot that he fell in the wilderness by Wang Qing.

A small person who can knead himself has a quite status and makes the children very uncomfortable. He even regrets, maybe I should fight the emperor, I have to die.

"Taifu, how do you think?" Tong also thought about how to put the strange test, suddenly heard the emperor question.

"Chen thought it would be." He didn't hear what the emperor said, but since the emperor asked, he did not have a problem.

"Since Taifu is also in favor, then it is. Tai Shi, quickly send people to the old label, the reward is good. Then, the great guarantee rate will be the south, take the Tai Fu Zheng to discuss Wang Qing thief." Said the emperor.

This next child is fully understood, dare to emperor wants to ask God to seek Wang Qing and ask him. However, I didn't hear it, directly attached, but I gave a help.

If you have exported, in front of the emperor, can he eat yet? Only tears are default.

"Taifu is also a period of time, now the Jiangnan Fang Raiders, strong power, the place cannot be made, it is better to make the army to go to the chaos?" The emperor asked again.

"The minister is willing to go, it is set to the chaos." Tong Jingyi.

I have suffered from Wang Qing's hand, and the children have determined to learn the lesson.

So a paper command, returned to the northwestern part of the northwestern side, and went to Jiangnan.


Tongji County.

It is half a month to break the Tiger, but it is not idle. It is necessary to restore people's livelihood and disposal of the Tiger who is surrendering. It is necessary to re-edit the army.

On the day, the Tiger, a lot of generals, took the initiative to surrender, and Tianhu was killed on the spot in the charge. The army was rushing, not squatting, it was four. Just grabbing those collapse, spent a lot of time.

Tian Le Le, Tian Yan was also killed by Song Jiang. The Tian's clan did not escape, and he was arrested, and the body of Tian Jia's brothers, sent people to Zhenjing, dispose of the court.

Hebei Army, the East Gate, the Pingding Army, the Liaozhou Army stationed outside the North Gate, and after the Qi Qi Qi Hui's army, it was the Song Jiang, and camp outside the south gate.

Tens of millions of army, too bloated, these Tianqi courses will be leaving, will be seriously injured and the weak from the army, grant land, transfer to the people.

Anyway, before the court officially squatted, it was said that this Hardong production made it.

After the isolation, there are still more than 8 million, and only the straight soldiers and horses reach three million, doubled.

So many big army stationed outside the city, naturally waiting for the court to reward, otherwise it will be air consumed here.


Finally, the court of the court arrived, the emperor sent Tai Shu Xijing personally came to declare the army.

The people who have a good job in most of the strange newspapers have been rewarded, and the officials of adding government, the recommendation of the local official, and there are also many approvals.

There is a batch of political enemies such as Cai Jing and Gao Wei. There is this result of the singularity.

Song Jiang also added a first-class scatter, for the Dafu, Lu Junyi as the generals of the guerrilla, and there have been more than ten heads of the head to get seven products.

These people, they want to promote, that is, there is no greedy to greed, every time the table is in the forefront, so that Song Jiang will live in five products at this time.

Of course, in the official, it is still a command to make a command.

In this regard, Song Jiang is still satisfied, so it will be so selling, otherwise it will change a boss, who knows what will be.

I got a lot of prizes, but I didn't have a promotion.

Official residence is too guaranteed, and the company is the same three divisions, Longde County, pivot and deputy, and only children, Cai Jing, two people in front of him, and can only reward.

However, the official is changing, from Hedong to make the reform of the Beijing Jingxi, the main power of the three ways of Zhangzhou Road, Jingbei Road, Jinghu North Road, and also served as Xijing left-behind.

The power is further improved, and of course the responsibility is further aggravated.

Because Wang Qing is reversed, in the Junanjun built a palace, the construction is called the king, and threatens the safety of Jingjing. Previously, Tong Guan, Cai Wei's consideration, the defeat, coincided with the strange set of Head, immediately connected.

It is not surprising to this.

Temporary, the early stage is quite abilities in the battle with Xixia, but unfortunately this is the world of water, and he is bound to be in front of these major, in order to let later people.

Song Jiang was already convinced early, so it was cheaper.

Even if the court does not give him to Ping Wangqing, he will take the initiative to ask.

Otherwise, why should he have to worry about the army? Have this time, don't you rest?

Wang Qing's power is much bigger than Tianhu, and it is not the so-called ground, up to more than ten states, cross four roads. Because the administrative region is complicated, each road is pushing each other, it is difficult to coordinate, so the singular quarter is a three-way production, which is to facilitate their act.

However, Tong Jing has been here, and the army is almost lost. Even if there is no, Qi Ti did not trust these army, so wanted to bring a tacit army South.

Byndojing did not even ask the court, directly agreed.

Because of his time, the emperor has been guilty of specializing, and he is a "cheap action".

The components of these four words are heavy enough.

Hairdressing the Hebei Army, and the Life, the Liaozhou Army returned to the station, and the monk took the entire eight million army, and the south of Xijing, Henan Province.

As for the defense of Hedong, the defense of the Self-owned, the next preparation is worried.

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